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Tag Archives: palestinians

Almost all aid entering Gaza through new pier is being stolen

gaza pier

Almost all of the aid delivered by a new U.S.-built pier in Gaza was stolen by Hamas and other groups before it reached the U.N. central warehouse. The report by Reuters backs ...

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Freed Israeli hostage: ‘Gazan civilians sold me to Hamas’

gazan civilians

Nili Margalit, 42, on a tour of Europe to raise awareness of the 133 Israeli hostages still in captivity, told France’s Le Point magazine on Monday that it was Gazan civilians, not Hamas, ...

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Palestinian mob vandalizes Joshua’s Altar

joshua's altar paletinian

Jewish and Christian groups are calling for more protection of archaeological sites after Arab rioters vandalized Joshua’s Altar. The site, located on Mount Ebal, as documented in the Old Testament, is currently ...

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Arab Christians in Israel find new ways to celebrate Christmas as Hamas war rages

hanukkah christmas war

Christmas in Israel has changed dramatically this year in the wake of the Hamas attack on October 7 and ongoing war. For Arabs in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas, there’s often pressure to support ...

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Question: What are the facts in the Israel–Hamas war?

Do you have questions about the Israel-Hamas war or have others asked you a question? After the horrific attacks on Israel Oct. 7 that left more than 1,400 people (mostly civilians) dead, ...

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Hamas calls for ‘day of rage’ Friday against Israel, U.S.

Security is high around the world Friday after Palestinian and Hamas leaders called for a Day of Rage and jihad. France banned Palestinian demonstrations today while Australia has apologized for allowing a ...

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Raw Reflections on the Murderous Attack on Israel

israel attack

As I was writing an article about the horrible attack on Israel, the news kept getting worse. How could this be happening? It turns out that things were far worse than we ...

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Biden administration criticized for ending scientific partnerships in West Bank

biden west bank

The Biden administration is being called out for deciding to end all scientific and technological cooperation with Israeli entities in the West Bank (Samaria and Judea), East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. ...

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Tip of the iceberg: Investigation finds Target funding extremist agenda

Target stores remain under the microscope after being criticized for their Pride Month merchandise and displays. Research by Fox News finds a pervasive adherence to an agenda out of touch with the ...

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U.S. antisemitic incidents rose more than one-third last year, ADL audit finds

antisemitic incidents

The number of recorded antisemitic incidents in the United States increased by 36 percent last, reaching the highest level since tracking began in 1979. It also follows an uptick in attacks on ...

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Poll: Majority of Arabs in Judea and Samaria support terrorism

A new poll of Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip, reveals they support terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. A whopping 71% said they support the murder of two ...

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Biden arrives in Israel after creating controversy over Jerusalem visit

As President Joe Biden arrived in Israel today, that nation is moving forward with a series of  “confidence-building” measures between the Palestinian Authority, says Defense Minister Benny Gantz Biden’s diplomatic trip will ...

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Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day, marking return of city to Jewish people

Israel last weekend celebrated Jerusalem Day, commemorating when Israeli troops freed the old city from 2,000 years of occupation by foreign powers. The Bible says the heart and soul of the Jewish ...

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After attacking Jews, Christians on Easter, Palestinians fight police

palestinians easter

Israeli police continue to deal with Palestinians on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount after Muslims attacked worshippers on Passover and Easter Sunday. The violence comes after Islamic Imams preached in advance of Ramadan, that ...

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Open letter to Ben & Jerry’s over Israel boycott

Dear Ben & Jerry’s board members, In today’s ruthless global business environment, your company’s accentuation of social justice causes is well-noted. However, your product and branding have now been tainted. The taste ...

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Ben & Jerry’s pulls ice cream out of “West Bank,” reaction is swift

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream announced this week that it no longer will sell its products in Judea and Samaria, which they described as “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” In response, Israeli Minister of ...

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South Korea accepts Israeli vaccine doses that Palestinians turned down

south korea

Palestinian leaders have lost the opportunity to immediately vaccinate residents after refusing Israel’s offer of a vaccine swap. Now South Korea says it will take the 700,000 doses from Israel. Under the ...

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Curriculum equates Native Americans with Palestinian conflict

Public school officials in the state of Washington have inserted the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into mandatory 5th-grade lessons on Native American history. Children as young as 10 are being taught to associate the ...

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Republicans introduce bill to replenish Israel’s life-saving Iron Dome

The Iron Dome, Israel’s missile-defense system, helped protect the nation from recent attacks by the Palestinian terror group Hamas. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has introduced a bill to replenish it. ...

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Netanyahu ends 12 years of service as Bennett becomes prime minister

A record twelve years straight of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister came to an end Sunday night as Naftali Bennett was sworn in. The new government, which at least temporarily, ends a roadblock ...

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Facebook bans 76 million strong Israel prayer page

facebook prayer

The Jerusalem Prayer Team Facebook page has still not been restored after it was banned by the Big Tech company in May. The action by Facebook came after a mysterious barrage of ...

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Palestinians want Jews banned from the Temple Mount

Jews will be banned from the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, if Palestinian ceasefire demands are met. Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers Tuesday were given the demands by Palestinian Authority ...

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Videos show brutal attacks on American Jews by Palestinian supporters

Videos posted to social media show shocking and brutal attacks on Jews across the United States and around the world. Civil liberty advocates are saying Palestinian supporters are bringing the Hamas war ...

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What the conflict between Israel and Hamas has taught us

Given the history of the region, it is a given that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will be complex and painful, even as a cease-fire with Hamas is announced. It is also a given ...

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Biden policies seen as encouraging attacks on Israel

The Biden administration has come under withering criticism in the United States and Israel for its poor handling of the attacks on Israel and the general situation in the Middle East. On ...

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