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FISA Court rips FBI over lies that led to investigation, spying on Trump


Less than a week after Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz released his investigation detailing FBI misconduct in obtaining a FISA spy warrant on a Trump 2016 presidential campaign aide, the ...

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Area Church wins court battle to house homeless

church homeless

As a blizzard battered Lenexa, Kansas, on December 14, clean sheets in shades of purple, white, and light blue stretched appealingly over rows of cots at a local church, ready for those without ...

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A response to Christianity Today and their call to remove Trump from office

Like many Christians, I have great respect for Christianity Today. It remains a hallmark, evangelical publication. And although it has leaned leftward in some respects in recent years, it is quite conservative ...

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Post Office bans customized religious stamps

The post office doesn’t want your religious stamps. A graphic designer has filed a lawsuit against the United States Postal Service (USPS) alleging that the federal agency had violated the First Amendment when it barred ...

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“Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates available through end of year

choose life plates

There’s only a few days left! Kansans can pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates through the end of the year. In 2002, the Kansas legislature approved the Choose Life license ...

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2019 a sad year for Nigerian Christians as killings continue

Though the year’s not over, Nigerian Christians continue to die for their faith. A new report puts the number at over 1,000 followers of Christ having been killed by Islamic militants during ...

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Organization helps military leaders nurture faith on the battlefield and at home

military faith likes

Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) comes alongside Christians in military leadership roles to help them understand how to faithfully “pursue God and live out your faith while on active duty.” OCF serves our ...

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Church resources available to highlight world’s persecuted believers

church persecuted

A billion Christians will celebrate Christmas this year in the comfort of their homes or their local church. But for half a billion persecuted Christians around the globe, Christmas could be a ...

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Gospel for Asia brings Christmas hope to Asia’s forgotten children

Millions of “unwanted” children in Asia crave ”the gift of love and hope” this Christmas. They’ll find that and more thanks to Gospel for Asia (GFA) — as it launches a Christmas ...

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What was so significant about the virgin birth?

virgin birth

The centerpiece of the Christmas season is the birth of Jesus.  Popular Christmas songs, various figurine displays and holiday sermons all make it prominent.  But what is it about Jesus’ birth specifically, ...

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Psychologists resign citing over-diagnosis of childhood gender issues

Thirty-five leading British psychologists have resigned from government “gender” clinics in the last three years it has been revealed, with many expressing concern over gender transitioning of children. They claim children are ...

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Missouri offers numerous choices for celebrating Christmas season

missouri christmas

Missourians don’t have to travel far to get into the Christmas spirit. The website OnlyInYourState.com offers these suggestions for cities in the Show-Me State. St. Charles celebrates the holidays in a huge ...

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Kansas City one of seven cities to receive increased resources against violent crime

shooting violent crime minneapolis effect

Kansas City is among seven cities with high rates of violent crime that will receive increased federal law enforcement resources. U.S. Attorney General William Barr made the announcement at a news conference ...

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Video surveillance footage in Epstein death now missing

Adding weight, some say, to theories that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, prosecutors have revealed that crucial video evidence is now missing. The video footage from a surveillance camera outside the cell at ...

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Democrats impeach President but lose several members

In the first totally partisan impeachment vote in history, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Dec. 18 to impeach President Donald Trump. All of the Republicans voted against the resolution, marking ...

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Majority of Americans now against Democrat impeachment efforts

Despite new polling that shows the majority of Americans now against impeachment, Democrat leaders and members are full speed ahead on Wednesday. The new poll, released just hours before the Democratic-controlled House ...

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Where does your state rank in Christmas spirit?           


In a recent study sponsored by CenturyLink, analysts used a number of statistics on Christmas cheer broken down into two categories — online activity and area culture. Under online activity, the study ...

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Hallmark Channel decisions on ads have now angered all sides in culture wars

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Another large company has given conflicting messages in the culture wars. Chick-fil-A was accused of changing its giving practices in response to criticism, and now the Hallmark Channel has reversed course and ...

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Religious Freedom Commission member indicted for fraud and illegal contributions to Clinton campaign

A Democrat appointment to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has been indicted for campaign fraud over his political donations. Andy Khajawa is accused of concealing $3.5 million in illegal ...

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KC suburbs to get road improvement funding through state cost-share plan

Two Kansas City suburbs are scheduled to get millions in state funding for special road improvement projects. They are just two of twenty local road and bridge projects approved by a state committee ...

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Worship singer Kari Jobe in tears after visiting the White House

After several Pastors and worship leaders prayed for President Trump in the oval office, Kari Jobe, who was among them, couldn’t help but share the remarkable experience. It left her in “tears all day” ...

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Church of Scientology in Kansas City offers Christmas display despite not believing in Jesus

scientology christmas

Although the Church of Scientology doesn’t believe in the deity of Jesus, it apparently believes in celebrating Christmas. It recently opened a Winter Wonderland display near its new headquarters at 18th St. and ...

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UK’s Boris Johnson recommits Britain to support for Jews, Israel

Just days after his conservative party won a historic landslide victory, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made combatting anti-Semitism and supporting Israel a top priority. Johnson says Parliament will pass legislation ...

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Town collects more Operation Christmas Child boxes than their population


Children around the world are excitedly opening their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes thanks to a small farming community that came together. With a population of just 1,300 people, Belle, Missouri did the ...

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Kanye West debuts new opera, ‘Mary’ for Christmas

west Mary

The new opera Mary, produced by Kanye West, debuted this weekend in Miami to rave reviews. The production is a follow-up to “Nebuchadnezzar,” his first opera production that played in Los Angeles. West’s ...

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