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How should pastors be involved with elections and voting?

Pastor and church leader, do you anticipate encouraging your congregation in voting in the general election on November 3rd?  I hope every pastor and church leader will help make the Christian vote ...

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Gov. Parson calls special legislative session over Covid-19 funding

missouri coronavirus session

Missouri lawmakers will be heading back to Jefferson City after the Nov. 3 election. Gov. Mike Parson has called a special session to deal with federal coronavirus funding. “COVID-19 has had an ...

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Biden says he’ll create commission to ‘reform’ Supreme Court

biden court

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden finally announced his plans for the future of the court system on Thursday morning. “If elected, what I will do is I’ll put together a national commission ...

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Democrats to boycott today’s vote on Amy Coney Barrett

opening statement

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have announced they will boycott Thursday’s committee vote on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. In an attempt to block the process, Democrat Senators will instead ...

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Iowa Supreme Court blocks Democrats from altering absentee ballot applications

The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a law that protected the integrity of absentee voting applications after Democrats sued to overturn it. Democrat county election auditors in the state wanted one thing ...

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Does Joe Biden really advocate sterilizing transgender children?

biden transgender

Based on presidential candidate Joe Biden’s answer to a townhall question on Thursday night, it is only fair to ask: “Mr. Biden, do you advocating sterilizing children who identify as transgender?” During ...

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VIDEO: Google admits work to censor, meddle in election

google censor

An undercover journalism nonprofit has released a video of a Google staffer speaking about the ability of the big tech giant to boost or censor political views. Adriano Amaduzzi, a technical account manager at Google Marketing, ...

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Pandemic taking a toll on state’s teachers, Missouri Board of Education reports

Ongoing pandemic restrictions and fear of Covid is taking a heavy toll on Missouri teachers, Missouri Board of Education leaders said this week. Member Don Claycomb said he expects a much greater ...

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Pat Robertson expects Trump victory, followed by massive civil unrest

robertson black lives died

Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, believes God has shown him that President Donald Trump will win reelection – an event which will be followed by a series of earth-shaking ...

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‘Let Us Worship’ event fills Kansas City with praise and prayer

worship kansas

Christians are still relishing the outdoor worship event held in Kansas City on Oct. 17. Sean Fuecht’s “Let Us Worship” was held at Mill Creek Park at the eastern entrance to The ...

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Gov. Mike Parson ranked No. 13 among governors for economic policy performance in new report

The American Legislative Exchange Council ranked Missouri Gov. Mike Parson 13th among the nation’s governors for economic policy performance, “The Missouri Times” reported. The 2020 Laffer-ALEC Report on Economic Freedom ranked governors based ...

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Missouri National Guard is unsung hero in COVID-19 response, governor says

Gov. Mike Parson last week praised the Missouri National Guard for its critical role in the state’s COVID-19 response. National Guard Adjutant Gen. Levon Cumpton said the Guard has staffed 14 state ...

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Study: Third of Covid-19 deaths cannot be attributed to the disease

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The Washington Examiner is reporting on a new study that has discovered that a third of U.S. COVID-19 deaths could not be directly attributed to the coronavirus. The data was obtained through ...

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Rush Limbaugh talks about Jesus and cancer ‘death sentence’

Limbaugh jesus

Talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh gave listeners an update on his cancer Monday saying he was under a “death sentence” but also talked about his personal faith in Jesus Christ. Limbaugh explained ...

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Is Barbara Bollier a real doctor?

Let’s Talk About U.S. Senate candidate Barbara Bollier. Call me old fashioned, but I like honesty and transparency in candidates for public office. I don’t respect a candidate who pretends to be ...

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Covid anxiety, lockdowns causing sharp rise in drug abuse

Drug abuse and other effects of the coronavirus and lockdowns continues to rise with mental health being hit particularly hard. In Ohio, like other states, counties are seeing a startling rise in ...

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More Biden emails to be released as US Intelligence rebuffs Democrat claims

biden emails

As the FBI ramps and other federal agencies ramp up its investigation of emails, photos and videos on a laptop reportedly owned by Hunter Biden, Rudy Giuliani says more will be released ...

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First medical marijuana sale in Missouri made this weekend

Larry Simpson on Saturday morning became the first patient to purchase medical marijuana in the state of Missouri. “When I came home from the hospital initially after surgery, I had a whole ...

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Both Biden and Trump attend church during weekend campaign swings

President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden included church visits on their weekend campaign swings. Biden was in North Carolina, where he again criticized the president for his handling of the coronavirus ...

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Pastor Greg Laurie returns to pulpit after recovering from COVID-19

laurie covid-19 christians greg israel iran's

Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California plans to be back in the pulpit on Sunday, just two weeks after contracting COVID-19. In a video posted on Facebook, the ...

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More evangelicals voting to support Trump than to simply oppose Biden

Four years ago, evangelicals tended to vote for Donald Trump because they were against Hillary Clinton. This year, they are voting more out of support for Trump than opposition to Joe Biden. ...

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Several Christian colleges lowering tuition in response to Covid-19

Ongoing Covid-19 restrictions on businesses and fear of the pandemic is putting a financial squeeze on many families. Several Christian colleges are helping out by rolling back tuition costs as enrollment takes ...

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375 million children in poverty globally after lockdowns

children poverty

Government lockdowns meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus have had many unintended consequences. One of those is the loss of over $35 trillion in economic activity globally. In the U.S. ...

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Nation’s first memorial to human trafficking to be unveiled Oct. 24 in Kansas City

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Kansas City is the crossroads of many things, from the trails that led pioneers west, the country’s rail and Interstate highway systems, to 21st Century fiber optics. It’s also the crossroads of ...

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Roe not a ‘super precedent’ that can’t be overturned, Coney Barrett says

opening statement

The Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion is not a “super precedent” that’ can’t be overturned, Amy Coney Barrett said during Senate confirmation hearings. Barrett made the comments to Democrat Sen. Amy ...

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