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Tag Archives: christian persecution

Day of the Christian Martyr June 29 will focus on ISIS victims

Christians around the world will observe the Day of the Christian Martyr on June 29, which church tradition holds was the day that the Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome. In advance ...

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For the Martyrs plans march in Washington to call attention to persecuted Christians

For the Martyrs

Christians under Taliban rule in Afghanistan are among more than 340 million people around the world suffering persecution for practicing their Christian faith. The annual March for the Martyrs will take place ...

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Nigerian activists run schools to counter Boko Haram violence


LASSA, NIGERIA — When Rebecca Gadzama meets with the teachers she oversees, they sometimes hold the meeting outdoors, under trees in open fields. It gives them a chance to spot danger and run ...

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Global hymn sing focuses on Christian persecution

Thousands of churches and missions agencies in 48 countries will join together in a united effort to draw attention to Christian persecution and the need for evangelism. On Feb. 21, thousands of ...

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Wycliffe Associates to launch Bible translation in high persecution regions

In a region where conversion to Christianity is punishable by death, Wycliffe Associates plans to launch 10 new Bible translation projects in the next 30 days. The projects will employ the MAST ...

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Worldwide persecution of Christians at “historic levels” says report

According to the 2015 Open Doors World Watch List, the Middle East Remains Most Violent While Africa Sees Largest Increase in Persecution of Christians While the year 2014 will go down in ...

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