Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Black Christian leaders call for censure of Maxine Waters over her dangerous call for harassment

A group of black Christian conservative leaders are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan to censure Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California for comments she made last month urging harassment of administration ...

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Shots fired at church causing damage


Gun shots fired overnight at a metro church will cost church leaders nearly $1,000 to repair. Brandon Mims is the senior pastor at Greater Metropolitan Church of Christ. His goal started more ...

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Missouri ‘bullseye’ in this year’s drought


University of Missouri Extension climatologist Pat Guinan says 2012’s drought was far more devastating and widespread – from Utah to Ohio – but this year’s drought conditions are different. He calls Missouri ...

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Waterslide that decapitated young boy finally being torn down


After numerous lawsuits resulting from the decapitation of a Kansas boy at Schlitterbahn, the company that owns the waterslide is finally finally tearing it down. Officials with the waterpark said Thursday Verrückt will come ...

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Summer’s new music releases sizzle


I hope everyone is enjoying summer. When I think of summer I think of lemonade, watermelon, kids out of school and vacation. I know we all have busy schedules but I would ...

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5 easy ways to make Netflix more kid-friendly 

The first time I realized the need for parental controls on Netflix, I was searching with my 10-year-old son for shows on the “Revolutionary War.” The search was anything but friendly. I ...

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How to navigate the ‘deep water’ of social media


Social media often comes across as being less about being ‘social’ and more about the ‘me’ in media. Even the term ‘selfies’ reflects this as we capture moments of our lives in ...

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Navy chaplains keep faith afloat at sea


US Navy top brass say chaplains play an intricate role in keeping the military ready for battle. “It’s one of the most rewarding, unique, diversified, multi-faceted ministries you could ever imagine,” said Navy ...

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Yazidis seek rescue of women and children enslaved by ISIS

While most former ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria have been liberated in the last 18 months, several thousand kidnapped women and children of the Yazidi minority group remain unaccounted for and ...

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Franklin Graham says Jimmy Carter wrong about Jesus supporting gay marriage

Evangelist Franklin Graham responds to former President Jimmy Carter’s recent assertion that Jesus himself would approve of gay marriage, saying the former president is “absolutely wrong.” In a short video clip of ...

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Conference Friday will encourage the church to train members to share faith

Are there “optional” things in the Christian life? Are church attendance, Bible studies, tithing, giving to charity all optional as in a “pick-and-choose” your committment? As it turns out, many Christians say ...

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City Union Mission camp urgently needs 7 more volunteers

cumquat camp city union summer volunteers

City Union Mission’s Camp CUMCITO is only made possible by the multitude of caring volunteers who give their time to provide a safe and wholesome camping experience for children from some of ...

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What a probe of Kavanaugh’s finances Is revealing about the Supreme Court nominee

WASHINGTON – As senators begin the process of vetting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, public disclosure forms on his finances show he’s not nearly as wealthy as many of the justices on ...

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American media outnumbers protest in awkward reporting

nato protests

Cable news outlets reported it as a huge planned protest with thousands expected to fill the streets against President Trump during his appearance at the NATO summit. “Make Peace Great Again” organizers ...

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Police search for suspects in brutal beating of elderly man


California police continue search for multiple suspects involved in the beating of an elderly man on Independence Day. He was allegedly beaten to a bloody pulp by a woman with a brick, ...

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Here’s how Christians are sharing the Gospel with Russians during the World Cup


The FIFA World Cup finals take place every four years and attract a television audience of over a billion. They also draw hundreds of thousands of fans from all over the world ...

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Maine Gov. vetoes bill that would have banned LGBT therapy

The governor of Maine has vetoed a controversial bill that would ban “conversion therapy,” also known as reparative therapy, for LGBT minors. Numerous former LGBT individuals had come out against the bill ...

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Pastor released as church interpreter is murdered


A prominent pastor who was kidnapped by paramilitaries in the Nicaraguan city of Leon has been released. Pastor Roberto Carlos Figueroa was kidnapped June 30 after he filed a defamation complaint with the Nicaraguan ...

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Supporters can give balance to Pence protesters Wednesday

Vice President Mike Pence will be in Kansas City Wednesday, where he is expected rally supporters over the numerous accomplishments of the administration’s first two years and get in a little campaigning ...

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Israel will become only 4th nation to land on the Moon

YEHUD, Israel — Israel continues to push the boundaries of science and technology, this time reaching all the way to the Moon. An Israeli company said today that it hopes to become ...

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Goodbye Polish hot dog


If you are like me, the $1.50 Polish dog/soda combo at Costco is hard to pass up–especially when you are hungry. The best thing about it was that it was Kosher, meaning ...

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Family’s insurance pays after Kansas boy topples sculpture


The city of Overland Park has received $107,000 from a family’s insurance company after a 5-year-old boy accidentally knocked over a sculpture at a community center. Overland Park spokesman Sean Reilly says ...

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Media pushes false story on breastfeeding to attack President


A front-page New York Times article claimed that, at a World Health Assembly in May, the United States opposed a resolution to encourage breastfeeding. “U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health ...

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Missouri Democrats battle over admitting pro-life voters

After a publicly painful battle, the Missouri Democrat Party narrowly approved a new platform — one including a last-minute amendment welcoming “a diversity of views” on abortion. “We respect the conscience of ...

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Church elder steals up to $750,000 then may have torched building


A church treasurer in Missouri has been arrested and indicted by a federal grand jury after it was alleged that he stole between $300,000 to $750,000 from his congregation, which suffered the ...

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