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Nation needs to turn to God for healing says Congressman-elect Mark Alford


Newly elected Mark Alford is transitioning from sitting behind a news desk in Kansas City to representing Missouri’s 4th District in Congress. He believes God has been preparing him for this moment. ...

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How C.S. Lewis included political commentary in the Chronicles of Narnia

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Did C.S. Lewis have a message beyond faith in The Chronicles of Narnia? The last few months, I’ve been reading through Chronicles of Narnia with my daughters. It’s made bedtime reading a ...

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$75 million in grants available through Lilly Endowment’s Compelling Preaching Initiative

Lilly Endowment is launching a new initiative to help pastors strengthen their abilities to proclaim the gospel in more engaging and effective ways. The ultimate aim is to foster and support preaching ...

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The more people read the Bible, the more they give to charity

A recent survey confirmed what Christians already knew – Americans who are engaged with scripture are more generous. Members of this group donated more than $100 billion to charity last year, according ...

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Supreme Court to hear free speech case of Christian business owner

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The legal battle over the free speech rights of Christian businesses continues in the U.S. Supreme Court today. The court will hear oral arguments in a case in which a Colorado graphic ...

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In a high-tech world, adults prefer printed Bibles

Although the popularity of online Bibles has grown in the digital age, most adults still prefer the old-fashioned paper version. A report by the American Bible Society found that nearly two-thirds of Bible users ...

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Senate rejects religious protections as it passes Marriage Act

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The U.S. Senate has rejected amendments to protect religious freedom as it approved the controversial Respect for Marriage Act. Twelve Republicans, including several who are retiring like Missouri’s Roy Blunt, joined 49 ...

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For first time since the Dark Ages, Christians are a minority in England

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Christians are now a minority in England and Wales. The startling revelation comes from the most recent census figures and marks the first time since the 7th century in the midst of ...

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‘Dangerous legislation’: Franklin Graham talks about ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

Franklin Graham is calling on Americans to contact their senators, warning them that the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” legislation would fail to protect individuals with the traditional concept of marriage. “The ...

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More now identify as nondenominational than Southern Baptist

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More Christians now attend nondenominational churches than Southern Baptist congregations, the 2020 U.S. Religion Census found. The newly released study shows that over the past decade, the number of adherents in Southern ...

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Author Larry Tomczak shares 10 blessings for which to be thankful this year

Thanksgiving is about much more than just family, food and football. It’s about blessings. “As Christians, we always want to cultivate thankfulness in our lives,” Christian author Larry Tomczak said. “Recall how ...

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Disco Queen Gloria Gaynor singing God’s praises


The Queen of Disco is committed to the King of Kings. In the 1980s, singer Gloria Gaynor was known for her parties. In fact, it was at one of those parties, a ...

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What Christianity Today gets wrong about the Respect for Marriage Act

In a Christianity Today op-ed, Carl H. Esbeck, Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Missouri, offers a positive assessment of the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA). He writes, “All in ...

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Researcher finds connection between spiritual health and happiness

People who pray and connect with God are more likely to experience happiness and enjoy positive mental health, research shows. Extensive research into 13-to-25-year-olds has long found “religion is good for you,” ...

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Daring new program disciples Afghan Christians

A new program aims to reach Afghan Christians who are forced to conceal their faith. In November SAT-7’s Persian-language channel launched a new social media initiative, Church4Afghanistan, comprised of a new brand ...

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Today in Christian history: Volunteers work to meet spiritual, physical needs of Civil War soldiers

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Wounded men lay in the blazing sun in an open field at Gettysburg, pleading for relief. It was 1861 and the American Civil War was raging inflicting enormous casualties on both sides. ...

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Scripture teaches timeless truths that are relevant today, author David Limbaugh says

David Limbaugh, brother of the late Rush Limbaugh, is continually amazed as he studies the Bible. “Every time you read scripture, you may read it in a different context,” he says. ” ...

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California congressman professes that he doesn’t believe in God

Many politicians profess a belief in God but few celebrate their atheism. California Democrat Rep. Jared Huffman however, made his views on the nonexistence of God extremely clear in pretaped remarks during ...

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Actress Dolores Hart gave Elvis his first on-screen kiss, then became a nun in real life


It’s one of those fascinating and intriguing factoids of Hollywood history and pop culture that the woman who gave Elvis Presley his first onscreen kiss actually became a nun – a Benedictine ...

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“Jesus” film reaches milestone with translation into Zo, it’s 2,000th language


“Jesus,” the most translated film of all time, is now available in its 2,000th language. It has been translated into Zo, a language spoken by approximately 65,000 people globally, including refugee and ...

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Eric Metaxas warns that nation is reaching cultural tipping point

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The United States is quickly approaching a dangerous cultural tipping point, author and talk-show host Eric Metaxas warns. “It is the silence of the American church on a host of issues today ...

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“Jesus Revolution” will be in theaters in February with story of revival and hope              

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The powerful story of the youth revival of the 1960s and 1970s will be told in the new movie “Jesus Revolution,” which will be in theaters in February. The movie tells the ...

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Why Christians need to vote on Nov. 8

“Do you know what is the greatest political seduction of all?” James and Betty Robison asked me in a recent television interview, “It is when Christians completely drop out of the political ...

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Faith and family keep catcher for Phillies well grounded


The catcher for the Philadelphia Phillies is excited to be playing in his first World Series against the Houston Astros. However, his faith is still his top priority. “I just thank God ...

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Hobby Lobby CEO walks away from owning company

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CEO David Green of Hobby Lobby announced in a Fox News opinion piece that he decided to walk away from the craft store chain and choose God instead. “Patagonia’s founder recently made ...

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