“Come on. Let’s go!” Every Sunday morning, including every Easter, since I was three years old all six of our family were rushing out the door to church. In the early years, dad was driving with us, later on he was already there because he was the pastor.

Clint Decker | Hope for Today
From those toddler years until I was 20, I had been to-and-through everything related to church; Sunday services, vacation Bible schools, youth group meetings, church membership, baptism, communion, and the list goes on. However, no one except my mother ever talked with me about where I stood with God, and that was one conversation. Everyone else, including me, must have assumed I was in good standing with the Lord. Boy was I wrong. If I would have died as a youth, I am not sure what I would have said if God would have asked me, “Clint. Good to see you! Tell me, why do you think I should let you into this heaven I have built? Beautiful isn’t it?” My mind would either have gone totally blank or I would have quietly mumbled my list of church achievements.
Jesus once said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
Notice how these people thought because they were involved in church activities and doing good, that it was okay between themselves and Jesus. However, to their surprise on Judgement Day, they learned they had it all wrong.
What was the problem? Look at Jesus’ response to them, “I never knew you.” As the people approached Jesus, He looked at them carefully and did not recognize any personal relationship with them. They were complete strangers. There was no love between them. No friendship. Nothing.
This was a picture of me. Every Sunday I was in the presence of Jesus. I read His Word. I was baptized in His name. I joined His church. I even prayed in His name. Yet, I never loved Him. I never considered Him my King, my Lord, my Savior . . . my friend. I had nothing but empty religion.
But praise God! Rather than letting me wait until Judgment Day to learn this, He opened my spiritual eyes, called me to Himself and transformed me into a new man. Today I can confidently say, “Jesus is mine and I am His.”
For over 400 years, the United States has had the name of Jesus preached across it. We have heard how He suffered, died on a cross, and three days later rose again from the dead. This Easter message is not new to us, nor does it cost us anything to be religious and go to church in America . . . but it costs you EVERYTHING to know and follow Jesus. Do not be surprised on Judgment Day. Do you love Him?
A prayer for you to pray – “Lord God, examine my heart. Point out if I do church and religious things out of obligation, to seek favor with you or to receive praise from others? Search me. Do I really love you Lord Jesus? Are you really my Savior and my friend? Today, I turn from religion and to You. Forgive me of my sins and help me to know you personally for the first time. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Listen to Clint Decker’s radio broadcast, The Unbreakable Truth, at 2:50am & 10:50am on Upper Room Radio, KFGB 97.7FM, Topeka’s local Christian radio station. He can be reached at cdecker@greatawakenings.org
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