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How to survive a world crisis with Jesus


“Jesus knew times of crisis would come upon our world, so in a spirit of wisdom He sought to prepare people for what was ahead.” Hardly a week goes by without some ...

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Today’s News Briefs: World’s oldest person dies; Silent prayer arrest vindication; Hostages recovered

oldest hostages

Today’s news briefs include the passing of the world’s oldest person; Trafficked woman sentenced for killing her abuser; Police must pay for arresting woman who was silently praying; Six more hostages found ...

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Holocaust memorial event and “Living in a World at War” seminar this weekend

station holocaust war

Do you feel you’re in the midst of a battle? Images of protests, war, and hostages may seem far away but they can affect us in very personal ways. Two events will ...

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Faith leaders want Congress to tackle religious persecution

More than 100 religious freedom advocates are encouraging the U.S. Senate to pass bipartisan resolution SR-569, which would integrate religious freedom into U.S. foreign policy and address worldwide violations of faith. The ...

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Worldwide fertility rates declining rapidly, new study finds

fertility rates

Not that long ago, social scientists were worried about “unsustainable” population growth. Now, the reality is that fertility rates are expected to fall below the replacement rate in every region of the ...

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Tim Tebow gives Congress gripping testimony on trafficking

tim children fondation

Former football star Tim Tebow recently visited Capitol Hill to encourage lawmakers to advance legislation that would protect children seen in child sex abuse material by funding and training more law enforcement dedicated ...

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World marks Holocaust Remembrance day

holocaust remembrance

International Holocaust Remembrance Day was observed on Saturday against the backdrop of rising antisemitism in the United States and around the world. “As we are witnessing an alarming rise of antisemitism around ...

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World’s indigenous peoples unite behind Israel

indigenous israel

Indigenous peoples around the world have united to place their own embassy in Israel and voiced support for Jews in their historical homeland of Israel. The Indigenous Coalition for Israel (ICFI)’s embassy will be ...

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Solutions for the “irreversible decline” of American Christianity

American Christianity

Few things have occupied the American Christian mind the past few years like the seemingly inevitable decline in the American Christian population. The Atlantic ran a piece from Tim Keller called “American ...

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From ringing bells to eating grapes, nations enjoy wide range of New Year’s traditions

new year's

Watching the ball drop at Times Square in New York City, whether live or on television, is a New Year’s Eve tradition for million of Americans. “Time” magazine looked at several unusual ...

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Kansas City-based non-profit helps 60 million people worldwide access safe water

kansas water

A local group, Kansas City-based Water.org, has helped 60 million people around the world gain access to safe water or sanitation. “This remarkable achievement is marked by our team and partners’ unwavering ...

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Hamas calls for ‘day of rage’ Friday against Israel, U.S.

Security is high around the world Friday after Palestinian and Hamas leaders called for a Day of Rage and jihad. France banned Palestinian demonstrations today while Australia has apologized for allowing a ...

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Never again? No, again.

never again

For 78 years the Jewish community, joined by many around the world, has chanted, “Never again!” We would take action to avert another Jewish Holocaust. Six million dead at the hands of ...

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Church Mental Health Summit will offer free online resources to leaders

mental summit spiritual

The pandemic exposed the mental health challenges that churches face. A free online summit on October 10, which is World Mental Health Day, will offer resources to church leaders. The Church Mental ...

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North Korea again leads world in persecution of Christians

North Korea once again is the world’s worst persecutor of Christians,  according to the latest World Watch List report prepared by the religious persecution watchdog Open Doors US. The document, released annually since 1993, ...

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By wide margin, abortion was leading cause of death worldwide in 2022

codify abortion death

Abortion again was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2022, with the number of abortion deaths nearly four times those from infectious diseases. More than 44 million abortions were performed last ...

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Christians remember persecuted believers around the world

nigeria's christians persecuted believers prayer

Lost in the attention on the elections, a day to pray for persecuted believers around the world took place last Sunday. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church was observed ...

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Israeli music video becomes anthem for Iranian women

Iranian protests continue with millions of women, men and teenagers protesting the brutal regime that dictates most aspects of life. Now, a music video originating from the Iranian regime‘s arch-enemy, Israel, has ...

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This weekend’s March for the Martyrs highlights persecuted Christians

March for the Martyrs

Christians from across the United States will gather at the National Mall in Washington on Saturday for the third annual March for the Martyrs, sponsored by the organization For the Martyrs. The ...

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Free app facilitates prayer for persecuted Christians around the world

silent genocide prayer

A new mobile prayer app developed by Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors USA gives users the ability to connect with persecuted Christians suffering for their faith. Available for free in the Apple ...

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Kansas City named #1 city for work and play

Forget New York, LA or Vienna. Kansas City has been named the best city in the world to work during the day and explore in the evenings and on weekends. Notably, it ...

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World facing “food crisis and famine” over Russian invasion

food crisis

The world will soon experience a global food crisis due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The dire warning was issued by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky as he addressed by video graduates of ...

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How compromised pastors are contributing to our cultural rot

A new poll finds that just 4% of executive pastors have a biblical worldview. Has the church now become compromised? For many years, I have stated that a major reason America is ...

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The world considers Christians crazy – and new song from Casting Crowns agrees

world crazy

The world often thinks of Christians as being crazy, and the Grammy Award-winning group Casting Crowns don’t mind the phrase. They recently released an anthem called “Crazy People” in which the group ...

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Ukraine explained: How the US created a new war in Europe

Here’s how we are again at the doorstep of the first major war in Europe in 75 years as Ukraine and Russia face off. In 1994, the Clinton administration, with the approval ...

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