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Tag Archives: covid

New documentary says Canadian church crackdown similar to China

canadian china

A new documentary claims that the crackdown on churches by the Canadian government resembles communist China. “The Government War on Worship,” which was released by the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, ...

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Filmmakers target wisdom of lockdowns in ‘Follow the Science’ Documentary

filmmakers lockdowns

For the arts industry, 2020 was an unprecedented year. Musicians saw incomes instantly wiped out when live venues were forced to close due to lockdowns. The filmmakers and the industry came to ...

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Israel recorded no Covid deaths last week, will allow more tourists July 1

Israel hit a milestone in the last week and recording zero Covid deaths for the first time in over a year. At the height of the pandemic in January, dozens of people ...

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Post-acute COVID Syndrome: Long-haulers or lifers?

COVID-19 … it’s a virus that takes your breath away. Initially thought to be a disease that impacts the elderly, 40 and 50-year-olds who suffered mild symptoms began showing up at the ...

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Ethics: How technology and medicine has changed the context of death

Every living thing eventually dies. It is not just the inevitability of death but the nature of our awareness of it that does so much to determine the meaning of human existence. ...

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Israel to reopen for individual tourism July 1

Individual travelers will be welcomed to Israel beginning on July 1. Pre-Covid, the country had its biggest year ever as it welcomed 4.5 million tourists in 2019. An amazing feat for a ...

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Thousands of coaches and athletes return to FCA Summer camps

athletes camps new members camp christian attendees

Tens of thousands of student-athletes will gather again after a year of pandemic lockdowns hampered a spiritual tradition.  They’ll attend Fellowship of Christian Athletes  Camps across the nation and the world this ...

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Republicans believe stage is set to regain control of Congress in 2022

Republicans believe they have the momentum to take back the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections. Conventional wisdom says the party not in the White House — in this case, ...

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What the proposed $6 trillion Biden budget means for your future

History will not remember President Biden for his frugality but it may for his budget. The president has already signed into law a massive multi-trillion-dollar “COVID” stimulus spending package and proposed trillions ...

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5 good and bad ways COVID-19 impacted Bible translation

bible covid-19

I want to take some time to share with you five ways COVID-19 has impacted Bible translation and all that we have seen God do while the world has been turned upside ...

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California to pay churches $2 million for unfair Covid regulations

The State of California has been forced to enter into permanent injunctions that prohibit the state from ever again imposing discriminatory Covid restrictions on all houses of worship statewide. It comes after ...

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Canadian pastors say continuing church closures are ‘soft totalitarianism”

As Canadian churches remain closed or under severe Covid restrictions many pastors see Christianity crumbling. While Covid regulations are the current reason, the country’s government has become increasingly hostile to faith in ...

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Missouri saw whopping 26% loss of all small businesses during Covid

A new report finds that the biggest casualty of Covid lockdowns across the nation was small businesses. The report says that 26% of all small businesses in Missouri closed, with an unknown ...

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Southern Baptist denomination sees record drop in members

Churches in the Southern Baptist Convention lost a record 400,000 members in 2020. The Annual Church Profile report shows membership in SBC congregations declined by 435,632, more than 50 percent higher than the 287,655 ...

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Israel’s first tour group after Covid arrives from Missouri

Israel has reopened to international tourists for the first time in over a year. The Israel Ministry of Tourism announced that the flight arrived from Newark International Airport in New Jersey and ...

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Senate unanimously approves Hawley bill on Wuhan lab

In a major victory for bipartisanship, Senator Josh Hawley has convinced the entire Senate to vote unanimously for a bill over the Wuhan lab. The bill requires the Biden administration to declassify ...

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Ad campaign exposes hypocrisy of ‘woke’ corporations

woke corporations

A backlash against “woke” corporations is growing. Earlier this week, Consumers’ Research launched the Consumers First Initiative, a major name-and-shame campaign against corporations that try to distract attention from their corporate failures ...

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Judge blocks Biden restaurant stimulus based on sexual preference, race

biden restaurant

A federal judge has prevented the Biden administration from handing out stimulus restaurant grants based on gender, race, and sexual orientation. The funds were part of a multi-billion dollar COVID-19 restaurant relief ...

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KC Chiefs lineman returns after year of serving in medical field

Dr. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, an offensive lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs, announced last weekend that he will return to the football field this fall. He made national headlines last season when he ...

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Here’s how much Bible reading went up during 2020 pandemic

One bright spot of the pandemic is that millions of Americans have been turning to the Bible for comfort and direction. The number of Americans who opened the Bible at least once ...

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Pastors hear how Covid affected faith of Kansas City Royals players in 2020

royals 2020

Few things are more relaxing than spring training baseball under the warm Arizona sun. But as the Kansas City Royals learned in the spring of 2020, everything can change in a heartbeat. ...

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Cancer screenings plummeted in 2020. Now it’s too late for many

At Chicago’s Mount Sinai Hospital, Teresa Ruvalcaba was suffering on a cold January night. For months, she had tried to avoid thinking about the inflammation blooming in her chest, but the pain ...

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Governors ending federal unemployment bonus to get people to work

Ongoing federal unemployment benefits are discouraging many workers from returning to work. Several Republican governors are ending these benefits early to help businesses struggling to find help. A recent analysis by University ...

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Prison Fellowship distributes 100,000 Bibles to inmates

bibles prison prisoners

Prison Fellowship has distributed 100,000 Bibles to prison inmates during the pandemic. “During a time when prisons had shut down and incarcerated men and women had to go without visitations or programming, ...

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Missouri nurse attacked in New York returns home

new york nurse

A young nurse from St. Louis traveled to New York this week to be a Good Samaritan. Instead, she ended up being an assault victim. Taylor Dowling, who was planning on joining ...

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