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Local author writes book from unique perspective

bookBook Review – In My Hands: Stories of the Land and Animals I Love but Can’t See by Reyna Bradford.

The Majesty of the Prairie. The Connections Between Humans and Animals. The True Joys in Life.

These themes are explored with perfect vision by the author, Reyna Bradford, blind since she was 15 months old, as she shares how she finds joy raising dairy goats and training her beloved dogs in the Flint Hills.

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Sharing the lessons, heartaches, and triumphs experienced by an extraordinary woman who ignores any limitations of a world without sight. The author introduces us to her remarkable life, including living on a hobby farm in the Kansas Flint Hills, raising dairy goats, and training and competing with her large band of beloved dogs.

Beautifully written, Bradford shepherds us through the four seasons and all that each cycle involves, offering her unique perspective on animals, the land, and life.

The book is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. For more information visit www.FlintHillsPublishing.com.