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Tag Archives: michael brown

A Prayer for Joe Biden


In the immediate aftermath of President Joe Biden’s major announcement on Sunday, stating that he was dropping out of the presidential race, a flood of responses was quickly posted online. Political pundits ...

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Christians rally on Broadway to oppose antisemitism

Times Square Rally Drew Support from many in the Community, Encouraged Attendees to Say Something and Do Something. On the same day that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped charges against ...

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Joint Statement on the Allegations Against Mike Bickle

bickle allegations

In a joint statement, numerous leaders in the Christian community and individuals formerly closely tied to IHOPKC have weighed in on the investigation into allegations, facts, and admissions by Mike Bickle concerning ...

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What We Have Learned about Censorship and Suppression of Speech in ‘Free’ America

America is certainly not China or North Korea when it comes to censorship and suppressing free speech. But we are not nearly as free as we thought we were. The events of ...

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Why Christians need to vote on Nov. 8

“Do you know what is the greatest political seduction of all?” James and Betty Robison asked me in a recent television interview, “It is when Christians completely drop out of the political ...

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Prophecies about 2020 election should be wake-up call, Christian author says

christian prophecies

As the midterm elections approach, Christian author Michael Brown says false prophecies about Donald Trump’s reelection should serve as a “wake-up call to the charismatic church.” Brown, whose columns often appear in ...

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An intellectually rigorous faith: Loving God with all our hearts AND minds

For many people, the Bible is a downright dangerous book. For others, it is a holy book but hardly the Word of God. For others, it is a mixture, with its value ...

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‘Evangelicals for Biden’ having buyers remorse over abortion

A group that billed itself as “Evangelicals for Biden” is having buyer’s remorse. In spite of President Biden’s long history of support for abortion, the group had supported his candidacy. They now ...

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The left wants to eliminate competing ideas

competing ideas

It was President Dwight Eisenhower who once wrote that “in a democracy debate is the breath of life.” Today, it seems as if the left wants to snuff that breath out. Competing ...

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College student finds there is no mercy in today’s cancel culture

college student

It is one thing when, as an adult, you are held accountable for the choices you make, especially if you are unrepentant. It is another thing when, as a new college student, ...

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St. Louis County prosecutor clears officer who shot Michael Brown

michael brown

Six years after a police shooting of Michael Brown triggered riots in Ferguson, Mo., the St. Louis County prosecutor has announced that his office will not seek charges against officer Darren Wilson. ...

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A response to Christianity Today and their call to remove Trump from office

Like many Christians, I have great respect for Christianity Today. It remains a hallmark, evangelical publication. And although it has leaned leftward in some respects in recent years, it is quite conservative ...

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Warren’s anti-police statements slammed by police

Police chiefs across Massachusetts criticized Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a top Democratic presidential contender, for her comments about the shooting of Michael Brown. Warren, whose other comments recently have stirred controversy and eroded some of her ...

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Lutherans Work in Ferguson for Long Haul

ferguson lutherans

Months after the Aug. 9 shooting of black teen Michael Brown Jr., a group of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod pastors and vicars, led by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Missouri District President ...

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Churches Spearhead Ferguson Cleanup

FERGUSON, Mo. – When The Passage Church, on the border of the St. Louis suburbs of Florissant and Ferguson, partnered with local church plants to initiate a Ferguson cleanup effort of the ...

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