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Tag Archives: moderna

Internal emails reveal why CDC changed definition of ‘vaccine’

vaccine definition

Newly released emails reveal the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered the definition of “vaccine” because of concern that its definition did not apply to COVID-19 vaccines. The definition change ...

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Northern Europe suspends Moderna vaccine for under 30


All of northern Europe is now saying it’s too dangerous to administer the Moderna covid vaccine to anyone under 30 years of age. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to Nordic ...

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New Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised, say Christian bioethecists

johnson & johnson

As the CDC and media herald the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, bioethics groups say it has ethical issues. The National Catholic Bioethics Center and the United States Conference ...

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Pro-life group looks at fetal tissue origins of COVID-19 vaccines

As the approval of three COVID-19 vaccines draws closer, many Christians are asking questions about pro-life implications. Many say that a vaccine that was developed and tested using fetal tissue derived from ...

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