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Tag Archives: rick warren

Andy Stanley criticizes Southern Baptist Convention for ousting Rick Warren’s church

stanely rick

Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Georgia and son of Charles Stanley, is upset with the Southern Baptist Convention. He says the SBC shouldn’t have removed Saddleback Church after ...

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“SBC at a Crossroads” Rick Warren addresses problems in new video series

The Southern Baptist Convention has lost nearly a half-million members in the past year, which represents the largest decline in more than a century. Pastor and author Rick Warren is addressing the ...

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Open Letter from Rick Warren to Southern Baptists

college rick warren letter

Pastor Rick Warren has written an open letter to Southern Baptists after the church he founded, Saddleback, was disfellowshipped over the ordination of women. Warren was recently named chancellor of the Spurgeon’s ...

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London’s Spurgeon’s College names Rick Warren as first chancellor

college rick warren letter

Spurgeon’s College, a London-based Baptist institution, has named author and former pastor Rick Warren as its first chancellor. Founded in 1856 as “Pastor’s College” by Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon, today Spurgeon’s ...

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Rick Warren starts new ministry amid autoimmune battle

Rick Warren, who recently retired as founding pastor of Saddleback Church, revealed this week that he has been battling an autoimmune disease for two years. “It leaves all my major muscles in ...

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Rick Warren explains decision to ordain female pastors

Rick Warren, author and founding pastor of Saddleback Church, recently elaborated on his decision to ordain female pastors. “I’m a Bible guy,” he said. “And I actually had to change because of ...

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Saddleback, founded by Rick Warren, ousted by Southern Baptist Convention

The Southern Baptist Convention on Tuesday disfellowshipped Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church because it has a female pastor. SBC Executive Committee Chairman Jared Wellman said in a statement that the convention ousted the ...

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Ministries unite to advance Great Commission over 10 years

great commission

More than two dozen leaders of significant global ministry networks convened in early December in New York City to combine their experience and insights toward the goal of Great Commission fulfillment within ...

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Rick Warren gives final sermon as pastor of Saddleback

Influential author and leader Rick Warren preached his final sermon as pastor of Saddleback Church on Sunday. He delivered the same message he preached more than four decades ago, urging those in ...

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Faith leaders respond to tragic school shooting in Texas

faith texas

Faith leaders across the nation are responding to the tragic school shooting in Texas. All of them encouraged Christians to pray, and several suggested specific actions, including addressing the fact that fatherless ...

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Contrary to social media attacks, megachurches reaching out to help Ukraine

U.S. megachurches are providing funds and supplies to help Ukrainians, despite liberal attacks on social media, according to “The Christian Post.” PolitiFact took aim at widely shared posts on Facebook and Twitter that combine ...

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Rick Warren to step down from church position

Influential Pastor Rick Warren is stepping down as lead pastor at Saddleback Church in California. “For 42 years, Kay and I have known this day would eventually arrive and we’ve been waiting ...

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Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordains first women pastors

saddleback women

Saddleback Church, the California-based megachurch founded by Pastor Rick Warren, continues to get criticism and praise for ordaining their first three women pastors. The church, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, announced ...

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Rick Warren on Covid lessons for churches

The COVID pandemic has exposed a flaw in many U.S. churches, Pastor Rick Warren says. “Most churches only have one purpose — worship,” Warren told “Relevant” magazine. “And if you take worship ...

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