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Tag Archives: data

Black unemployment hits historic low even with trade war

The unemployment rate among black Americans reached 5.5 percent in August—a historic low. That’s even down from 6 percent the month before and a substantial 0.4 percentage point below the previous record in May ...

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FBI: 64 percent of all federal arrests are noncitizens

President Trump was criticized for comments about high crime numbers associated with those entering the country illegally. The comments drew national criticism from immigration rights groups, Democrats and many Republicans. Now, the ...

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University of Alabama finds global warming temperatures manipulated

climate change

No, the planet isn’t warming. That’s the assessment of some brave scientists who have looked at actual temperature recordings verses data found to have been manipulated. As exposed by the Australian press, climate change ...

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Church returns wallet found stashed in vent for 75 years


A church renovating an old high school has reunited a woman with a wallet that was stolen 75  years ago.  The wallet was discovered — along with 14 others — as the ...

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Alexa spying on users worse than ‘East German Police’

Would you let a stranger eavesdrop in your home and keep the recordings? For most people, the answer is, “Are you crazy?” Yet that’s essentially what Amazon has been doing to millions ...

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Were your passwords caught in the largest data breach ever?

A database that contained almost 773 million email accounts and more than 21 million unique passwords was recently leaked to an online hacking forum in a breach called “Collection #1” that has ...

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Church leader says smartphones could usher in anti-Christ

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says smartphones risk bringing humanity closer to the arrival of the anti-Christ. Patriarch Kirill said the church does not oppose technological progress but is concerned ...

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China behind Marriott Hotels data breach

The personal data of Americans who’ve stayed at a Marriott–owned hotel property may have been caught up in a data sweep by the Chinese Communist regime targeting U.S. government and military officials. ...

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France burns as workers battle increased taxes imposed by President Macron


Just  a week ago President Emmanuel Macron of France was scolding America for its unwillingness to raise taxes to reduce carbon emissions. Now the flamboyant leader, who was regularly compared to John ...

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New Apple watch will track you “all day”


Consumers increasingly pay big bucks to give away their privacy. Mesmerized by consumerism and shiny new electronic gadgets, do they know what they’re giving up? Now Apple wants you to purchase their ...

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Tech giants to face Congress, this time over privacy

Sparks could fly next week between six major Web companies and a Congressional Panel investigating privacy. The tech giants and internet-service providers, including AT&T Inc, Twitter Inc, and Alphabet Inc’s Google, will ...

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Age of Big Brother: Google tracks our every move

Google wants to know where you go so badly that it records and tracks your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to. An Associated Press investigation found that many Google ...

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The scoop on Facebook data mining and the Trump Campaign

The news media is reporting the details around  the data-mining of Facebook by the company Cambridge Analytica. It was reported this week that data was provided  to the Trump campaign. Much of ...

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