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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

President Trump honored with ‘Witness for Life’ award

witness for life

Pro-life organizations have repeatedly said Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. Now, he has been chosen by a major pro-life organization to receive the first Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson “Courageous ...

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Texas Governor Abbott shares in Twitter exchange how God has used his disability for good

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has not let his disability slow him down or change his positive attitude toward life. Last week, he shared on social media how God has used for good ...

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Israel headed toward March 2 election if no coalition formed

Is Israel headed towards another historic election – the third in less than a year? That’s the plan as Israel’s two biggest parties agreed on a March 2 election date, barring a last-minute power-sharing ...

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Democrats announce Articles of Impeachment, ignore media questions

articles of impeachment

In perhaps a sign that the United States is done with impeachment drama, immediately after Democrat Congressional leaders announced articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump, broadcast news outlets returned to regular ...

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MO Supreme Court to hear Planned Parenthood arguments for taxpayer money

The Missouri Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday morning in Jefferson City in a key case involving the Planned Parenthood of St. Louis’s legal dispute to force the State of Missouri ...

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Supreme Court upholds major pro-life law

supreme court pro-life

In another win for the nation’s pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court today refused to review a case on a Kentucky law that requires doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to a patient ...

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Former slugger Manny Ramirez finds new life in Christ after baseball

Manny Ramirez was a key contributor on the Boston Red Sox team that won the 2004 World Series. He also marched to his own drummer and inspired the phrase, “That’s Manny being ...

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Ginger from “Gilligan’s Island” stars in faith-based Christmas movie

A familiar face to Baby Boomers stars alongside Stephen Baldwin in “Tapestry,” a new faith-based Christmas movie.  Tina Louise, who was the glamorous Ginger on “Gilligan’s Island,” plays a dying matriarch trying ...

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Drop in charitable contributions tied to decline in religious affiliation

Charitable contributions are down in the United States, and faith may have something to do with it, according to Marketwatch. The share of U.S. adults who donated to charity dropped significantly between ...

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Jewish group meets with German Passion Play over stereotypes

passion play

Once a decade, thousands of Christians make the pilgrimage to Germany for the Oberammergau Passion Play, which first was performed in 1634. As the May 2020 production approaches, a Jewish organization met ...

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Ghost towns of Kansas City

ghost towns kansas

The Kansas City area is dotted with old towns and ghost towns, some with distinct evidence of their existence, while others have faded away completely. Their histories, however, remain. Because of the ...

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Incoming Missouri House education chair is supporter of school choice

Proponents of school choice again will have an ally in Jefferson City during the 2020 legislative session. The new Missouri House education committee chairman is focused on educational choice and says the ...

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Polls show historic Black and Hispanic support for Trump surging ahead of 2020

Is Donald Trump heading towards a 50-state sweep in the 2020 election? That’s what some political analysts are saying after new polls that show surging support among African American, Asian and Hispanic ...

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Are evangelicals who support Trump fools?

In a lengthy op-ed piece for the Christian Post, Chris Thurman claims that “evangelicals who support Donald Trump are being both blind and foolish to do so.” Therefore “labeling them as such ...

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Catholic League criticizes Nancy Pelosi for remarks about her faith

The Catholic League has criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s response to a question about impeachment in a news release. As she was leaving her press conference on Thursday, reporter James Rosen asked ...

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Democrats today set to vote giving Judea and Samaria to Arabs

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing through a vote Friday on their two-state resolution that would give the Biblical heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. This  “two-state solution” ...

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Once near death, little girl is celebrating miracle of Christmas with new liver and kidney

christmas kidney

For most families, Christmas gifts are usually found under a tree that’s adorned with tinsel, lights and shiny bulbs. But for one Missouri family a new liver and kidney transplanted into their ...

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Street preacher beaten, robbed by Muslim men but he refused to convert to Islam

street preacher

Authorities in Norway are investigating the brutal beating, robbery and attempted forced conversion to Islam of a preacher whom four muslim men kidnapped while he was preaching and praying for the sick. ...

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“Ford v Ferrari” is a fast-paced David verses Goliath


“Ford v Ferrari” is the high-octane true story of events that took place at the 24 Hours of Le Mans race in 1966. The film sets up a David v Goliath scenario where ...

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Jamie Grace: If every church fostered 1 child ‘there’d be no more waiting children’

Jamie grace

Christian singer Jamie Grace stars in the new PureFlix TV series “The Beverlys,” and while the inspirational show aims to impact young people, the singer hopes it will also encourage families to ...

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Pro-life lawyer Sarah Pitlyk latest Trump nominee confirmed as Federal Judge

The U.S. Senate confirmed a pro-life lawyer, Sarah E. Pitlyk, to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge in the Eastern District of Missouri. She joins more than 160 federal judicial nominees ...

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Outgoing NAE president questions usefulness of word “evangelical”

Leith Anderson, the retiring president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), has always liked the word “evangelical” as a description of his faith. As the line between religion and politics blurs, ...

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Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt supports Cameron School District in prayer controversy

The Cameron, Mo., football team recently came under fire from the Freedom from Religion Foundation because of prayers at its games. The Missouri attorney general this week offered his support to the ...

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Democrat impeachment proceedings ‘botched’ as key witness apologizes for attacking Barron Trump

Democrats are still apologizing today after one of their key impeachment witnesses attacked Barron Trump, the teenage son of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Doubling down on testimony that ...

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2019 Christmas wish list for local groups serving women, babies and adoptive children

This week saw Giving Tuesday as a way to assist non-profits in their missions to serve the community. The giving wasn’t just for Tuesday. All month long, individuals are donating to their ...

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