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Tag Archives: vote

United Methodists vote to remove all bans on LGBTQ clergy, weddings

The United Methodist Church today voted overwhelmingly to allow “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” to be ordained and serve as ministers of the church. The vote, 692-51, was made at their General Conference and ...

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Stadium debate: John Sherman’s march to downtown Kansas City


As early voting is already underway for Tuesday’s stadium tax vote, promises by proponents are being questioned. More business, more fans, more revenue, and even a pennant-winning team are now the lure. ...

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Southern Baptists disfellowship churches


Four more churches have been disfellowshipped by the Southern Baptist Convention. One was removed for having a female senior pastor, another for allowing women in church leadership and two for issues related ...

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Israel needs our help, not political games over security funding

Israel security

The U.S. House on Tuesday failed to pass a stand-alone bill for additional security aid for Israel. President Joe Biden threatened veto it, preferring instead to have it lumped with legislation that ...

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Kansans can vote on new state license plate this week, but is the best option left out?

state license plate

After a frenzy of public backlash to the new Kansas state license plate proposed in November, Governor Laura Kelly initiated a short submission opportunity for new proposals. Now Kansans have been given ...

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Missouri school board adopts gender identity policy, rejects freedom of religion language

board identity

Board members of Missouri’s largest school district voted 4-3 to adopt a “gender identity and sexual orientation” policy while rejecting the ability to opt out under freedom of religion protections. Members of ...

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Democrats join Republicans to censure Rashida Tlaib over antisemitic comments

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday night to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for “promoting false narratives” surrounding Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel and “calling for the destruction of ...

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Black faith leaders stand up for life ahead of Ohio vote

faith ohio

Although African Americans often have been the silent minority in the fight for life, they are beginning to make their voices heard. More than 100 black faith and community leaders in Ohio ...

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Missouri abortion petitions criticized by both sides

Both sides of the abortion debate are criticizing six initiative petitions filed last week seeking to add rape and incest exceptions to abortion restriction in Missouri. Filed by Republican political operative Jamie ...

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House unanimously passes bill limiting government access to cell phone, email data

house data

The federal government’s access to personal cell phone and email data would be restricted by legislation passed by the U.S House. In a show of rare unity, the bill found unanimous support ...

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Democrats vote to deny medical treatment to babies who survive abortion

The Republican House on Wednesday passed a bill that would require health providers to protect infants born alive after an attempted abortion. The vote tally saw 210 of 212 Democrats vote against ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley criticizes vote to impose union contract on railroad workers

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley was not pleased with the U.S. Senate’s Thursday vote to impose a new union contract on railroad workers. The Senate passed the bill 80-15 to put the ...

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Blunt, Hawley disagree in vote to codify same-sex marriage into federal law

hawley marriage

One of Roy Blunt’s final acts as senior senator from Missouri was to vote in favor of a proposal to codify same-sex marriage in federal law Wednesday. Sen. Josh Hawley voted against ...

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How should you vote? Let me tell you……

Why should you care what I think about the election and who to vote for? Maybe you shouldn’t…..then again, maybe you haven’t had time to do your own research, and you know I’m ...

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Two constitutional amendments on the Kansas ballot for 2022

On Tuesday, November 8, Kansas voters will weigh in on two proposed constitutional amendments, as well as determine a number of major state and federal offices, from U.S. Senator and governor to ...

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Conservative candidates rally at the Kansas State Capitol

Attorney General candidate Kris Kobach

Conservative candidates held a rally at the State Capitol in Topeka on October 22 to elaborate on their values and beliefs about small government. Todd Staerkel, candidate for House of Representatives in ...

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Wednesday is deadline for Missourians to register to vote in November elections

Wednesday is the deadline for Missourians to register to vote in the November 8 midterm elections. Registration application must be submitted online, completed in person or postmarked on that date for it ...

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Missouri legalizing marijuana could have serious economic, social downside

As Missouri prepares to vote on fully legalizing marijuana for recreational use, a study in Colorado shows the dark social and economic impact. The social costs of legalized marijuana are well-known, though ...

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Gov. Parson will not give blanket pardon to marijuana offenders

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson will not pardon people convicted on minor marijuana offenses as President Joe Biden recommended. Last week, Biden announced plans to pardon federal convictions and urged governors to do the ...

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Chileans vote to reject new left wing constitution

Chileans have voted overwhelmingly to reject a new constitution that would have lurched the country to the left on gender, climate change and other social issues. More than 13 million citizens of ...

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America moving toward overturning social statement on same-sex marriage

Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who oppose same-sex marriage may no longer enjoy the protection of a social statement that respects their conscience. Delegates to the denomination’s churchwide assembly ...

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Town votes to defund library over sexually-explicit children’s book

After a library system in Michigan refused to remove sexually-explicit children’s books, the town overwhelmingly voted to defund the library. Jamestown, Michigan Library Board President Larry Walton doubled down on his decision ...

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70 Georgia congregations join exodus from United Methodist Church

The exodus of congregations from the United Methodist Church over sexuality issues continues to gain steam. Last week, 70 churches in Georgia officially left the denomination. The North Georgia Conference voted to ...

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UPDATE: Hundreds rally against Missouri DHSS Director Kauerauf at confirmation hearing

Kauerauf confirmation

On Monday more than 250 people from across the state rallied inside the Missouri State Capitol Rotunda to oppose the confirmation of the DHSS Donald Kauerauf. “No Vote. No Vote,” echoed through ...

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Southern Baptist executives defy vote of members on sexual abuse issue

The Southern Baptist Convention continues to wrestle with questions about how to handle sexual abuse allegations. Earlier this week, the executive committee defied the will of the denomination’s members, or “messengers,” by ...

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