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Tag Archives: memory

A Prayer for Joe Biden


In the immediate aftermath of President Joe Biden’s major announcement on Sunday, stating that he was dropping out of the presidential race, a flood of responses was quickly posted online. Political pundits ...

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How smartphones are causing ‘digital amnesia’

Are smartphones making us more forgetful? They are according to studies and the problem even has a name  –“digital amnesia.” While it may sound humorous, it has serious implications for our mental ...

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Holocaust photos – found in attics and archives – reveal tragedy on personal level

holocaust photos

Newly found photos of the Holocaust are helping researchers put stories to the victims. The summer of 2022 marked the 80th anniversary of the first Nazi deportation of Jewish families from Germany to Auschwitz. ...

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How ‘superagers’ stay sharp in their later years

A new study on “superagers” shows how to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. When it comes to retirement, experts recommend that everyone do some hard thinking. By this, they mean ...

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Memories of Pearl Harbor attack fading as ‘what-if’ questions remain

pearl harbor

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, we learned that memories of that event are fading fast. Interviews on the streets with young people found little understanding of ...

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Photo albums at Thanksgiving can engage elders struggling with memory

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month comes each November when families gather together for Thanksgiving. That time together often shines a light on loved ones struggling with memory loss. Over 5 million Americans suffer from ...

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10 proven ways to keep the mind sharp as you age

Just as exercise improves your physical health, brain workouts strengthen your mind, boosting your memory and thinking skills. Even better, it’s never too late to begin exercising your most important muscle. Read ...

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Science finds why time flies as we age

For every human on earth, memories of childhood are the most easily recalled. As we think of events in the past it often seems time is stretched, as if through a warp. ...

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Women do have a better memory than men

From remembering the dentist appointment to the date of your mother-in-law’s birthday, women are champs. A new study finds that when it comes to specific events, women have better memory and instant ...

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How the internet can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Over the past 10 years, researchers have learned Alzheimer’s disease starts much earlier than the onset of symptoms – 10-20 years before an individual, family member or friend might notice the signs ...

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How to know if your parent has dementia

We’ve all forgotten a person’s name, where we put our keys, or whether we locked the front door after we’ve left home. While these things indicate lapses in memory, experiencing them from ...

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How do dementia patients remember God?

dementia god

When geropsychologist Benjamin Mast evaluates dementia clients at his University of Louisville research lab, there’s a question some people of faith ask him: “What if I forget about God?” It’s a query ...

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