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50+ Lifestyles

Israeli scientists claim to have found cure for cancer

A team of scientists in Israel have claimed to have found the first complete cure for cancer and say they expect to have a complete cure within a year. Scientists from Accelterated ...

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Elder Care Plan 101: Set Yourself Up for Success as a Caregiver

How can you set yourself up for success as a caregiver? It helps to have a care plan. A care plan is a tool that professional caregivers and long-term care providers use ...

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How do dementia patients remember God?

dementia god

When geropsychologist Benjamin Mast evaluates dementia clients at his University of Louisville research lab, there’s a question some people of faith ask him: “What if I forget about God?” It’s a query ...

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6 signs of caregiver burnout

The tasks of caring for an elderly loved one can add up quickly, leaving you exhausted and stressed out. Chances are, if you’ve been a caregiver for more than a few weeks ...

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Stay fit even with a winter storm outside!

Staying fit in winter? It’s nice to snuggle up in those flannel PJs, wrap yourself in your favorite thermal quilt, pop some popcorn, watch old movies by a flickering, warm fire, and ...

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Taking steps to prevent falls

When you’re young, an injury from a fall may sideline you for a few days or weeks, but a full recovery is usually quick. As you get older, the consequences of falls ...

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4 surprising insights into life with Parkinson’s Disease

Over 1 million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and while some symptoms are easier to see, such as tremors, stiffness and slowness of movement, there are a range of harder-to-detect non-movement ...

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Medicare changes ahead for 2019

Have you ever enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, just to discover in January that your doctor doesn’t accept your new coverage, or to realize you should have stayed in a particular ...

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How generosity adds years to your life

Generosity can save your life–or at least prolong it. From preventing cancer and heart disease to building self-esteem, overwhelming evidence proves generosity is good for your mental and physical health. Dr. Michael ...

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The Sacrifices of Caregiving

One question that is often asked is, “How do I deal with the reality of leaving behind the life I had to become the primary caregiver for my aging loved one?” The ...

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Telemedicine: A promising model for senior health care

Imagine if a senior could receive prompt, high-quality health care at any time, without even leaving their home. Telemedicine, or telehealth, makes this possible. The American Telemedicine Association defines this unique approach ...

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Siblings to celebrate 93rd Christmas together


The Mangham siblings of Georgia are in the Christmas spirit – just as they’ve been for 93 years. That’s how many Christmases the clan of four sisters and one brother have been ...

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Signs a senior needs help at home

Admitting the need for help and accepting assistance is not easy for people as they age. The responsibility often falls on family members to recognize the signs that an aging loved one ...

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Study shows as you age marriage grows easier

Does marriage really get easier with age? Matthew 19:4-6 states, “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave ...

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Keeping your health on track during the indulgent holiday season

The holiday season can be an indulgent one, full of cookies, candies, heavy meals and eggnog. While no one wants to rein in the fun during the merriest time of year, there ...

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Post-menopause weight loss decreases breast cancer

Older women who lose weight may have a lower risk of developing invasive breast cancer than those who maintain or gain weight, a large U.S. study suggests. While obesity has long been ...

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What is hospice care and how does it work?

Did you know that people who are facing a life-limiting illness and receive hospice care tend to live longer than people who choose not to elect hospice care? AARP reported on a ...

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What to Know When Selecting a Medicare Plan

For the millions of Americans aged 65 and older, Medicare is a critical source of health care. And during the Medicare Annual Election Period between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, those eligible ...

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3 Common Diabetes Myths Debunked

November is American Diabetes Month, and a good time to sort fact from fiction regarding this serious disease. Here are three common diabetes myths — debunked, with the help of Nutrisystem Certified ...

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4 balance-enhancing exercises seniors can do at home

Seniors struggle with a variety of problems that can have a negative impact on their mobility. With advancing age, most people experience joint paint due to arthritis and an overall decrease in ...

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Dietary supplements for the elderly come in wide varieties

Dietary supplements used to refer to vitamins and minerals, but today this industry makes and sells products containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, herbs, probiotics or hormones in them. Supplements come ...

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AMAC Urges Seniors to Enter Into a ‘Fitness Protection Program’

Americans are living longer than ever before.  The average lifespan in the U.S. has doubled over the past 100 years.  In 1918, you were lucky if you made it past 40 years ...

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Exercise and fitness as you age: tips to get fit and stay fit

As you grow older, an active lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular exercise can help boost energy, maintain your independence, and manage symptoms of illness or pain. Exercise can even reverse ...

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Grief seminar uses Eleanor Roosevelt as example of survival


Harold Ivan Smith describes Eleanor Roosevelt as a “grief saturated” First Lady having experienced 21 losses in her life. By the time she was 25 she had experienced multiple deaths including an ...

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Fitness After 50: Tips for Healthy Aging

We don’t stop moving because we grow old, we grow old because we stop moving. Many people assume that they’re too out-of-shape, or sick, or tired, or just plain old to exercise, ...

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