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Tag Archives: mental health

Study finds pets more important than ever during covid lockdowns

Lockdowns, depression and other consequences of the Covid pandemic are helping people to realize the special place their pets hold.  A new survey finds most pet owners say they’ve helped them get ...

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The Baptist Home advocates for elderly during pandemic

Rodney Harrison knows something about the elderly and how to care for them. During the pandemic Harrison has worked to gain support for aging issues and has spoken with the Missouri Deputy ...

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Polls: most parents want to reopen schools this fall

reopen schools

As the coronavirus lockdown loosens, most parents of school-age children want to reopen schools this fall and say it will be bad for students if they do not. A new Rasmussen Reports ...

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Mental Health: The importance of staying mentally strong

Our mental health — how we consider the world and our role in it — is every bit as important as our physical health. And just as we must work to stay ...

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Americans rank mental health higher than physical health during pandemic

Amid the ongoing discussion of people’s physical health during the pandemic, a Gallup poll found it also is important to consider their mental health. Majorities in the United States say they can ...

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Pastors advised to protect their mental health during pandemic

Pastors are struggling as they cope with stressed-out congregations during the pandemic. Their denominational leaders caution them to also look out for their own wellbeing. The National Association of Evangelicals shared advice ...

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Fox News analyst Brit Hume has no doubt that Joe Biden is becoming “senile”

As Joe Biden closes in on the Democrat presidential nominations, speculation about his mental state continues to swirl. Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said during a television segment that there ...

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Faith in God: Good for your health?

Can faith in God improve your health? A surprising number of medical experts say it might. These scientists claim certain desirable qualities might be associated with personal faith and spiritual practice. Benefits ...

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New website to assist Kansans coping with ag-related stress

Agriculture producers have faced significant challenges in recent years, including the stress of market uncertainties, natural disasters, ongoing trade wars and other setbacks. These stressful situations have led to heightened focus on ...

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Some Missouri foster children may need mental health services, expert testifies

Many churches in the Kansas City area have established programs to help families become foster parents. The need is great, with nearly 14,000 children in the state’s foster care system. Some of ...

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HOPE blend coffee pays tribute to Pastor Jarrid Wilson

The tragic suicide of Pastor Jarrid Wilson of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., has triggered a wide-ranging discussion about stress, depression and mental health. Now the coffee company he helped found ...

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Recent suicide is reminder of stresses that pastors face

church pastors lonely

Pastors are only human. It’s easy to forget that spiritual leaders face the same stresses and challenges as the members of their congregations. Dealing daily with the struggles of others often exacerbates ...

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NAMI Topeka presents Family-to-Family mental health education class

Mental health advocates say the community must end the stigma attached to mental illness in order for people to get the help they need. NAMI Topeka, part of the National Alliance on ...

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Ministry helps rebuild lives after natural disasters

There are plenty of instances where natural disasters have significantly affected communities across the nation. From tornadoes in Oklahoma and Kansas, floods in Missouri, Iowa and Louisiana and the Northeast, to devastating ...

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‘Where’d You Go Bernadette’ explores mental illness and a family’s love


Mental illness is rarely a matter of being just fine on one hand and asking your filing cabinet out to tea on the other. Sure, sometimes the answer’s easy, obvious. But often, ...

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Topeka Rescue Mission facing possible closure due to financial shortfall

Topeka Rescue Mission memorial park

In a news release today, Topeka Rescue Mission (TRM), says it is facing possible closure after over 65 years of serving homeless and impoverished men, women and children in the Topeka area. ...

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President signs Hawley bill addressing police suicides

Legislation to help stop police officer suicides, and written by Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, has been signed into law by President Donald Trump. The bipartisan measure restores and expands grant funding ...

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EXAMINING OUR VALUE Part III: Where does our true value lie?

I was standing by the main doors of the Topeka Rescue Mission, preparing to meet with a large group of leaders who were interested in learning more about the value of our ...

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Why my family doesn’t own a video game

My oldest son was stirring his Oreo milkshake, eating one methodical bite at a time at the local fast-food joint recently, when the conversation turned to his friends. “I’d much rather spend ...

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Singer Sinead O’Connor converts to Islam

Irish singer Sinead O’Connor, who has openly talked about her conflicted self-identity, has suddenly announced she has converted to Islam.  The artist also claims she’s changed her name to Shuhada’ Davitt. The ...

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INFG: Why life? Why pro-grace?


We at If Not for Grace Ministries applaud and support October as the Respect for Life Month, designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This effort began in 1972 to ...

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Study shows troubling picture of teens, mental health

As August fast approaches and stores fill with school supplies, mental health specialists warn that struggles and thoughts of suicide may be more common in teenagers than church leaders realize. The problem ...

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Kansas among states with highest suicide rates, Missouri close behind

A new report examining suicide rates highlights the problem in Kansas and Missouri. Kansas ranks high along with a dozen states with the greatest percentage increase in suicides. Missouri is not far ...

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The Creation of Hope: My journey through the darkness of mental illness

By Mark Brenneman May is Mental Health month in America, and what better time to look at the positive side of those that struggle with mental illness. There is so much negative ...

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