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Tag Archives: pandemic

24 Hour Fitness bankrupt, closes 100 locations

The government shutdowns have resulted in another bankruptcy costing thousands of jobs. Popular gym chain 24 Hour Fitness said it is filing for Chapter 11 and will close 100 locations around the ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley questions Covid-19 church restrictions while protests encouraged

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has asked U.S. Attorney General William Barr to investigate discrepancies between state regulations regarding religious services and ongoing protests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hawley stated his position in ...

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‘Wretched’ may be #1 but family films rule theater-free season


If you look at official box-office results, The Wretched is the uncontested coronavirus-season champion. The indie horror flick just passed the $1 million mark, theatrically speaking—an impressive achievement, given the lack of theaters actually open. ...

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Funeral homes struggle with Covid-19 gear and regulations

funeral covid-19

Countless organizations and individuals have stepped up to meet the needs of the state’s first responders during the Covid-19 pandemic. Less attention has been paid to the last responders – the state’s ...

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Facemasks, virtue signaling and claiming the moral high ground

Dozens of articles have been written pro and con relative to the wearing of facemasks. This is not one of those articles. People may be able to arrive at a conclusion they ...

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City Union Mission partners with Swope Health to test homeless for Covid-19

All 94 individuals living in City Union Mission‘s long-term homeless facility have tested negative for Covid-19. That’s good news for them, and the homeless community which is considered the greatest at-risk health ...

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Newest economic and employment numbers show strong rebound

economic employment

Today, President Donald Trump will deliver remarks on today’s remarkable employment report and sign H.R. 7010 – PPP Flexibility Act of 2020 in the Rose Garden of the White House. The economic ...

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Did God send the coronavirus?

coronavirus fully vaccinated

Is the coronavirus a plague from God? …or from the devil? …or just a coincidence? Does it signal the end of the world? Or, is it a wake-up call for this world? ...

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Lockdowns may be permanently damaging mental health of children

As lockdowns ease, many parents are still wondering if they will be able to send their children to church camp or if they’ll continue to spend time in lockdown. With children already ...

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Restaurants are turning their parking lots into drive-in movie theaters

As the coronavirus pandemic closes businesses and shuts people into their houses, it seems that everything old is new again: chain letters, puzzles, and the drive-in. It’s the perfect socially-distanced outing. A few savvy restaurants, ...

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Slavic Gospel Association helping hard-hit families in Russia as infections rise

russia infections

A U.S.-based mission to Russia and the former Soviet Union has distributed more than 500,000 meals to desperate families as Russia’s coronavirus infections hit a new high. Russia has jumped to third ...

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Missouri’s Tuesday elections will be the ‘cleanest’ ever for voters

Pandemic or not, many Missouri residents will be voting on local issues in elections on Tuesday. Gov. Mike Parson told those voters to put their personal safety first. “I hope people feel ...

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Where you can find hope during coronavirus pandemic


The title of a USA Today story read, “Holding on to hope in the coronavirus pandemic . . .”  The Wall Street Journal wrote in one article, the “world’s best hope is ...

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Suburban St. Louis church sues county over meeting restrictions

church county

Another Missouri church has filed a lawsuit over restrictions on religious gatherings. Church of the Word in the St. Louis suburb of Fenton sued St. Louis County on Wednesday. The church alleges ...

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Church resumes outreach to hard-hit Navajo Nation

navajo nation

The coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact on Native American reservations, such as the Navajo Nation in Arizona. “When you go there, I promise you it is a different world,” Pastor Scott ...

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With just three members, church finds new life despite pandemic

three members

The three remaining members of Linwood Baptist Church, just west of Kansas City, planned to shut down the church when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. It turns out that God had other plans. ...

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Matt Damon and the local non-profit he founded, push for clean water to fight Covid-19

Water is essential for proper sanitation, not only during the current pandemic but at any time. A nonprofit organization in Kansas City, co-founded by Matt Damon, is working hard to provide broader ...

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Middle East nations experiencing spike in domestic abuse during lockdown

abuse middle east

As billions of people around the world are told to stay safe at home, many are finding that home is not always a safe place. Middle East Christian satellite broadcaster SAT-7 said ...

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Isolation, quarantine, executive orders and the constitution

Isolation, quarantine, executive orders

Overwhelmed by all the news coming out about the new coronavirus, including isolation, quarantine, executive orders and the like? This article attempts to place the coronavirus pandemic and recent executive orders by ...

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4 ways to help nurses during the coronavirus pandemic

America’s nurses are on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, providing safe, quality, compassionate and nondiscriminatory care to those they serve, many of whom are doing so at significant risk ...

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Americans maintain faith in God throughout pandemic, study finds

faith in God

Although Americans have not been able to meet in churches for several months, their faith in God remains strong. That is one of the key findings of a recent survey by UChicago ...

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How to safely enjoy Kansas state parks during Memorial Day weekend

Kansas state parks

Kansas state parks officials say that trail use is up markedly during the COVID-19 pandemic. As evidence, in Shawnee County, a pedestrian counter placed on the Gage Park Fitness Loop Trail recorded ...

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Oops. CDC makes big correction about spread of Covid-19

After originally recommending the country go on lockdown because of the “easy” spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a big “oops” regarding how the agency now ...

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DOJ warns California over closing churches: “there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has warned California Gov. Gavin Newsom that the state’s public health orders may be discriminatory against churches. In a letter on May 19 the DOJ expressed “several” concerns over the state’s ...

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Survey finds many parents to continue homeschooling after pandemic

Many parents who are homeschooling out of necessity during the pandemic are finding that they actually prefer it. Forty percent of families surveyed are more likely to homeschool or virtual school after ...

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