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Tag Archives: quality

Pro-life centers provide better services at lower cost than abortion clinics, study finds

pro-life centers states women

Pro-life pregnancy centers offer better and less-expensive services than abortion facilities, according to recent study in the journal “Contraception”. In particular, it found that pregnancy centers had shorter appointment wait times than ...

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How Christians can help shape the broader culture, not just their own

christians culture

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when Christians imitate culture or some popular movements, the results are often not very flattering. I’m evangelical, and there are many flattering things ...

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Parents need to do their homework when choosing a preschool

As kids head off to elementary schools, many parents are seeking a preschool for their younger children. As in all major decisions, two rules apply: begin the search early and ask many ...

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7 steps to save money on a remodeling project

Every homeowner has a defined budget he or she can allocate toward a remodeling project. Even if funds were unlimited, it’s still in a homeowner’s best interest to secure the best value ...

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7 steps toward superior sleep

While it’s fairly common knowledge that quality sleep is essential to overall wellness, there are several factors that can keep you from getting the rest you need. However, overcoming them is well ...

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3 tips on how to live a happy life

Happiness studies are having their heyday, and research shows that improving our material prosperity beyond basic financial security doesn’t make us happier. There are other things instead that have a bigger impact ...

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“Unplanned’ is an R-rated movie everyone should see


Unplanned, out in theaters this week, is the R-rated movie everyone needs to see, including teenagers. I know, I know. R-rated is bad. Really bad. So why do I think everyone should ...

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How generosity adds years to your life

Generosity can save your life–or at least prolong it. From preventing cancer and heart disease to building self-esteem, overwhelming evidence proves generosity is good for your mental and physical health. Dr. Michael ...

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