The members of the Missouri House have approved a resolution to express their support for Ukraine and its people and to condemn Russia’s attack on the sovereign nation.
The resolution calls Russia’s invasion “unprovoked and unjustified” and notes it is the “largest invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since World War II.” The resolution also notes the combat is directly responsible for massive civilian casualties, including a Russian mortar attack on a children’s hospital that inflicted devastating loss of life.

Rep. Doug Richie
“We proudly stand alongside Ukraine, its people, and its leaders during this horrific and unnecessary war and vow to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its catastrophic decision to invade this sovereign nation,” said the resolution’s sponsor.
HR 3658 condemns the attack in the strongest possible terms and strongly endorses swift and severe economic sanctions and stringent export controls on Russia. Additionally, the resolution urges Russia to “immediately cease its violent, illegal, and immoral assault upon Ukraine, end the needless bloodshed, and return to diplomacy and the rules-based international order that has ensured peace and prosperity for so many.” The resolution also recommends to the President and Congress to reaffirm the unwavering support of the United States for Ukraine’s freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.
State Leaders Announce “Missouri Stands with Ukraine” Initiative (HB 2913)
House Majority Floor Leader Dean Plocher has announced the new “Missouri Stands with Ukraine” initiative in response to the Russian invasion of the sovereign nation and unprovoked aggression perpetrated by Vladimir Putin on the people of Ukraine.
Plocher is the sponsor of HB 2913, which targets business transactions with Russia and Russian entities. Plocher was also joined at the announcement by Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe who asked all Missouri retailers to consider voluntarily removing Russian-made or Russian-branded products from store shelves, and encouraged Missouri businesses to identify suitable product alternatives through the State’s “Buy Missouri” program.
“Our message today is clear. Missouri is open for business to those who value democracy, human rights, free enterprise, and self-determination,” said Plocher. He added, “Brave Missourians – our servicemen and women – have served with honor to defend these values for over 160 years. These values made our country great and are the envy of the free world. History calls on every generation to defend freedom when necessary. We will do our small part in Missouri to lead the way.”
HB 2913 directs a complete suspension of Missouri business activities involving state entities and private businesses receiving public funding are not contracting with Russia, Russian entities, or any country that is attacking or occupying a NATO member, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, or Georgia.
“We in Missouri will do our small part to unite with the international community’s response to Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. We stand by the strong leadership President Zelensky as the Ukrainian people fight fearlessly and heroically against the tyranny of Putin,” Plocher said.
“Missouri will do its part in this critical moment in history,” said Kehoe. “As the Buy Missouri advocate for our state, I always encourage Missourians to purchase locally, and now it is more important than ever to do so. No matter how large the transaction, even if it’s a single product on a store shelf, the amplified effect of these decisions send a direct and meaningful message to the Russian government that Missourians support Ukraine.”
This week, Governor Parson ordered the Missouri State Capitol dome to shine blue and yellow, the colors of the Ukrainian national flag, beginning at sunset March 1, 2022, until sunrise on Friday, March 4, 2022.
“We join the rest of the nation and the world in expressing our condemnation of the attacks on Ukraine and this Russian assault on democracy,” said Plocher. “We are proud that the Capitol dome will shine blue and yellow, showing that Missourians stand in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Ukraine as they fight against Putin’s tyranny.”
–Doug Richie represents Missouri’s 38th District