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Hot dates: Israeli botanists grow trees using seeds from biblical times

The desert is blooming as Israeli farmers are growing trees from seeds that date back to biblical times. “We’re talking about the resurrection of 2,000-year-old-plus ancient date seeds that come from the ...

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How Christians can help shape the broader culture, not just their own

christians culture

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when Christians imitate culture or some popular movements, the results are often not very flattering. I’m evangelical, and there are many flattering things ...

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National Faith at Work Summit in Kansas City April 28, 29

faith at work

“We’re in a culture war that continues to undermine our Christian faith in the workplace,” states Mike Willich, Director of Network Engagement with Unconventional Business Network (UBN). Willich is one of a ...

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Warner Bros. Won’t Say Gay in China

warner bros

It is beyond ironic that, at the very same time Disney is using all its might to oppose Florida’s Education Bill (falsely named the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”), Warner Bros. has announced ...

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Medical marijuana sales in Missouri reach $1 million daily

Cannabis sales in Missouri averaged about $1 million a day in March. The long-term effects of what’s called “medical marijuana” have some concerned, even while its benefits as a treatment for chronic ...

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Evangelicals use wide variety of media to access Christian content, study finds

Evangelical Protestants access Christian content through a variety of media, according to a study called Media Matters: Evangelicals and Media. Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research released survey results this week. Evangelicals ...

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Woke politics led Chiefs player to leave professional football

chiefs woke

Anthony Sherman, who played fullback on the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl championship team, said God let him know that it was time to leave the NFL. The league’s “woke” political activism ...

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Christian young adults give more than non-Christian peers, study finds

Christian adults aged 40 or younger donate three times as much money as non-Christians over the course of a year, a new study finds. “The study showed Christian young adults share more ...

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Tennessee bill bans double mastectomy on children seeking to change gender

A proposed bill in Tennessee would restrict a child’s ability to get an elective double mastectomy, be given puberty blockers or other procedures in an attempt to alter their gender. Activists who ...

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Debunking centuries-old myths about Mary Magdalene


One of the most misunderstood biblical figures has to be Mary Magdalene. Let’s start with what we do know about her. Sometimes referred to as Mary of Magdala or simply the Madeleine, ...

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What are natural burials? A Christian scholar explains

Death is not a subject people typically have an easy time discussing. But for Christian scholar Beth Hoeltke, it’s one she’s devoted much time to, focusing particularly on the growing interest in natural or ...

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Kansas City speaker cancelled by Christian college for sharing biblical truths about sexuality

kansas city christian

A Christian college in Massachusetts cancelled three planned talks by a Kansas City speaker after students called his remarks misogynist and transphobic. Marvin Daniels, executive director of The Hope Center, spoke on ...

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Public faith in credibility of pastors eroding, survey finds

U.S. pastors have some work to do to improve their credibility with the public. The news comes with increasing hostility towards pastors, churches, and people of faith in the media, Hollywood and ...

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Jordan Peterson learns this at the Museum of the Bible

peterson bible

Influential psychologist Jordan Peterson continues to explore God and his word. “If categories just dissolve, especially fundamental ones, the culture is dissolving, because the culture is a structure of category,” he said.” ...

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Younger Christian donors take different approach to giving

Christian donors under age 40 are extremely different from their older counterparts, especially when compared with donors aged 70 and older. A new study looking at the evangelical segment of self-identified protestants ...

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What Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter teach us about power

rings power

My dad gave me J.R.R. Tolkien’s book The Fellowship of the Ring, and the book awakened my mind and imagination in ways I didn’t fully understand at the time. For many years as ...

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Josh Duggar will face sentencing in April for child porn conviction


Former reality TV star Josh Duggar, who was convicted last year of federal child pornography charges, will appear in court for sentencing in April. Duggar was featured on TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting.” ...

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Good Bible engagement makes good neighbors

People who are rooted in Scripture tend to make better neighbors. That’s the assessment of a study released by the American Bible Society. The State of the Bible USA 2021 report “Good ...

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Is the R-rated, faith-friendly movie ‘Shut-In’ an alternative to Hollywood?


In a push to create an alternative to Hollywood, the conservative news outlet The Daily Wire premiered “Shut-In” on YouTube Feb. 10. “Shut In” is a solid home invasion horror film that ...

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Ugandan clergy are divorcing wives for younger church members

KAMPALA, Uganda— Aloysius Bugingo, a senior pastor at House of Prayer Ministries in Kampala, left his wife of 29 years in December and married a younger woman under the customary law. He ...

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7 encouraging trends in Christianity for 2022

encouraging trends

The news for persecuted Christians looks grim this year with an increase in persecution expected. But there are encouraging trends that bode well for the church. As we go about our daily ...

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Tim Keller tweets support for Stephen Colbert and his talk of faith

Although late-night host Stephen Colbert is not known as a fan of Christianity, he did talk about his faith recently on “The Late Show.”  “Does your faith and your comedy ever overlap? ...

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CNN sex scandals and getting our own house in order

The Daily Wire recently ran an article by Tim Meads titled “Perverts, Predators And Adulterers: 7 CNN Employees Forced Out In Disgrace.” Not included in the article was CNN anchor Don Lemon who ...

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Trust issues. Responding to our cultural authority crisis

In his book The Last Word, atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel, talked about an authority crisis – a “the fear of religion”: “… I don’t mean to refer to the entirely reasonable hostility toward certain ...

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Wisdom and God’s illuminated truths: John Martin’s ‘The Creation of Light’

wisdom light

An illustration by the 19th-century artist John Martin, called “The Creation of Light” might give us insight into the nature of wisdom. Sometimes things happen in life, and we just don’t know ...

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