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Tag Archives: Israel

Airbnb enters West Bank dispute, removes Jewish listings

The popular hospitality service Airbnb has picked sides when the company announced it would not allow listings in Judea and Samaria, both of which are nestled in a disputed swath of land ...

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Cancer patient enlisted by Hamas for attacks


The terrorist group Hamas is utilizing the ability of cancer patients to travel to Israel for treatments to transmit messages between the novice terrorists and their handlers in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s ...

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US vetoes UN’s annual condemnation of Israel

The United States for the first time voted against an annual U.N. resolution condemning Israeli control over the Golan Heights at the world body. The decision by the United States to change ...

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Hamas fires over 400 missiles into Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – More than 400 missiles have been fired into Israel from Hamas-controlled Gaza yesterday and overnight. It was the largest attack on Israel by missiles in one day ever. Israeli ...

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Bill Gaither talks changes in Christian music, faith


Metro Voice interviewed Bill Gaither Wednesday, Nov. 7. The composer and singer is no doubt one of the central characters in the long and storied history of Christian music in the 20th ...

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High speed train now links Jerusalem and airport

Israel’s new high tech high-speed train from the Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has opened allowing residents and tourists speedy journeys across the nation. The train, which can ...

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Australia may move embassy to Jerusalem

Australia may be the next country to officially move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted about his meeting with Australia’s prime minister and his openness to ...

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Meet the Christian group that wants to turn you against Israel

Evangelical Christians are some of Israel’s biggest supporters in the United States. However, there is a movement to turn them against Israel and it’s coming from other Christians. For the first time ...

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Free seminar explores investment in Israel the ‘start-up-nation’

“A reform happens when you change the policy of the government; a revolution happens when you change the mind-set of a country,” said author Dan Senor in his book Start-up Nation: The ...

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‘Moses’ will break kidney, bladder stones


Millions of people experience the excruciating pain of kidney and bladder stones. Anyone who has had kidney stones knows the acute pain — sometimes compared to that of women in labor — ...

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Christians honored in Israel for work in face of terror

The Jerusalem Post newspaper reports Israeli communities near the border with Gaza expressed gratitude on Tuesday to the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ)for their work in responding to terror from the Hamas-controlled ...

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PLO office in Washington closed by US

President Donald Trump and his administration are being praised for closing the Palestinian mission, or PLO, in the nation’s capital. The announcement this week comes after nearly a year of mulling the ...

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Does birth of red calf signal the end times?

A Jewish organization whose goal is the building the Third Temple has made a startling announcement. The Temple Institute revealed this week the birth of a flawless all-red heifer that they say could ...

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Operation Finale is a look at best, and worst, of humanity


World War II movies are their own genre but not many film stories are told from the Jewish perspective. “Operation Finale” (MGM) corrects that lack, giving us a story, begun during the ...

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Lack of sleep causes loneliness which spreads to others

Are you draggin’ today? You might think that not sleeping well is your own business but it affects others around you. It causes loneliness and others “catch” the loneliness from you. An ...

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No U.S. concessions to turkey over imprisoned pastor

U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to reject any conditions Turkey may ask for in securing the release of an American pastor detained by Ankara for almost two years. Turkey accuses Andrew ...

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What happens when an Israeli soldier meets his former Palestinian captor?

When former Israeli soldier Ephraim Talabi crossed the border from Israel into Jordan, he didn’t know what to expect. However, one thing was certain – he would do everything he could to ...

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180 missiles fired at Israel from Gaza overnight

More than 180 missiles were fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel overnight, injuring nearly twenty people including a woman who remains in critical condition. Sirens began blaring across Israeli communities ...

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With closer ties, Egypt will now buy Israeli natural gas

JERUSALEM, Israel – Egypt is poised to begin importing natural gas from Israel early in 2019. The $1.5 billion deal signed last February will hopefully benefit both countries. Between 2011 and 2014, ...

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United Airlines adds more flights out of Washington D.C.

WASHINGTON – United Airlines today announced it will begin its 20th year of service to Israel with a new nonstop flight between its hub at Washington Dulles International Airport and Tel Aviv’s ...

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Israel urges Russia to protect Muslims from Syrian army

JERUSALEM, Israel – For the first time in seven years, Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar Assad have completely ousted ISIS fighters from the Syrian border along Israel’s Golan Heights, according to ...

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Ambassador Nikki Haley cites Jesus for support of Israel

United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley delivered the keynote address before an audience of thousands at the Christians United for Israel Summit in DC Monday night. The crowd honored Haley with a standing ...

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Hamas forced into cease fire after Israeli response to rockets

Gaza’s terrorist Hamas rulers said Saturday they had accepted a cease-fire ending a massive Israeli onslaught on militant positions after an Israeli soldier was shot dead. The concession by Hamas, which has ...

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Why Israelis are rooting for good U.S. and Russian relations

As far as much of the American public is concerned, the timing for U.S. President Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin couldn’t be worse. The indictments of 12 Russian military ...

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Israel will become only 4th nation to land on the Moon

YEHUD, Israel — Israel continues to push the boundaries of science and technology, this time reaching all the way to the Moon. An Israeli company said today that it hopes to become ...

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