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Tag Archives: somalia

Muslim convert urges churches to evangelize their local Islamic communities

islamic muslim

Churches need to do more to evangelize the growing U.S. Islamic population, a Muslim Somalian refugee who became a Christian missionary says. “We take our personal discipleship and personal growth very seriously, ...

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North Korea again leads world in persecution of Christians

North Korea once again is the world’s worst persecutor of Christians,  according to the latest World Watch List report prepared by the religious persecution watchdog Open Doors US. The document, released annually since 1993, ...

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Christian agencies: Starvation at doorstep of seven million in East Africa

Seven million people across six countries in East Africa are on the brink of starvation. The disturbing news comes from numerous Christian agencies on the ground, including World Vision. This figure is ...

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Swarm of locusts devouring eastern Africa in Biblical proportion

The United Nations this week warned that a growing swarm of locusts puts hundreds of millions at risk of starvation across eastern and central Africa.  The swarm  passed through the Middle East ...

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Arab news outlet reports Congresswoman Omar is a foreign agent

A major Arab news outlet is claiming Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is a foreign agent and that she “passed sensitive information that was relayed to Iran, and received funding by a foreign ...

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Three men guilty of plotting domestic terrorism

A jury found three Kansas men guilty Wednesday of terrorism in plotting to bomb a mosque and apartment complex housing Somali refugees. The was attack stopped by another member of the group ...

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