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Tag Archives: pastors

Andy Stanley criticizes Southern Baptist Convention for ousting Rick Warren’s church

stanely rick

Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Georgia and son of Charles Stanley, is upset with the Southern Baptist Convention. He says the SBC shouldn’t have removed Saddleback Church after ...

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Tony Evans admits sin, steps away from ministry

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Popular pastor Tony Evans announced that he is stepping away from his ministry because of a sin he committed years ago. Metro Voice reported the news earlier this week in a breaking ...

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This theology is driving young Christians away from Israel

successful church pandemic young theology

Young Christians in the United States are abandoning support for Israel as they increasingly move toward the theology of amillennial and postmillennial eschatology. Support for Israel among this group has dropped by ...

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Ministry financial watchdog developing ministry ‘standard’ for leadership care


The ongoing scandal at International House of Prayer KC is just one of many allegations of misconduct that continue to roil the church. The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is responding by ...

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Four faces in Revelation show leaders how to steward their anointing

leaders anointing

Although churches often talk about stewardship in regard to finances, it can be easy to overlook the importance of stewarding the gift that God gives to all believers. “The most important thing ...

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United Methodists vote to remove all bans on LGBTQ clergy, weddings

The United Methodist Church today voted overwhelmingly to allow “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” to be ordained and serve as ministers of the church. The vote, 692-51, was made at their General Conference and ...

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Southern Baptists disfellowship churches


Four more churches have been disfellowshipped by the Southern Baptist Convention. One was removed for having a female senior pastor, another for allowing women in church leadership and two for issues related ...

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Churches must tackle porn, says app founder

teens scams churches app

The use of pornography has become a “civilizational crisis” that churches need to address, according to Ronald DeHaas, founder and CEO of the accountability app Covenant Eyes. DeHaas, who also serves as ...

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Christians more likely to use AI in their work

christians work

Christians are more likely than non-Christians to use artificial intelligence in their work, a new survey from the Barna Group finds. The data suggest that nearly two-thirds of Christians in the workforce ...

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Half of pastors wanted to ditch pulpit since 2020

pastors half

A shortage of pastors for American churches may be looming. More than half have seriously considered leaving the ministry since 2020 for various reasons, a new study from the Hartford Institute for ...

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$4.5 million? Ministry Watch lists 100 highly-paid leaders


Who are the 100 highly-paid ministry executives in the United States? Ministry Watch compiled a list with publicly available information derived from the latest Form 990 prepared by each ministry. “We are ...

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Notable Christian leaders who died in 2023

leaders died

Several of the most influential Christian leaders of the past generation died in 2023. Religion News Service and Metro Voice look back at the passing of several giants influential people. Charles Stanley. ...

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Christian lawmakers at odds about Satanic display in Iowa state capitol

satanic iowa

A satanic display in the Iowa capitol has split two pastors who serve as legislators. Controversy continues after an organization describing itself as the Satanic Temple of Iowa erected an altar depicting ...

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Many pastors still hurting in wake of pandemic

pastors pandemic

Although the pandemic is over, the human toll on pastors is still being felt. “At the height of the pandemic, we were losing up to 1,500 pastors a month in this country,” ...

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Churchgoers and leaders find value in ministries serving women

churchgoers women

Ministry leaders and women churchgoers believe ministry to women is working in their congregations, but both feel there’s room for improvement. Lifeway Research surveyed 1,001 evangelical and Black Protestant female churchgoers in the ...

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Christian leader calls on pastors to provide biblical context for Mideast conflict

Israel christian

The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas must be understood in light of the Bible, Christian filmmaker and author Phil Cooke says. “The more I see demonstrations in the streets supporting Hamas, ...

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Pastors should avoid this during sermons


Kids do say the darndest things, and with decades of pulpit experience, the Rev. Joe McKeever has learned that these revelatory remarks about sermons often happen just after church. In one case, ...

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What’s up with profanity in the church, Christian music?

church profanity

Most Christians take for granted that profanity is sinful, but does the Bible actually address it? Back in 2013, I noted with concern that “it is increasingly common to hear about worship ...

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Majority of pastors feel lonely and isolated at times, Barna study finds

church pastors lonely

Two-thirds of pastors felt lonely or isolated at times last year, a new survey by the Barna Group found. That number is up significantly from 42 percent in 2015. At the same ...

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Eric Metaxas says pastors “silent in the face of evil”

metaxas evil

Author and talk-show host Eric Metaxas is urging leaders to speak up against the evil in today’s world “There are many pastors and Christian leaders being silent in the face of evil ...

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Well-being of pastors has dropped in several key areas since 2015, study finds

church pastors lonely

The well-being of pastors in several key areas has significantly declined since 2015, a new report from Barna Research found. When it comes to having true friends, 20 percent of pastors in ...

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Poll: virtual worship satisfying, but most people want in-person

At the height of the pandemic, many Americans who attended in-person worship services turned to their digital devices and their couches instead for virtual viewing. Now, the Pew Research Center finds a ...

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Open Letter from Rick Warren to Southern Baptists

college rick warren letter

Pastor Rick Warren has written an open letter to Southern Baptists after the church he founded, Saddleback, was disfellowshipped over the ordination of women. Warren was recently named chancellor of the Spurgeon’s ...

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Pastors step up to encourage adoptions after decline

More pastors are encouraging members to adopt and provide foster care at a time when adoptions have declined in the U.S. A Lifeway Research study found more than 2 in 5 U.S. protestant ...

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Bible App for Kids reaches milestone 100 million downloads worldwide

Bible App for Kids

More than 100 million people around the world have installed the Bible App for Kids from YouVersion and OneHope. “We know that the most important influence in a child’s life is their ...

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