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Experiencing awe quite literally improves your health


The world needs more “awe,” says Twitter account Culture Critic (@Culture–crit). The account regularly posts messages about culture, past and present, and how much we have seemingly lost to “progress.” It also ...

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18 Christian colleges closed since start of Covid-19

colleges closed

Eighteen Christian colleges have closed permanently or have been forced to merge since the start of the pandemic, a recent report from Higher Ed Dive found. Schools shuttering their doors include Baptist, ...

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Independence School District adopting four-day schedule has drawbacks for families

Independence School District moving to a four-day school week gets national attention. “The impetus behind it was to attract and retain staff,” Superintendent Dal Herl told “Good Morning America.” “If you look ...

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3 reasons why mandating Kindergarten is harmful

Kindergarten may be valuable for some children, but it shouldn’t be compulsory – and the studies prove it. This back-to-school season, many parents are eager to drop-off their kindergarteners to begin the ...

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How rethinking church properties could help save dying congregations

Rome, Georgia, features steeple after steeple defining its skyline. Its tourist map for Rome depicts 15 churches in its six-block long, four-block-wide downtown area alone. The church properties take up a substantial ...

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Predictable, consistent parents key to brain development in children

Scientists have long known that the experiences you have during infancy and childhood play an important role in shaping how your brain matures and how you behave as an adult. But figuring out why ...

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What went wrong in America’s recycling efforts?


In March 2019, The New York Times ran a shocking story exploring why many prominent US cities were abandoning their recycling programs. “Philadelphia is now burning about half of its 1.5 million residents’ recycling material in ...

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Why are young men drawn to commit evil like the Texas massacre?

texas men

It’s hard to know what to say in the wake of a heart-rending tragedy like Tuesday’s massacre in Uvalde, Texas. It would be easy—but irresponsible—to interpret the event conclusively when so little is ...

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Medical marijuana sales in Missouri reach $1 million daily

Cannabis sales in Missouri averaged about $1 million a day in March. The long-term effects of what’s called “medical marijuana” have some concerned, even while its benefits as a treatment for chronic ...

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Atheist scientists defend religion against vicious attacks from peers


Distrust of atheists is strong in the United States. The General Social Survey consistently demonstrates that as a group, Americans dislike atheists more than any other religious group. According to various studies, nearly half ...

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Northern Europe suspends Moderna vaccine for under 30


All of northern Europe is now saying it’s too dangerous to administer the Moderna covid vaccine to anyone under 30 years of age. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to Nordic ...

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Math and Music: Why Do I Have To Learn This?

“Why do I have to learn this? I’m NEVER going to use it.” It is likely that you have heard this (or even said it yourself) many times. Students question the usefulness ...

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Retired educator sees first-hand the harm of virtual learning

Fall this year brought with it many school challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many schools still have not returned to a normal routine. They are relying heavily on virtual learning which ...

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Johns Hopkins professor: Covid herd immunity by April

johns hopkins

The coronavirus will be “mostly gone” by April, according to a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Professor Martin Makary, who also teaches at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, says ...

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Good news: COVID is not destroying marriages

The media is telling two different stories on marriages and how they’re coping with the stress of the COVID pandemic. Here’s what’s really going on. While some news stories say divorce from ...

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Study finds pets more important than ever during covid lockdowns

Lockdowns, depression and other consequences of the Covid pandemic are helping people to realize the special place their pets hold.  A new survey finds most pet owners say they’ve helped them get ...

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China now bans online Bible studies

Online Bible studies and even officially sanctioned services are now under attack by Communist Chinese authorities bent on removing faith from all aspects of its society. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that on ...

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Smartphones get an ‘F’ for lowering student grades

It’s never been easier for the average student to find the answer to a tough question using a smartphone. Across the nation, teachers regularly battle the distraction smartphones provide. From social media ...

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Evangel University receives Torah scroll that survived Holocaust

torah scroll

A Christian university and seminary is thankful for the donation of a Torah scroll for use in research and academic studies. The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary of Evangel University was recently ...

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Leading scientists send letter to UN stating there is no climate emergency

A group of scientists and professionals in climate and related fields sent a letter to the United Nations on Sept. 23 declaring that “there is no climate emergency.” “The general-circulation models of climate on which international ...

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New Center for Biblical Studies opens at Midwestern Seminary


A new center designed to aid individuals with their study of the scriptures has opened in Kansas City. The Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary opened October 3, offering another significant resource ...

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Bees are disappearing and evidence shows herbicides are to blame

The humble honeybee is sending a warning about the environmental disruption that affects not just this key link in our food production, but affects multiple species, with serious, negative effects on human ...

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Groups back President’s warning of video game-linked violence

When President Trump addressed the nation Monday about the mass shootings over the weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, he cited mental illness and video game violence as contributing factors. ...

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Parents ask Surgeon General to expose dangers of gender drugs, surgeries

Parents of children who have endured puberty-blocking gender drugs, cross-sex hormones, and permanent medical procedures as a part of their new gender identity are asking the United States Surgeon General to increase ...

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Kids have greater porn access during the summer

kids are higher risk of accessing porn during the summer

If you’re a parent, summer means planning trips to the pool, grandparents, family vacations, play dates, and juggling an even balance between the demands of your job and family. While it’s a ...

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