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Tag Archives: drug use

Walgreens, CVS to pay $10 billion for opioid crisis

walgreens cvs abortion

Walgreens and CVS will pay nearly $10 billion for their involvement in fueling the opioid crisis. The settlements will help to “substantially resolve” various opioid-related lawsuits launched against them. Walgreens and CVS ...

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Whipped Cream sales in NY now require ID

Whipped cream purchases in New York now require an ID check. Enforcement of a Democrat-passed law requires retailers to stop sales to people under 21 in an effort to deal with the ...

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Church that defied in-person ban helped lead drug user to Christ

ban drug

Trinity Bible Chapel in Ontario, Canada, was fined $100,000 last year for refusing to shut its doors in defiance of the Reopening Ontario Act, as well as the Emergency Management and Civil ...

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Group pushes to legalize recreational marijuana use in Missouri

Missouri could become the new Colorado if a newly filed ballot measure legalizing recreational use of marijuana passes. Legal Missouri 2022, a statewide coalition, filed the initiative seeking to legalize recreational marijuana ...

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Arrest rates for youth almost 4x that of their grandparents

A shocking study reveals that America’s youth are going to jail in historic numbers. Americans under the age of 26 years old today are far more likely to be arrested than older ...

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