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Tag Archives: games

French Bible Society to distribute 200,00 Bibles during Olympics

bible olympics

Athletes and spectators participating in the summer Olympics in Paris will receive a special edition of the New Testament, thanks to the French Bible Society. The organization plans to hand out 140,000 ...

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New GateZero video game brings world of Jesus to life


Most Americans, especially young people, spend far more time playing video games than reading the Bible. The innovative new game GateZero will immerse players in scripture by transporting them back to the ...

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Pressure grows for NBC to cancel broadcast of “genocide Olympics”


Pressure is growing for NBC to drop its broadcast of the Beijing Winter Olympics scheduled to be broadcast in February. The demand comes as protests continue against China’s genocide campaign against ethnic ...

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Like the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, world ignores genocide ahead of China’s Olympics

It should be evident to all paying attention that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will proceed as planned. Forget the meager protests against China’s cruel and immoral treatment of its own. The ...

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Olympic swimmer Caeleb Dressel thanks God after winning five gold medals

U.S. swimmer Caeleb Dressel, with five gold medals, has been one of the big stars of the Tokyo Olympics. The 24-year-old Floridian completed the 100-meter butterfly in 49.45 seconds and broke his ...

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Olympics grant China ‘genocide waiver’ as boycott effort grows

china olympics genocide boycott

Boycott pressure is mounting on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to be canceled or moved over China’s genocide against minority populations. Fueling it is the revelation that the International Olympics Committee (IOC) ...

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The pornification of America: How young girls are being groomed by sexual predators

What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators? That’s the question I keep getting asked by people who, having read my article on the growing danger of young ...

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Easter in August? Sure, it’s right after Christmas in July!


We all know that Easter falls on various days every year, but never before has it been celebrated as late as August. However, this year the celebration was delayed from the official ...

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7th Annual EasterFest returns to North Kansas Avenue and Garfield Park

UPDATE: The 2020 EasterFest celebration has been postponed to a later date, yet to be determined. Stay tuned to Metro Voice for updates. EasterFest, the annual Topeka Easter Parade & Fun Fair, ...

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C5Alive Christmas Luncheon to celebrate with music, games


The December C5 Christmas Luncheon will be held December 12, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fairlawn Plaza Mall. Christmas music, games and fun will be the order of the day, with ...

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Groups back President’s warning of video game-linked violence

When President Trump addressed the nation Monday about the mass shootings over the weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, he cited mental illness and video game violence as contributing factors. ...

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Police on the run for Special Olympics

Police officers will be on the run across Missouri the next two weeks. The Statewide Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO) begins Saturday, May 18, and continuse through Friday, May ...

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Pastor John Piper: Jesus’ command on sin applies to devices

For those seeking to break the cycle of their entertainment addiction, theologian John Piper argued that Jesus’ command to “tear out the eye that causes you to sin” can be applied to ...

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Why my family doesn’t own a video game

My oldest son was stirring his Oreo milkshake, eating one methodical bite at a time at the local fast-food joint recently, when the conversation turned to his friends. “I’d much rather spend ...

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World’s largest porn company targeting kids through gaming

Porn is tightening its grip on America’s youth through two major areas – online gaming and virtual reality. As recently as five years ago, the number of video games containing pornographic sexual ...

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