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Tag Archives: group

Christians continue to grapple with proper role of artificial intelligence

artificial christians

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has led to interesting questions about the future roles of humans and AI. The Barna Group and the technology platform Gloo recently asked both Christians and ...

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MO Senator helps church group leave Israel after attacks

israel attacks

A number of American tourists have been stranded in the wake of last weekend’s violent attacks on Israel, including members of Morning Star Church in Dardenne Prairie, Mo., near St. Louis. The ...

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Another poll finds majority want most or all abortions banned

abortions banned justice pro-life prayer & praise

More national polls are confirming that Americans want all or most abortions banned. The news may come as a shock to some who see the weekly protests of pro-choice activists reflecting that ...

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Public faith in credibility of pastors eroding, survey finds

U.S. pastors have some work to do to improve their credibility with the public. The news comes with increasing hostility towards pastors, churches, and people of faith in the media, Hollywood and ...

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Mike Pence starts new group to promote freedom

Former Vice President Mike Pence has launched Advancing American Freedom, a policy and advocacy organization established to promote the pro-freedom policies of the last four years that created unprecedented prosperity at home ...

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Apple iPhone bug allowed spying through FaceTime

We all know Big Brother is listening, and watching. We were shocked to learn it was Apple. Apple has announced it has a fix for the FaceTime eavesdropping bug that was discovered last week ...

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