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Find God

The danger of religion in church

“Come on.  Let’s go!”  Every Sunday morning, including every Easter, since I was three years old all six of our family were rushing out the door to church.  In the early years, ...

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EXAMINING OUR VALUE Part II: Why are we here and what is our purpose?

Last month we began exploring the question: Why are we here and what is our true purpose in this world? Have you ever questioned that or experienced times when you have felt ...

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God believes in miracles. Do we?

“How quickly we forget God’s great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles He performed in our past.” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this ...

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Billy Graham still leading others to Christ

Rev. Billy Graham is still leading people to Christ almost a year after his death. February 21 marks one year since Graham died at age 99. It was the most high profile ...

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Former ISIS fighters finding Christ in Syria

The recent announcement that the United States would withdraw its small contingent of just 2,000 troops from Syria has some Christians worried while others see room for optimism. As the civil war ...

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People who attend church lead happier lives

Those who identify with a religious group and regularly attend worship services tend to be happier and more civically engaged than those who do not, a new Pew Research Center survey has ...

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Muslim woman flees domestic abuse, finds Christ and new calling

No one would have thought a Muslim woman in Iran who was simply trying to stay alive in an abusive marriage would one day lead two churches in Sweden, bring more than ...

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Christian music brings a Buddhist to Christ


Pavan* grew up feeling unsettled in his destiny. As the firstborn son in his family, he thought he would have to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a Buddhist monk. But ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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I long for greater nearness with Jesus every day of my life. From the very beginning of my adult conversion I’ve recognized that there is so much He’s delivered and rescued me ...

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From pro-wrestler to neo-nazi to Christ follower


A one-time professional wrestler turned neo-Nazi leader grappled with God and found Christ’s forgiveness. Keith “Duke” Schneider, a.k.a. ‘Pitbull,’ excelled as a professional wrestler, taking on some of his toughest competitors without ...

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Coffee, tweets or Jesus: Bible ranks low as daily must

 The Bible tops coffee, social media and sweets as a daily necessity for only 16 percent of the population, according to new research commissioned by the American Bible Society (ABS). The largest ...

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Barbara Bush’s last words to son Jeb revealed

First lady Barbara Bush used her last words with son Jeb Bush to talk about Jesus Christ before she died last week. “Jeb, I believe in Jesus and he is my savior,” she ...

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Michael Phelps reveals he once considered suicide and how a friend saved him

“There is a power greater than myself and there is a purpose for me on this planet” Michael Phelps is a household name for Team USA, one many Americans associate with hard ...

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24 to Christ: Wrongfully imprisoned, man is now free indeed

A man wrongfully accused of murder becomes local pastor after spending nearly a quarter of a century in prison.   A Kansas City-area church has hired a man who was found guilty ...

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Wycliffe Associates to launch Bible translation in high persecution regions

In a region where conversion to Christianity is punishable by death, Wycliffe Associates plans to launch 10 new Bible translation projects in the next 30 days. The projects will employ the MAST ...

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Bible translators are turning to tablets for work in volatile regions

Wycliffe Associates is now providing mother-tongue Bible translators with computer tablets in an effort to give translators a safe and efficient way to work on Scripture translation projects in cultures that are ...

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Finding God

Finding God is not difficult. You are a special creation of God! You need to know God loves you and wants a personal relationship with YOU. “For you created my inmost being; ...

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Reaching Syrian Refugees with Hope

MIDDLE EAST — Christian missions workers like Peter Matheson are working to bring hope to refugees. But the ongoing crisis has taken a toll on the many he serves — and on ...

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Servanthood: A Greatness That Descends

We were in the middle of a Sunday evening service when a drunk stumbled into the church. My dad was leading worship. The man staggered all the way down the aisle until ...

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Mission Director asked God “to show up like You did in the Bible”

Keynote speaker Rev. Barry Feaker, said he hoped the nearly 900 attending the 54th Annual Kansas Prayer Breakfast on March 18 did not come “to hear me,” but “because you recognize the ...

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The God I Don’t Understand

Reflections on Tough Questions of Faith Paperback Dr. Chris Wright Why is there evil and suffering in creation? Can someone explain what the Cross really means and how what happened there saves ...

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