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More than 1,300 children rescued since 2016 according to US Marshals

More than 1,300 children have been rescued from sex traffickers and others under President Donald Trump’s directive to the U.S. Marshals Service and FBI. The youngest victim was just two-years-old. The effort ...

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Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Governor’s ‘unconstitutional’ lockdown


In a ruling that could set a precedent for other states, the Supreme Court in Michigan has dealt a blow to the states Democrat governor and “emergency powers” law restricting businesses, churches ...

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Unemployment drops to 7.9 percent as economy adds 600K jobs

Unemployment falls to 7.9% in September with the addition of 661,000 jobs was the good news announced by the Labor Department on Friday. The rate is just above that reported in the ...

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President and First Lady test positive for COVID-19

Like millions of Americans, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19 just days after a top aide was diagnosed. The announcement came over night from a White ...

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Here’s how evangelical and other voters faith are lining up this year

President Trump’s lead among evangelical voters is larger than it was in 2016, according to a recent survey from LifeWay Research. The news comes as some pundits say the Democrat effort to ...

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Good news: COVID is not destroying marriages

The media is telling two different stories on marriages and how they’re coping with the stress of the COVID pandemic. Here’s what’s really going on. While some news stories say divorce from ...

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Sen. Blackburn calls on all women to support Supreme Court nominee

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined other female senators on Wednesday calling on American women to support Amy Coney Barrett. If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett will become the fifth woman ...

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As media scoffs, major ballot fraud uncovered in Minneapolis

fraud minneapolis

As mainstream media asserts there is no evidence of mail-in voter fraud, a major example is under investigation in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Police Department is now investigating a ballot harvesting and vote-buying ...

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‘Exhausting’: Trump and Biden debate covid, economy and Hunter Biden

biden debate

For many who watched last night’s Trump-Biden Presidential debate, they left the television feeling exhausted. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden confronted each other on a wide range of topics with Fox ...

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Here’s what Christian leaders are saying about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

Christian leaders overwhelmingly support President Trump’s decision to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is what several of them had to say. “This is a great day for ...

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On day of first debate, author tells nation what’s at stake in election

The first presidential debate of the 2020 election season takes place tonight at Case Western University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Political pundits on both sides of the aisle say ...

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President announces 150 million rapid covid tests to be delivered

“In a major announcement, President Donald Trump on Monday said the distribution of 150 rapid covid tests are ready to be distributed across the nation. The President said the new rapid tests ...

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$100 million anti-trafficking effort announced by Ivanka Trump, AG Barr

The Trump White house is continuing its aggressive take-down of human trafficking rings across the nation. Now, Ivanka Trump and Attorney General William Barr have announced $100 million to combat human trafficking ...

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Jewish groups demand Biden apologize for comparing Trump to infamous Nazi

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Jewish groups are demanding Joe Biden apologize for comparing President Donald Trump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. “The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a ...

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Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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China infiltrating state and local gov’t with propaganda

Communist propaganda has seeped into state and even local city governments and citizens must be vigilant. That the assessment of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. According to Pompeo, it is the ...

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Senate investigation: Hunter Biden connected to illegal Burisma dealings and prostitution ring

Hunter Biden, son of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, was involved in a number of illegal business dealings with foreign governments and Burisma, according to a report form a Senate Committee. The ...

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Bloomberg pays fines so 30,000 Florida felons can vote in Nov.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg may come under investigation for paying off the fines of up to 30,000 convicted felons which would allow them to vote in November’s presidential election. The move is seen ...

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Louisville police officers shot as riots break out overnight

Riots spread to several cities across the nation overnight with two Louisville, Ky. police officers being shot. The riots were in response the jury verdict over the death of Breonna Taylor. The ...

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Police officer indicted in Breonna Taylor case but not for her death

police taylor

Louisville, Kentucky is bracing for a night of riots after a since fired police officer was indicted, but not specifically for the death of Breonna Taylor. Brett Hankison was involved in serving ...

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Liberal Christian group releases pro-Biden poll but ignores real news

As many as 11 percent of Evangelical and Catholic voters in swing states could switch from voting for President Trump to Joe Biden, according to a poll by Vote Common Good, a ...

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Limits on gatherings in Pennsylvania again lose in court

Pennsylvania’s governor has suffered another embarrassing defeat after a judge on Tuesday prevented him from reimposing limits on gatherings. The judge said limits were arbitrary and not based on science. Stickman, a ...

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Black Lives Matter scrubs website of disturbing positions

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Black Lives Matter is trying to change its image after support for the organization plummeted in response to three months of protests and riots. The BLM Global Network quietly removed one of ...

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Bar owner charged for shooting looter, commits suicide

The protests have taken another life after a Nebraska bar owner who shot an alleged looter who attacked him during rioting committed suicide on Sunday. Jake Gardner fatally shot James Scurlock, 22, ...

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Justice Department designates three cities as ‘anarchist jurisdictions’

The U.S. Justice Department on Monday designated New York City, Portland and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.” The designation comes after President Trump signed a memo in early September ordering federal agencies to ...

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