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Politics & Policy

‘Blue wave’ disappears as GOP voters surge

Early voting turnout data from six key battleground states suggest a surge for the Republican party as President Donald Trump ramps up campaign rally appearances across the country ahead of the Nov. ...

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Prison inmates run their election campaigns from behind bars

Two lawmakers, currently in jail, are hoping to be elected while in prison. For one, it is likely he will begin his term in office from behind bars. Texas lawmaker Ron Reynolds, ...

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After tweet trouble Bette Midler tweets for McCaskill

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has been forced to bring in the heavy hitters in American politics. The incumbent Senator on Sunday received support from a powerhouse of foreign and domestic policy, an ...

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Politifact retracts support of McCaskill statement on planes


Politifact, the self-described arbiter of truth in news and political statements found itself in hot water Tuesday. The organization rated a Republican Senate Leadership Fund ad concerning Missouri Claire McCaskill’s use of ...

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New ad highlights leftist ‘mob’ that threatens democracy

The Republican National Committee (RNC) released a powerful new web ad that highlights how the extreme rhetoric from the left has created “an unhinged mob.” The minute-long ad, which is titled, “The ...

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In undercover video McCaskill staff say showing the real Claire would ‘hurt her ability to get elected’


Project Veritas, the organization that exposed Planned Parenthood in the baby body parts scandal, has released another bombshell video. This undercover effort took on Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and her staff ...

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Witches are ‘wiccan out’ over Kavanaugh


We’re not sure if it’s as easy as wrinkling your nose (aka Bewitched from the 1960s) but a throng of real-life witches are doing their part for the Democrat Party and Nov. ...

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Polls show approval rating increases for Trump, economy, trade, direction of the country and more

President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have been hovering around 50% recently, according to Rasmussen, about the same or higher than Presidents Obama, Clinton or Reagan at this point in their presidencies. This ...

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Arkansas Supreme Court upholds revised voter ID law

Arkansas’ highest court has upheld 5-2 a voter ID law that is nearly identical to a restriction struck down by the court four years ago. The state Supreme Court on Thursday upheld ...

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George Soros funded lawsuit, now judge nixes parts of voter ID law

Procedures at Missouri polling places are in question for next month’s election after a judge struck down key elements of the state’s popular voter ID law Tuesday. The lawsuit challenging the voter ...

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Clinton: We’ll “be civil” only if Democrats win

Hillary Clinton has given Republicans an ultimatum: Democrats will only be civil to you if Democrats win in November. The former First Lady made the shocking statement in an interview with CNN. ...

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Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador

Nikki Haley, one of the longest-serving members of the Trump Administration, has submitted her resignation as U.N. Ambassador. Donald Trump has accepted, and held a joint press event with Haley at the ...

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Liberal evangelical bus tour to help Democrats

A politically-liberal evangelical-led organization will hold get-out-the-vote “revivals” in nearly 30 towns across the nation this month. The effort, which comes to Overland Park on Oct. 15, hopes to unseat Republican members ...

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Democrats talk impeaching Kavanaugh if they win election

Fresh off their biggest defeat since the 2016 presidential election, Democrats are now vowing to impeach newly seated Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The threat, however, promises to rally a Republican base ...

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Witness tampering? Ford’s “witness” pressured to change her story


As details trickle out about the FBI investigation into the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, evidence has emerged of witness tampering. Leland Keyser, a longtime friend of Christine Blasey Ford’s, reportedly told the FBI that ...

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Senators reviewing FBI files. “No Corroboration” of Ford’s claims

Senators are reviewing an FBI report into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. First reports from Senators that have looked at it say the FBI has found zero evidence that would ...

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Democrat intern arrested over leaks of info

A 27-year-old Democrat intern has been arrested for releasing confidential information and witness tampering according to US Capitol Police. The arrest of Jackson A. Cosko, 27, of Washington, D.C. came Wednesday and listed, ...

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Congressman: Released transcripts will show no collusion

At a business meeting last Friday, the House intelligence committee voted to release transcripts of 53 interviews conducted as part of the Trump-Russia investigation, after they are reviewed by the intelligence community. ...

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These 7 Missouri counties may decide US Senate race

Republicans and Democrats are focusing a lot of attention on seven Missouri counties that some say will be pivotal in the U.S. Senate race between Attorney General Josh Hawley and U.S. Sen. ...

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AP reports Kavanaugh accuser’s history of deceit and lawsuits

The Associated Press is reporting that Julie Swetnick, one of the women who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of allowing gang rape, has an extensive history of involvement in ...

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Hawley under fire for speech at college chapel, while McCaskill gets pass

Missouri’s Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley is being criticized for plans to speak at a Christian college. Just last May, the media and Democrats praised Senator Claire McCaskill and a New Jersey ...

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Senate committee votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate

On a partisan 11-10 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All of the committee’s Republicans voted in favor of recommending Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination while ...

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Hawley one of busiest state AGs in nation


Some Missouri republicans would like Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley to do more in his race to unseat incumbent Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill. But others point out his race  is deadlocked against an entrenched ...

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Kavanaugh and Ford testimony grips nation

The nation was riveted by Thursday’s dramatic and historic testimony at a Senate hearing featuring Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christime Ford who accuses him of sexual assault 36 years ago ...

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Kavanaugh, accuser to testify today

After a third accuser came forward yesterday to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, the judge said he doesn’t know who she is, and that the new allegations are from the ‘Twilight ...

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