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St. Louis mom on supporting your kids at college

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Missouri mother Mindy Horwitz, like many parents, had to adjust when her kids left home for college. She founded mindyKNOWS, an organization that helps guide young adults through the ups and downs of ...

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Israel has successful test of space missile defense system

As the Biden administration inches closer to a nuclear deal that many say will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Israel has announced a major breakthrough in its defense. Israel Defense Forces ...

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Israel to launch second attempt to land on Moon

Israel is going back to the Moon and on Wednesday launched its Beresheet 2 project, the country’s second lunar mission. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin hosted the ceremony, which was joined online by ...

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U.S. and Israel working together with aliens, retired general claims

President Trump recently was on the verge of confirming the existence of extraterrestrials beings, a retired Israeli general has stated. Haim Eshed told Israel’s largest daily newspaper that not only are aliens ...

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SpaceX launch: America back in control

SpaceX and America heralded its historic return to regularly launched manned space flights from US soil on Sunday. A Falcon 9 rocket carrying four astronauts lit up the night sky on Sunday ...

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US officially launches new Space Force

President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, the first stage of the new branch of the military, the Space Force, that Trump announced last year. “SpaceCom will ensure that American ...

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News Briefs: Disney star supports Communists, Rice cooker suspect nabbed, Media changes strategy on Trump

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Here’s today’s news briefs: Man placing rice cooker around New York apprehended A West Virginia man caught on security footage placing rice cookers around New York City, sparking fears during rush hour Aug. 16, ...

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SpaceX to launch first of 6,000 internet satellites this week

SpaceX wants to beam cheap broadband internet all over the planet. It’s gearing up for the first crucial step toward making that a reality. Elon Musk’s rocket company will try to deliver a ...

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Israeli spacecraft to land on the moon today

Israel will become only the fourth nation to land on the moon today, April 11, as the Beresheet spacecraft separates  it’s landing craft for the controlled decent to the surface. In addition ...

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Historic Nebraska flooding from ‘Bomb Cyclone’ seen in stunning images from space

The historic flooding that inundated Nebraska and other parts of the central U.S. this month has been so devastating that the damage can be seen from space. Stunning images released by NASA show the extent of the ...

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Israeli moon lander craft sends first photo from space

Israel’s Beresheet historic Moon landing spacecraft sent back its first image from more than 20,000 miles above the earth. The spacecraft, which is the first one Israel has sent to the moon ...

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Israel to make history this week with Moon landing

In another show of God’s promises fulfilled in restoring the Jewish people to their land and destiny, Israel will make history this week when it launches a ship into outer space. When it lands ...

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China training pilots to target U.S.

For years, foreign policy and military experts have been warning that China, not Russia, is America’s biggest threat. That theory gained weight this week after a new report was released. China is ...

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Israel will become only 4th nation to land on the Moon

YEHUD, Israel — Israel continues to push the boundaries of science and technology, this time reaching all the way to the Moon. An Israeli company said today that it hopes to become ...

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