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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

What the proposed $6 trillion Biden budget means for your future

History will not remember President Biden for his frugality but it may for his budget. The president has already signed into law a massive multi-trillion-dollar “COVID” stimulus spending package and proposed trillions ...

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How ‘Katie’ came to be sex-trafficked and what your church can do


“Katie” met him at the mall. Though she was only 15, she knew that there was something different about this one. From the start, he showered her with kindness and attention. It ...

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5 good and bad ways COVID-19 impacted Bible translation

bible covid-19

I want to take some time to share with you five ways COVID-19 has impacted Bible translation and all that we have seen God do while the world has been turned upside ...

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Kindergarten teacher Sayragul Sauytbay survived a Chinese concentration camp


It is difficult to comprehend the horrors taking place in China against its minority ethnic and religious populations. Now, a survivor of one of China‘s modern-day concentration camps has revealed the beatings, ...

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A Quiet Place II delivers on thrills without the gore, again

quiet place

A Quiet Place Part II follows the story of the Abbott family as they struggle to survive and outsmart the sound-sensitive and blind aliens that have invaded Earth. After losing their father (played ...

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Speakers sound optimistic tone on 10th anniversary of devastating Joplin tornado


Paid work has prevented me from doing any volunteer work in Joplin, Mo., the site of a killer EF-5 tornado May 22, 2011, over the past seven years or so, but I ...

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LaMar’s Donuts will celebrate National Donut Day Friday and help the Salvation Army

lamars army christmas

LaMar’s Donuts and Coffee is planning several sweet deals for National Donut Day on Friday, June 4. The day is dedicated to celebrating the members of the Salvation Army who served donuts ...

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Missouri Republicans extend food assistance to kids all summer

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has been helping families in need during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Through the Summer Food Service Program, hundreds of thousands of meals have ...

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California to pay churches $2 million for unfair Covid regulations

The State of California has been forced to enter into permanent injunctions that prohibit the state from ever again imposing discriminatory Covid restrictions on all houses of worship statewide. It comes after ...

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New Israeli coalition formed to end Netanyahu and 12 year run

Israel will have a new government after multiple parties formed a new coalition on Wednesday. The union means enough votes in the country’s Knesset to replace Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister. A ...

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Israel may replace Netanyahu with more conservative Naftali Bennett

Israel may soon have a new leader as an opposition leaders moved closer to unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday. It comes after several parties agreed on terms that may lead ...

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Tulsa churches join in remembering destruction of black community in race riots

tulsa riots

Six congregations gathered at First Baptist Church of North Tulsa to commemorate the city’s race riots of a century ago. That’s when, in 1921,  a white mob destroyed at least a half-dozen ...

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Here’s the hot-button cases the Supreme Court will rule on this month

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

June is perhaps the busiest month for the U.S. Supreme Court as it hands down dozens of decisions in “culture war” cases. This year those rulings on their docket include issues dealing ...

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Christian children ‘butchered to death’ during attacks in Nigeria


Dozens of Christians, including children, have been brutally murdered by Islamist Fulani herdsmen in several villages across northern Nigeria. The carnage in the country’s Plateau State follows increasing attacks by extremists on ...

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Global missions leader and former local pastor Floyd McClung dies


Floyd McClung, who was a global missions leader, author and speaker, died on Saturday in Cape Town, South Africa, after an extended illness. He was the pastor of Metro Christian Fellowship in ...

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Legislators want special session to stop critical race theory in Missouri schools

Two Missouri lawmakers have sent a letter to Gov Mike Parson to request a special legislative session to address the teaching of critical race theory in state schools. In the letter, Sen. ...

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Restaurant menu prices rise over food costs

chick-fil-a pandemic restaurants drive-thru

Skyrocketing inflation is hitting restaurant owners hard with both chains and local establishments raising menu prices. Restaurant managers are seeing price increases of up to 300% on some items used in the ...

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Bill Maher slams media over vilifying Israel in Hamas conflict

Real Time host Bill Maher criticized “liberal media” over coverage of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza. The well-known Democrat stated that news reports were “oneo-sided” and the side reporters ...

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Judge rules opening court with prayer violates Constitution

A federal district court has ruled that a Texas judge’s practice of having a chaplain open court sessions with prayer violates the Constitution. Judge Wayne Mack, a justice of the peace in ...

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Another Christian commentator banned by Facebook


If you live outside of Australia, you might not be familiar with the Bill Muehlenberg, a well-knownn Christian cultural commentator. But he is undoubtedly one of the most prolific, learned, insightful, and ...

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Canadian pastors say continuing church closures are ‘soft totalitarianism”

As Canadian churches remain closed or under severe Covid restrictions many pastors see Christianity crumbling. While Covid regulations are the current reason, the country’s government has become increasingly hostile to faith in ...

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Democrats threaten to pack Supreme Court as abortion case nears

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

A court case that could reexamine the Roe v. Wade abortion decision has Democrats again threatening to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court announced this month it would hear oral arguments on ...

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Missouri saw whopping 26% loss of all small businesses during Covid

A new report finds that the biggest casualty of Covid lockdowns across the nation was small businesses. The report says that 26% of all small businesses in Missouri closed, with an unknown ...

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Southern Baptist denomination sees record drop in members

Churches in the Southern Baptist Convention lost a record 400,000 members in 2020. The Annual Church Profile report shows membership in SBC congregations declined by 435,632, more than 50 percent higher than the 287,655 ...

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Where do experts say the housing market is headed?

As we enter the middle of 2021, many are wondering if we’ll see big changes in the housing market during the second half of this year. From Kansas City to Miami, Phoenix ...

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