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France burns as workers battle increased taxes imposed by President Macron


Just  a week ago President Emmanuel Macron of France was scolding America for its unwillingness to raise taxes to reduce carbon emissions. Now the flamboyant leader, who was regularly compared to John ...

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Black Americans benefiting from lowest unemployment in history

Black American men are experiencing the lowest unemployment on record as it drops to 6.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). With women included in the count, Black unemployment dropped ...

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American employment level hits historic milestone

The November employment report, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the economy added 150,000 jobs continuing the momentum of a historically expanding economy. The unemployment rate held steady at ...

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Kansas City to host President Trump at law enforcement conference

President Trump will make his second trip as President to Kansas City today. Air Force One is expected to touch down at Kansas City International Airport at 11 a.m., where the president ...

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Supreme Court rejects legal challenge to border wall

The Supreme Court summarily rejected a legal challenge from activists who claim that the Trump administration’s southern border wall runs afoul of environmental laws. The ruling clears an effort by Democrat and environmental ...

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President sends warm Hanukkah greetings to Jewish community

Against a backdrop of high approval ratings among Jews in the Holy Land, President Donald Trump has issued his Hanukkah greetings to the world’s Jewish community. A poll finds that Israeli Jews ...

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China bows, America pauses trade war

China has apparently bowed to economic pressures brought on by increased tariffs under the Trump administration. In a closed-door dinner between Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Group of 20 ...

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US border with Mexico may be closed

As more Central American migrants reach the border, mayhem and violence are now being reported. Television footage on Sunday showed a crowd of immigrants trying to storm the U.S. border in Tijuana, ...

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China is fast losing the trade war

NEWS ANALYSIS: Two years ago, Beijing was flying high. Well on its way to dominating the world. Or so it thought. Sure, the newly elected American president had talked tough on trade, ...

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Judge blocks US asylum ban

A federal judge has barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally. The move comes as a Central American caravan with thousands of people has ...

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World Toilet Day highlights sanitation crisis


Millions of lives are at risk around the world for a lack of toilets according to campaigners marking World Toilet Day. The effort urges governments and businesses to invest more in sanitation. The ...

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CBS News’ Major Garrett disagrees with CNN’s press conference incivility

On CBN’s Faith Nation last week, CBS White House Correspondent Major Garrett weighed in on the fight between CNN and the Trump Administration over the confiscation of reporter Jim Acosta’s White House press pass and the subsequent ...

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The strange death of Trump’s new drug tsar

Authorities investigating mysterious death of the nation’s first drug ‘tsar’– a high-level federal official tasked with lowering drug prices have determined he took his own life but questions remain. Daniel Best was ...

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CNN, with 50 other press passes, sues White House over one

WASHINGTON – At least 13 media outlets are backing CNN’s decision to sue the Trump administration over its suspension of CNN correspondent Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials. Among them are The Associated Press, Bloomberg, The Washington ...

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Trump nominates 26 more judges

While Democrats are celebrating taking control of the US House, the real power remains in the Senate as the President nominates more justices. The midterm elections saw a historic win for Republican ...

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Iranian regime hits back at new sanctions

After new U.S. sanctions took effect last week, Iranian leaders are predicting they’ll fail. But while Islamic leaders often talk big, much of it is bluster and some outright fabrication. Iranian President ...

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Huge newspaper admits it’s been publishing fake stories for years


As the media continues to say that President Trump’s labels of “fake news” are completely baseless, one of the nation’s largest and most respected newspapers has been forced to admit it. The ...

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Latino Evangelical leader’s immigration fix


The president of the nation’s largest Latino evangelical organization says an immigration deal is possible in the new Congress – in part because of his working relationship with President Trump and House ...

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Blue wave disappears as Republicans gain in Senate, oust incumbents

In what could still be considered a stunning defeat, Democrats took control of the House without the “blue wave” that was projected to sweep Republicans from power in state governorships, the Senate ...

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The Real Reason They Hate Trump

Every big U.S. election is interesting, but the coming midterms are fascinating for a reason most commentators forget to mention: The Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international ...

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Reconstructing the lost history destroyed by ISIS

As ISIS has virtually been defeated under the Trump administration the last two years, a French startup is taking advantage of the military victory over the terrorists who destroyed much of the ...

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Man arrested in Synagogue trashing was a Obama campaign worker

The media and civil rights organizations were quick to finger Republicans and Trump supporters for the anti-Semitic messages found in a synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. Turns out, the man arrested is ...

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Brazil elects their own “Trump” partly due to Christian vote

Brazil has elected conservative Congressman Jair Bolsonaro as their new president, and evangelical Christians played a major role in his victory. His election reflected widespread anger at the political class after years ...

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Black support of president surges to 40 percent

Some 40 percent of black likely voters approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing, according to the daily Rasmussen poll released on Oct. 29. The number marks a record high, the ...

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NYC posters: Christian Trump supporters as ‘trash’

Christian supporters of President Trump are coming under attack in the self-described city of tolerance–New York City. Posters calling white, Christian supporters of President Donald Trump “trash” appeared across the Big Apple ...

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