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Six warning signs of potential crises in Christian organizations

church trends six

The recent news has been filled with stories about the moral failings of prominent Christian leaders, both locally and nationally. Media consultant Phil Cooke identified six types of risky behavior that can ...

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U.S. antisemitic incidents rose more than one-third last year, ADL audit finds

antisemitic incidents

The number of recorded antisemitic incidents in the United States increased by 36 percent last, reaching the highest level since tracking began in 1979. It also follows an uptick in attacks on ...

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Persecution of Christians around the world will surge in 2023

christians persecution

The 2022 report from the Open Doors organization says “persecution of Christians has reached the highest levels” since it began accumulating data for its annual “World Watch List” three decades ago. Hostile ...

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Parents decry Biden administration involving FBI to ‘intimidate’ parents at school board meetings

Civil liberty groups are joining conservatives sounding warnings about the Biden administration instructing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to crack down on concerned parents attending school board meetings. Critics say the move ...

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Supreme Court decision protects donors to nonprofits from harassment

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that Americans are free to support nonprofit organizations without fear of harassment. In 2015, a federal lawsuit was filed against then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, ...

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Biden inauguration priest Rev. Kevin O’Brien under investigation at university

A priest who moves in the inner circles of the Biden family is on leave after he exhibited certain “behaviors in adult settings.” Rev. Kevin O’Brien is one of Joe Biden‘s confidants ...

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New poll looks at who is most likely to be harassed online

As the nation seemingly splinters over a growing lack of acceptance of differing views, a new poll finds a shocking number of people have been harassed online. The new uncivil war touches ...

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Actress Leah Remini calls harassment from Church of Scientology ‘insanity’

Actress Leah Remini has not been able to escape the critical eye of the Church of Scientology, even five years after leaving. Remini, now hosting the third season of her Emmy-winning A&E ...

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Campaign Finance Violations, Allegations of Sexual Harassment & Breaking State Law Cloud Tom Lovell’s Candidacy for State Rep.


Tom Lovell lacks the coveted Republican primary credentials of an endorsement by Missouri Right to Life and an AQ Rating from the National Rifle Association. That’s not good in a conservative district. ...

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Court rules lawsuit against Planet Fitness can proceed

Planet Fitness has lost a major judgment by a Michigan appeals court that ruled in favor of a woman who filed a lawsuit against their locker room policy. That policy favored anyone ...

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Planet Fitness revokes woman’s membership after complaining about man in locker room

A Planet Fitness gym in Florida has revoked a woman’s membership after she voiced discomfort with a man, who claimed to be a transgender woman, being in the locker room while she ...

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Black Christian leaders call for censure of Maxine Waters over her dangerous call for harassment

A group of black Christian conservative leaders are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan to censure Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California for comments she made last month urging harassment of administration ...

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New Southern Baptist leader JD Greear to confront sex abuse issues


Southern Baptists last week elected a new leader to help them find new ways to confront serious problems within the church. Voting members at the convention chose Pastor J.D. Greear of Summit ...

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