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County jail guard sentenced for smuggling

A former Jackson County detention officer has been sentenced to federal prison for smuggling contraband cellphones and other items to inmates in the jail. Twenty-seven-year-old Andre Lamonte Dickerson, of Kansas City, was ...

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US is cutting funding to UN for Palestinians

With increasing radicalism within the Palestinian government, the Trump administration will cut all US funding to the United Nation’s aid program for Palestinian refugees, according to a report from Foreign Policy. The newspaper ...

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“Your kids are at risk,” trafficking expert says

Human trafficking is a growing problem in Topeka, in Kansas and Missouri, and across the nation. It’s a form of modern-day slavery that includes labor and sex trafficking, organs, and sex tourism. ...

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That is My Dream! by Langston Hughes, to represent Kansas

Each year as part of the Great Reads program at the Library of Congress National Book Festival, every state offers a book that highlights its literary culture and history. At this year’s ...

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Christian school administrator accused of lewd acts against students


A local Christian school administrator has been arrested for lewd acts against children, including fondling. Dennis Regal Creason of Bonner Springs, was taken into custody late Thursday. He is the co-founder and ...

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Greyhound in head-on originated in St. Louis

A Greyhound Bus carrying 49 people that crashed in New Mexico, killing seven people Thursday, originated in St. Louis Wednesday. Greyhound officials confirmed the deadly bus crash, #1333, was traveling from Albuquerque, ...

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China’s believers face new threat: camera’s in church


China’s independent churches are facing a new threat: forced to allow the government to spy on who worships in them or face the threat of being shut down. The Zion church in ...

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Brother of Chris Pratt talks about faith and talent

A talent for the arts clearly runs deep in the Pratt family’s genetics. Cully Pratt, Hollywood actor Chris Pratt’s older brother, recently revealed some fascinating details about the family’s creative genes — ...

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Archaeologists say they’ve found water-to-wine wedding site


British media today is reporting that archaeologists have solved a millennia-old mystery–where was the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle?  The announcement again bolsters the case for the New ...

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Economy keeps growing giving hope for Nov. elections

The U.S. economy continued its historic expansion growing at a strong 4.2 percent annual rate in the April-June quarter. That growth stayed on track to produce its strongest gain in more than ...

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New Missouri law aims to protect definition of ‘meat’


You now have to call meat for what it is…meat. At least in Missouri. A new law went into effect this week that makes it illegal for processed food manufacturers from wrongly labeling ...

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Judge drops charges against jihadi terrorists who buried toddler


A district judge in New Mexico has dropped charges today against three people who were linked to a compound where would be terrorists kept starving children and were allegedly planning to carry ...

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Report: China hacked Clinton servers during entire term

A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private servers throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on the matter ...

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Player mocked, forced to play by coaches had broken neck


Center High School football coaches may come under scrutiny for having a player suit up after he complained of neck injuries. Junior Lorenzo Hughes, who says the coaches actually mocked him for ...

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President Trump’s remarks to Christians at White House dinner

In our continuing effort to provide you with news that is unfiltered, below are the President’s remarks to a group of Christians last night at a White House dinner.   REMARKS BY ...

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Software glitch created delay in Johnson County vote count

Johnson County election results typically take longer to tabulate that out-state results. That’s mainly because of the number of ballots being tabulated in this urban Kansas county. Turn-out was extremely high for ...

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Top 10 Missouri bills becoming law today

Today will see 144 bills go into affect that were passed by the Republican-controlled Missouri Legislature. Over the last 100 years, Aug. 28 is traditionally the day that happens and this year ...

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American taxpayers on hook for California high-speed rail

What has already become known as California’s boondoggle, the high-speed rail project is reportedly getting even more pricey. Eventually connecting 8 of the 10 largest cities in California, the project now faces ...

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Americans Fund Most of the World’s Drug Research. Here’s How Trump Can End That

President Trump recently released an ambitious, 44-page plan to drive down prescription drug prices. The blueprint relies, in part, on negotiating and enforcing trade deals to prevent other countries from freeloading off ...

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Oh, so NOW the media is concerned about the American flag

As the president prepares to announce the successful completion of a historic renegotiation of NAFTA with Mexico, the media is talking about…a flag. After Senator John McCain’s death on Saturday, the White ...

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Pope apologizes in Ireland, protesters impressed

Pope Francis issued a sweeping apology Sunday for the “crimes” of the Catholic Church in Ireland, saying church officials regularly didn’t respond with compassion to the many abuses children and women suffered ...

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Woman gets jail after complaining about noisy mosque

An Indonesian court has sentenced a woman who complained about a noisy mosque to 18 months in prison for blasphemy. The ethnic Chinese woman, Meiliana, burst into tears as presiding Judge Wagyu ...

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Muslim leader calls for conquest of “America, Britain, Russia, France, and Italy”

Recently a Muslim spokesman in Tunisia named Said Khecharem, who is affiliated with the international pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, declared (to delighted screams of “Allahu akbar” from his audience), that the ...

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Failed challenge to Orman shows Dem concern for “disenfranchised” to be hypocritical

If memory serves it was a just a few months back that the media and the Democratic Party shed many a tear over the fate of the voters allegedly “disenfranchised” by a ...

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Topeka police officer’s lip-sync tribute to fallen LEOs goes viral

A Topeka Police officer is going viral in recent weeks with a lip-sync challenge video with a unique spin. The video, which was posted July 6, has over 10.8 million views. Law ...

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