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Virtual reality being developed to spread the gospel

Virtual reality can entertain but can it effectively spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It can according to Cooke Media Group, winner of the NRB 2020 Media Award for Best Long-Form Video. ...

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Democrat legislators in Virginia walk out on black pastor’s prayer

virginia democrats

Praying about abortion and traditional marriage didn’t sit well with Democrat members of the Virginia House of Delegates this week. Democrats, who won control of the legislature last November, walked off the ...

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‘Watered-down’ gospel a concern of 72% of pastors

New research from the Barna organization finds that a “watered-down” gospel and an increasingly secular culture is a growing concern of pastors. The prevalence of a “watered-down” gospel and the culture’s shift ...

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Study: Ringing a cancer bell at end of treatment does more harm than good

We’ve all seen the commercials. A cancer patient rings a bell, triumphantly proclaiming they’ve “beat” cancer. But is that celebratory moment doing more harm than good? Since 1996, the practice has become ...

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Chiefs Coach ready for White House visit

A presidential invitation to visit the White House has long been a tradition for championship sports teams. The Kansas City Royals traveled there after they won the 2015 World Series when Barack ...

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Sunday’s game will be Super Bowl of gambling as well as football


Gambling and sports are now big business. Around three million Americans will wager approximately $6.8 billon on this Sunday’s Super Bowl game between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers, according ...

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Convicted pedophile released, ‘no longer deemed threat’ because he says he’s a woman


If you were one of those inquiring souls who was wondering just how crazy the transgender phenomenon could get, the answer to that question may have just surfaced in the Des Moines ...

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Film ‘Burden’ tackles true story of Klansman who finds Jesus


A gripping new film hits select theaters in February and it’s already getting excellent reviews. “Burden,” is a ground-breaking story of former KKK member whose life was transformed after forming a friendship ...

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Dad banned from coaching hockey after questioning gender identity course

hockey gender

After questioning a required gender identity training course, a Canadian dad has been has been banned from coaching his son’s hockey team. The mandatory gender identity training course had been imposed on ...

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Opponents of bill restricting library ‘drag queen story hours’ to march on Missouri Capitol

Drag queens and others in the LGBT community plan to protest a Missouri bill that would restrict so-called drag queen story hours in Missouri libraries. Their rally is scheduled for early March. ...

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Today is Sanctity of Human Life Day

Pro-life organizations and individuals are commemorating Jan. 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.  President Donald J. Trump made the official designation on Tuesday. READ: Here is the President’s proclamation “On ...

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Satanist argues in court that Missouri abortion rules violate her rights

A Satanist is upset with a Missouri law that requires doctors to give women a pro-life booklet and an ultrasound before performing an abortion. A lawyer for the Satanist argued before the ...

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Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece challenges Christians to pursue his dream

amarosa, martin

As the nation pauses to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his dream is alive and well. “Even though widespread conflict and mutual distrust abound; we still have a dream,” said his ...

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Students talk to President about religious discrimination


While it was virtually ignored in the news this week, students, teachers, coaches and religious freedom activists with diverse faith backgrounds visited the White House to talk about religious discrimination and intimidation. ...

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Missouri bill to reduce exposure to sexual materials draws fire from libraries

A Missouri lawmaker has introduced a bill to help keep sexual materials out of the hands of children, but library organizations are lining up against it. State Rep. Ben Baker, a Republican ...

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Poll: Young liberals OK with America losing its top dog status

Are young liberals digging a grave for the future of America? That’s what some are asking after a new poll shockingly found that a majority of Democrats under the age of 30 ...

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Study on pets finds Evangelical Christians and Catholics more likely to own a dog

By their pets ye shall know them. That is one of the takeaway messages from a recent study about the relationship between pet ownership and religion, first published in the “Journal for ...

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United Methodist leaders propose split over LGBT issue

Bishops and leaders of a number of United Methodist groups have announced a proposal that would result in a split of the United Methodist Church.  The news draws varying opinions on how a split would impact the Church’s future.  The proposal, ...

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Rep. Ilhan Omar voted ‘Antisemite of the Year’

And the award goes to…Democrat Rep.Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The Freshman congresswoman has been just been crowned 2019 “Antisemite of the Year,” according to a poll hosted by StopAntisemitism.org The organization invited the ...

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Former NFL star Bosworth uses Twitter to right a wrong from three decades ago

It’s never too late to right an old wrong. Brian Bosworth, who was a talented but controversial NFL linebacker in the 1980s, last weekend took care of unfinished business off the field. ...

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Former NFL player predicts a “black awakening” will reelect Trump

black awakening

A black “awakening” will help President Trump win reelection in 2020, according to a former NFL player. “For me, once I saw the policies that President Obama pushed in the back half ...

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Trump signs act aimed at ending annoying robocalls

Are the days of annoying robocalls numbered? They may be after President Donald Trump signed an act on Dec. 30 aimed at deterring the spam calls and setting penalties for those that ...

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U.S. Senate confirms record number of conservative judges in 2019

The most lasting legacy of any president is the opportunity to reshape the nation’s courts. Federal judges are appointed for life and their impact lives on for generations. As the media reviews ...

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The strong and faithful females of ‘Little Women’

little women

A classic book published in the 1860s by Louisa May Alcott continues to be relevant to today’s moviegoers. Both critics and audiences have embraced the latest film version of “Little Women”. The ...

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Average sermon length determined by type of church

Many people heard a sermon for the first time in a long during the Christmas season. How long the service lasted depends upon the type of church, according to a new survey ...

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