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Tag Archives: citizenship

Democrats oppose bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote

republicans voter

House Democrats are blocking a bill requiring potential voters to prove their citizenship when registering. Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, known as the SAVE Act, is sponsored by Texas Republican representative Chip ...

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Kansas loses voter I.D. effort before US Supreme Court

Kansas voter integrity was given a setback by the U.S. Supreme Court as they rejected Monday an appeal by the state’s secretary of state who sought to revive a law requiring voters ...

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How should pastors be involved with elections and voting?

Pastor and church leader, do you anticipate encouraging your congregation in voting in the general election on November 3rd?  I hope every pastor and church leader will help make the Christian vote ...

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Trump looks at ending birthright citizenship

It’s a policy in which the United States stands virtually alone in the world – allowing individuals to come to the country solely to have a child who is then automatically a ...

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President uses executive order to determine citizenship status

President Donald J. Trump described a new plan to gather information about the citizenship status of people living in the United States, both legal and illegal, in a Rose Garden announcement Thursday afternoon. Trump ...

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Former Miss Iraq may lose citizenship after defending Israel


Standing up for Israel at the UN may lose former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan her citizenship. Idan, who has faced opposition and death threats in the past, spoke in defense of Israel ...

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Proposed legislation would remove proof of citizenship from Kansas election law

The issue of foreign interference in U.S. politics has been hotly debated since the contentious presidential election of 2016. However, amid numerous investigations into Russian meddling, a Kansas representative has introduced legislation ...

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God’s position on immigration and borders? Go to the Bible

As the country continues debating the issues of immigration and borders, the head of a network of pastors says the subjects also need to be addressed from the pulpit. Sam Rohrer, president ...

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Judge rules citizenship question may remain on Census

A federal judge has rejected an activist group’s request to prevent the Trump administration from asking 2020 Census respondents about their citizenship status. In recent decades, Democrats and Republicans have fought bitterly ...

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Kobach goes to court to fight legal challenge to Kansas’ proof-of-citizenship law

A Kansas law requiring proof of citizenship on voter registration forms goes on trial this week in federal court. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach wants to prove his assertions that voter fraud ...

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