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Grace in the New Year

As 2020 begins, let me offer up something for all — show more grace. I can offer grace and hope you can do the same. Remember too that you don’t know what ...

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Jay Sekulow says it’s no accident he is defending President Trump in impeachment trail

Attorney Jay Sekulow has taken center stage in President Trump’s impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. His career has followed a winding path to the pinnacle of power, according to a Religion ...

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Today is Sanctity of Human Life Day

Pro-life organizations and individuals are commemorating Jan. 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.  President Donald J. Trump made the official designation on Tuesday. READ: Here is the President’s proclamation “On ...

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Here’s the 411 on the key players and process in impeachment

Even with wall-to-wall coverage of the impeachment on television, Americans have responded with a collective yawn as ratings lagged. But for those interested, here’s a list of the who, what, when and ...

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State senator criticizes Parson’s position to accept more refugees

accept refugees

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson recently announced that the state is willing to accept refugees. That position is not sitting well with at least one state senator who sees it as a burden ...

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Long saga of Equal Rights Amendment comes to end, Justice Department rules

The ongoing push for an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution is over, the U.S. Department of Justice has ruled. “Congress may not revive a proposed amendment after a deadline ...

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Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules off the menu

school lunch

One of the Obama administration’s most unpopular policies was its meddling in the school lunch menus of millions of students. While Michelle Obama’s goals of improved nutrition were laudable, schools found it ...

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Trump’s Approval Index reaches 51% the day after Pelosi signs Impeachment Articles

On Thursday – the day after Democrats delivered impeachment articles to the Senate – Donald Trump’s Presidential Approval Index rating hit 51% for the first time in nine months, Rasmussen Reports’ Daily ...

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Guatemala to get $1 billion investment to improve economy, security

The best way to decrease illegal immigration, say many, is to produce economic incentives and better security for migrants to stay in their own country. The Trump administration announced late Wedesday it ...

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In procedural move, Democrats block vote voicing support for Iranian protesters

House Democrats Tuesday afternoon moved to advance two resolutions that, in a procedural vote, blocked a resolution that voiced support for Iranian protests against recent actions by their government. The vote to ...

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Missouri Legislature considering LGBTQ discrimination bill this session

The Missouri Legislature is back in session and lawmakers again are considering a bill that would add Missourians who identify as LGBTQ to a class of protected minorities such as blacks, women ...

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Poll: Young liberals OK with America losing its top dog status

Are young liberals digging a grave for the future of America? That’s what some are asking after a new poll shockingly found that a majority of Democrats under the age of 30 ...

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Kansas City Library Director Crosby Kemper confirmed to lead federal agency


The Kansas City Public Library is looking for a new executive director after current head Crosby Kemper III takes new job. Kemper has had a major influence in the area as a ...

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Missouri voters may decide on riverboat gambling near Lake of the Ozarks

The Lake of the Ozarks is a popular spot for boating, water skiing or just relaxing. Riverboat gambling may join that list if a state lawmaker has his way. Rep. Rocky Miller, ...

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HUD Secretary Ben Carson discusses fair housing at Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

Ben Carson, an outspoken Christian and secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, was the keynote speaker at the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast on Thursday in Jefferson City. He had ...

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Omar claims PTSD as video shows her laughing as 4,000 American military deaths discussed

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is facing backlash after claiming the killing of Iran’s top terrorist has given her PTSD. The Democrat from Minnesota made the stunning remarks during a news conference with other Democrats on ...

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Senators introduce bills to limit President’s ability to respond to threats

Democrats in Congress are pushing bills to limit the President’s ability to quickly respond to threats using the military, saying it should not be used in countering Iranian attacks. The latest Senate ...

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Oakland City councilwoman: house homeless on cruise ships

Should cruise ships now host the homeless? From New York to Los Angeles to San Francisco, streets are filled with human excrement, drug needles, trash and stench as homelessness increases. Many are ...

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Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley seeks to dismiss articles of impeachment

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, a former law professor at the University of Missouri, is not impressed with the way the Democrat House has handled partisan impeachment proceedings against President Trump. ...

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President to launch Evangelicals for Trump at Hispanic megachurch

President Trump will visit a Miami megachurch this week to launch Evangelicals for Trump. The event will be held at King Jesus International Ministry on Friday, according to the Miami Herald. The ...

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Former NFL player predicts a “black awakening” will reelect Trump

black awakening

A black “awakening” will help President Trump win reelection in 2020, according to a former NFL player. “For me, once I saw the policies that President Obama pushed in the back half ...

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U.S. Senate confirms record number of conservative judges in 2019

The most lasting legacy of any president is the opportunity to reshape the nation’s courts. Federal judges are appointed for life and their impact lives on for generations. As the media reviews ...

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Trump ties Obama as most admired in nation

President Donald Trump has tied former President Barack Obama as most admired. The new Gallup poll has shocked many Democrats and media commentators after three years of 90% negative news coverage of ...

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Will Virginia force high-density housing on neighborhoods?

high density

A Democratic lawmaker in Virginia wants to force communities to build high-density housing. A package of legislative measures was introduced in the Virginia General Assembly that would overrule local zoning rules and force the ...

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Pete Buttigieg rewrites Christmas story: Jesus now a refugee

Just weeks after attempting to woo black voters in a South Carolina church, Democrat primary candidate Pete Buttigieg is drawing scorn from Christians and others for suggesting Jesus was a refugee. “Today ...

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