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Tag Archives: IDF

Israel has successful test of space missile defense system

As the Biden administration inches closer to a nuclear deal that many say will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Israel has announced a major breakthrough in its defense. Israel Defense Forces ...

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Israel considers airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel takes the threat of a nuclear Iran seriously and is considering an attack on the nation’s nuclear facilities. Aviv Kohavi, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, on Tuesday told the Knesset’s ...

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To stop rocket movement, Israel destroys 60 miles of Hamas tunnels

hamas tunnels

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed it destroyed more than 60 miles of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip.  The complex tunnel system, built by the Islamist military wing of Hamas, is ...

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Associated Press denies knowing they shared office with Hamas for 15 years

Overnight, Israel destroyed a building housing operations for the terrorist group Hamas. It also housed the offices of western news agencies, including the Associated Press. Israel warned reporters to leave the building ...

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1,000 Hamas rockets fall on Israel as Biden condemns attacks

It was another night of rockets pounding Israeli with civilians hunkered down in bomb shelters. The Biden administration responded late Tuesday. The terrorist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip, continued the ...

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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel’s future survival

For Israel, a clash of cultures involving ultra-Orthodox Jews and the less religious threatens society. Following the signing of agreements at the White House normalizing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates ...

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World’s largest plane delivers US Military trucks to be retrofitted in Israel

The world’s largest airplane landed in Israel Monday bringing a shipment of American military trucks.  The trucks will be integrated into Israel’s famous Iron Dome anti-missile system being sold to the U.S. ...

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Military will help Israel go to total lockdown

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads in Israel, its military (IDF) is preparing for a potential total lockdown. It would include a mobilization of eight battalions to aid authorities in enforcing the lockdown. ...

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World leaders in Jerusalem today to remember Holocaust

The world’s attention will be in Jerusalem Wednesday and Thursday as world leaders and heads of state from around the globe gather are to mark and participate in ceremonies commemorating the 75th ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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UN wrongly targets Israel on women’s rights while ignoring real abusers

In a shocking, or perhaps not-so shocking vote the U.N. Economic and Social Council approved a resolution that targets only Israel for alleged violations of women’s rights, while ignoring countries like Iran, ...

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Israel to have election redux after coalition fails over military service

Israel will hold an unprecedented national election September 17 after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to put together a coalition government. The snag came over military service for ultra-orthodox citizens. The ...

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