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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Communication by churches can ease coronavirus fears

churches coronavirus

Amid mounting fears of a global coronavirus pandemic, a faith-based communications agency warns ministries, churches and other organizations not to “go silent” in a sudden crisis. “It’s imperative that any organization confronted ...

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Nigerians mourn 350 Christians killed since January 1

Christian Nigerians have buried 350 of their fellow church-goers just in the first two months of 2020. The Nigerian Civil Society Organization reports that’s how many Christian believers have been murdered across ...

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In times of crisis, your neighborhood is the mission field

Sometimes, emergencies and times of crisis present service and mission opportunities that might not exist in normal circumstances.  Many people tend to be more open to spiritual matters during troubling times like ...

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What’s the best religious museum in America?


What’s the best religious museum in the nation? That question was posed to USA Today readers who responded by choosing the Ark Encounter. It comes just in time as families’ talk turns ...

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Number of practicing Christians continues decline in U.S.

U.S. churches will have to adjust to new data that show that the number of practicing Christians continues to decline. Practicing Christians are now a much smaller segment of the entire population, ...

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List of steps being taken to combat coronavirus

news media poll

Even before President Trump had completed perhaps the most important address of his presidency, national media outlets focused more on style than substance. That left many Americans asking “What just happened?” as ...

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President Trump addresses nation on coronavirus efforts


On Wednesday evening, President Trump addressed the nation and world on continuing efforts to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus. On Thursday morning, American cable news was critical of the address ...

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African Americans rethinking their political loyalty

More than half of African Americans responding to a recent poll said the Democratic Party is not paying enough attention to their needs. For decades, African Americans have been a key voting ...

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President announces travel ban on Europe in Oval Office address

President Donald Trump took decisive measures to control the coronavirus Wednesday evening announcing strict new measures. One was that the United States will impose a 30-day travel ban on travelers from Europe. ...

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Here’s today’s map of actual coronavirus patients in the U.S.

With wall-to-wall coverage of the coronavirus, you may think there’s dozens of patients hunkered down in your neighborhood. That’s definitely not the case. While the numbers may go up in coming weeks, ...

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Televangelist Jim Bakker sued by Attorney General over quack coronavirus cure

bakker coronavirus ozarks

Jim Bakker is in trouble with the state of Missouri for selling a product that he claims can cure coronavirus. Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued the televangelist on Tuesday. The lawsuit alleges ...

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Actor Ben Affleck fills void in life by returning to church


Actor Ben Affleck, who stars in the new movie “The Way Back,” also has found the way back to church. “I go to the Methodist Church, [my] kids [are] baptized, and I ...

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Year of Service for struggling moms launched as church effort

Although the U.S. economy has broken all records for low unemployment, economic growth and jobs created, many struggling pregnant moms still feel pressured to seek an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy. Now ...

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Kansas City icon Winstead’s files for bankruptcy

Winstead’s, a staple of burgers and Skyscraper floats for Kansas Citians since the 1930s, has filed for bankruptcy. Just three locations remain open. At one time the chain had about a dozen ...

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Coronavirus press conference remarks by Trump and Pence

In our continuing efforts to bring you news unfiltered by then national media, here are the remarks of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence concerning the latest developments surrounding the ...

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‘Jeopardy’ host Alex Trebek relies on faith during cancer

Despite being diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer a year ago, “Jeopardy” host Alex Trebek has never wavered in his faith. The 79-year-old Trebek said he quickly brushed aside negative emotions because ...

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Christians give Supreme Court high marks, survey finds

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments about a Louisiana law that restricts access to abortions and is among several recent state laws designed to challenge Roe v. Wade. Other cases on the docket also could ...

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DQ is turning 80 with deals on Blizzards

Metro Voice is supported by many businesses across the region and nation. One of those is a local Dairy Queen franchise (see ad). DQ is turning 80 years old this year and ...

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U.S. Supreme Court says it will hear same-sex adoption case

supreme court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a case that could determine if, because of their religious beliefs, faith-based adoption agencies can decline to place children in same-sex homes. The ...

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Chiefs’ tight end Travis Kelce looking forward to team’s White House visit


The traditional White House visit by championship sports teams has become contentious in today’s cancel culture. Tight end Travis Kelce of the Kansas City Chiefs, however, considers it an honor. Kelce told ...

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Ashcroft to headline pro-life rally in Jefferson City Tuesday


Former US Attorney General John Ashcroft will be the featured speaker at Missouri’s primary Pro-life event on Tuesday. Missourians are expected to show up in large numbers on Tuesday, March 10 for ...

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Hallmark edits pro-life film Unplanned out of awards show

hallmark unplanned

The Washington Examiner newspaper is reporting that Hallmark doesn’t want you to hear about the pro-life film Unplanned and censored  it from and awards ceremony. At the annual Movieguide Awards, which recognize ...

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U.N. blacklist of companies operating in Judea and Samaria condemned

The Alliance for Israel Advocacy this week condemned the United Nations vote that created a blacklist of companies that engage in economic support of Jewish communities in what was Biblical Judea and ...

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Missouri bill would require schools to notify parents about sexual material in classroom

A bill being considered in the Missouri Legislature would require public school districts to inform parents if sexually oriented material is being taught. The Missouri House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee is ...

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Senator Hawley calls for censure of Schumer over threats

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley is calling for the censure of majority leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, after he threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices this week. READ: Sen. Chuck Schumer rebuked ...

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