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Christians continue to grapple with proper role of artificial intelligence

artificial christians

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has led to interesting questions about the future roles of humans and AI. The Barna Group and the technology platform Gloo recently asked both Christians and ...

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Today’s News Briefs: Gaza pier ends; Ballot ruling; Biden has covid

israel blame gaza ballots

Today’s News Briefs: Gaza pier ends; Ruling on mailed ballots; Biden has covid.   Nevada judges rules on counting late ballots Ballots that come in four days after Election Day can still ...

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Kansas City drivers are fifth-worst in nation, research finds

worst drivers

Buckle up, Kansas City. The city proper has the fifth-worst drivers in the nation, according to research by “Forbes Advisor.” “Fatal car accidents are increasing across the country, with the number of ...

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Just 1/3 of churchgoers say they notice their congregation supporting crisis pregnancy centers

crisis centers

Despite the growing need for crisis pregnancy centers following the Dobbs decision by the U.S. Supreme Court last summer, a new Lifeway Research survey found that only 31 percent of Protestant churchgoers ...

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Americans oppose protests and support Israel military action in Rafah

israel raffah associated press

Anti-Israel protests are much more popular on elite college campuses than with the American public in general. Two recent polls find that the American people are on opposite sides of the Biden ...

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This is how many Americans believe in the resurrection

americans resurrection

Although the nation seems to be growing more secular, there is good news for Christians this Easter season. Two-thirds of Americans still say they believe Jesus physically rose from the dead. Nearly ...

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Half of American Muslims support Hamas attack: poll

israel hamas muslims

A new Pew Research Center poll finds that roughly half of American Muslims believe that the Hamas terror organization is justified in its war against Israel. The survey among 12,693 respondents between ...

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Poll: Arabs overwhelmingly support Hamas Oct. 7 attack

arabs hamas

A new survey finds that Arabs across the Middle East and North Africa overwhelmingly agree with the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and kidnappings. The extensive effort surveyed residents of 16 nations representing ...

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Churches must tackle porn, says app founder

teens scams churches app

The use of pornography has become a “civilizational crisis” that churches need to address, according to Ronald DeHaas, founder and CEO of the accountability app Covenant Eyes. DeHaas, who also serves as ...

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Young people dubious of climate warming claims

young claims

As world governments move forward with controversial climate policies, more young people are questioning the claims. These young audiences are skeptical of what detractors of these policies say is climate “alarmism” according ...

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Half of pastors wanted to ditch pulpit since 2020

pastors half

A shortage of pastors for American churches may be looming. More than half have seriously considered leaving the ministry since 2020 for various reasons, a new study from the Hartford Institute for ...

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Christians support Israel against Hamas, but fewer say Bible influenced opinion

christians hamas

A majority of U.S. Christians support Israel in the war against Hamas, although only one in four say the Bible has influenced their opinions about the Jewish state, according to a new ...

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Young Americans more likely to deny Holocaust, criticize Israel, survey finds

auschwitz concentration camps millennials history holocaust shoa word war II young holocaust

The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel has exposed the extent of antisemitism in the United States, especially among young people. One in five Americans believe the Holocaust of the Jewish people is ...

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Food website ranks most popular Christmas dishes in Missouri, Kansas

christmas dishes

Favorite dishes are as much a part of the Christmas season as trees and packages. Although nearly everyone enjoys turkey and the trimmings, each state also has several popular regional meals. Three ...

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Do atheists attend church on Christmas?


The country seems more and more divided between people of faith and those who consider themselves agnostics and atheists. Many people who are nominally religious and even agnostic may still celebrate the ...

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Missourians, Kansans list favorite Christmas songs

christmas songs

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is the most popular Christmas song in Missouri, while Kansans prefer “Jingle Bells.” FinanceBuzz recently used Google trends to find the most popular song ...

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One in three Missourians considers their public schools to be of poor quality

public poor

Nearly one-third of Missouri voters consider their public schools to be of poor quality, up from 17 percent a year earlier. A recent survey by St. Louis University and YouGov found Missouri ...

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More than half of Americans report being in contact with dead relative

americans dead

Ancient practices apparently are alive and well in a supposedly scientific age. More than half of Americans reported interacting with dead relatives through dreams and other means, according to new survey results ...

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Majority of Missourians rate public schools as only fair or poor

missourians schools

More than half of Missourians are not happy with the state’s public schools. Fifty-six percent rated their local schools as fair or poor, and seven in 10 said the same about public ...

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Social media a top concern for parents: Tips to protect children

parents media porn sites

As schools across the nation are back in session, a new poll finds parents are increasingly concerned about the social media habits of their children. The vast majority of parents say internet ...

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Christian author challenges churches to address porn addiction

churches porn

Many churches avoid discussing pornography although more than half of Americans admit they watch it. An estimated 91 percent of men and 60 percent of women nationwide consume porn at varying degrees ...

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Majority of pastors feel lonely and isolated at times, Barna study finds

church pastors lonely

Two-thirds of pastors felt lonely or isolated at times last year, a new survey by the Barna Group found. That number is up significantly from 42 percent in 2015. At the same ...

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Only one in three Americans have confidence in the church, Gallup finds

confidence church

Only about one-third of Americans have confidence in the church or organized religion, and even fewer have faith in public schools. Gallup sampled Americans’ level of trust in more than a dozen ...

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Another survey confirms decline in church attendance

Another report has been released that documents a decline in church attendance since the start of the pandemic. An average of 30 percent of Americans from 2020 to the present said they ...

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Atheists say they feel alienated

Biden atheists alienated

Atheists are complaining they feel socially alienated even as government, Hollywood and the media push faith out of the public eye. The news comes as projections indicate Christianity might be a minority ...

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