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Missouri has one of nation’s highest murder rates

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The Show-Me State has one of the nation’s highest murder rates – and it is climbing rapidly. Missouri had 7.9 murders per 100,000 residents in the period from 2013 to 2017, trailing ...

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1 in 5 people at Trump Dallas rally were Democrats

More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas on Oct. 17 were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale. Parscale, whose ...

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Prairie Village church prays for Patrick Mahomes’ ankle

The Kansas City Chiefs’ MVP Patrick Mahomes‘ ankle is getting some serious prayer. Asbury United Methodist Church in Prairie Village has been interceding for Mahomes, who suffered a severe knee injury in ...

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Consumers are dying to explore new funeral options

A funeral in the 21st Century has less to do with faith and more to do with the personal preferences of the deceased and their loved ones. That is one of the ...

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Missouri man takes it to the bank on Price is Right

You can add Show-Me-State to Friday’s Showcase Showdown winner on the Price is Right. Clint Singleton of Chillicothe has won $82,000 in prizes, including trips to the Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Iceland ...

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Alternate Endings documentary: How do you want to die?


HBO’s insightful new documentary looks at novel approaches to life’s end. Through stories of Americans facing death, Alternate Endings: Six New Ways to Die in America portrays families and loved ones celebrating ...

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‘Fulfillment of prophecy,’ say Christians in Israel celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Tens of thousands of Christians from around the world are in Israel this week as Jews celebrate the biblical feast of Sukkot. Many of the Christian believers have come to see prophecy ...

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Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation shares his legacy of faith with a new generation

President Ronald Reagan had a favorite quote inscribed on a plaque that he kept on his desk it the Oval Office: “There is no limit to the amount of good you can ...

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Christians continue to disagree about whether and how to celebrate Halloween


If the calendar says mid-October, it means that the long-running debate over whether Christians should celebrate Halloween is about to heat up again. Eighty-seven percent of Christians believe they should not celebrate ...

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Conservative Methodist association votes to split denomination over homosexuality stance

Adam Hamilton, pastor of the local Church of the Resurrection, recently predicted a coming schism in the United Methodist Church because of its stance on homosexuality. His prediction already may be coming ...

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Pence announces cease fire between Turkey, Kurds

Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday announced that the U.S. brokered a five-day ceasefire between Turkey and Kurdish forces in Northern Syria. The agreement allows the Kurds to withdraw to roughly 20 ...

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The truth about the search for new drugs and the FDA

The FDA just greenlit a new treatment for osteoporosis, a therapy for advanced bladder cancer, and a pill that can cure smallpox. All of these discoveries were hard-won. Research for the osteoporosis ...

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5 ways to show you appreciate your pastor


October is not over and there’s still time to show your pastor some appreciation. Each year October is designated as “Pastor Appreciation Month,” and many local congregations make efforts to show their ...

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Sat-7 hosts ‘Week of Prayer’ for Christians in North Africa and Middle East

north africa

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of millions of people persecuted for their faith? Christians across the world will “Dare to Dream” as they intercede for the Middle ...

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Snopes defames Chick-fil-A with bad ‘fact-checking’

Snopes, the left-leaning “fact-checking” website has once again gotten it wrong. This time it was a fact check of a viral but false tweet linking Chick-fil-A to anti-gay legislation in Uganda. A Ugandan ...

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Judge blocks Obama rule that forced doctors to perform abortions

Those who value pre-born life are celebrating after a federal judge permanently blocked an Obama administration rule Tuesday that forced medical facilities and doctors to abort unborn babies. The rule from President ...

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Democrats partner with leftist groups to push impeachment in media


Congressional Democrats are actively working with radical, left-wing groups such as MoveOn.org to promote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unilateral push to impeach President Donald Trump.  Pelosi this week announced her decision to ...

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Seasonal increase in vehicle-deer crashes: what you can do

Mating season and the quest for more secure habitat have deer on the move this time of year, increasing the chances of deer-vehicle collisions. Typically, the greatest number of deer-vehicle crashes are ...

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Messianic congregation invites you to the Feast of Tabernacles and the ‘Greatest Day’

The Greatest Day! “On the last greatest day of the Feast (Sukkot – Tabernacles), Yeshua stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.” ...

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Democrats pass law stripping employees of many arbitration rights


Have Democrats killed arbitration? The House of Representatives just passed a bill that would make it harder and more expensive, even impossible, for Americans to resolve conflicts with their employers. The Forced ...

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Buttigieg pushes back against O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches


Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Ind., doesn’t think much of fellow candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches that oppose gay marriage by ...

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Pro-life Democratic lawmaker shows that political labels don’t always apply

A state lawmaker from Louisiana is ignoring the official position of the Democrat Party Platform that seeks to guarantee abortions at any time, for any reason, and virtually – for any age. ...

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Jail – when only a miracle will do

For nearly 10 years I served inmates in our small rural county jail as a minister, and saw over 100 of them come through our Bible studies and annual Christmas outreach.  They ...

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Newborn girl survives being buried alive for two days


A newborn baby girl has been discovered after being buried alive in a clay pot. The baby miraculously survived for two days before she was discovered, according to authorities in India. The ...

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Ted Cruz urges Trump to release Biden’s transcripts with Ukraine

The Trump administration is being urged to release Vice President Joe Biden’s phone call transcripts with officials in Ukraine. The call for transparency was initiated by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz made ...

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