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See You at the Pole this week

see you at the pole

This year’s ‘See You at the Pole’ prayer rally is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25. It’s an event organized and led by students around the world. According to the SYATP organization’s website, it’s just ...

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Students defy prayer ban, recite a pre-game ‘Lord’s Prayer’

The Christian student population at an Alabama high school is fighting back against an atheist group after complaints were made about a pre-game prayer amplified through a loudspeaker. The notorious anti-faith group, ...

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Kindness is key to a more peace-filled world

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”—Galatians 5:22-23 Did you know you have the power to turn someone’s day around? And, in the ...

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Orange Tour stop in KC will encourage church leaders, volunteers and parents

orange tour

A national one-day training event for church leaders, volunteers, and parents makes a stop in Kansas City in October.  The Orange Tour outlines a comprehensive strategy from preschool to adulthood for influencing the faith ...

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The lesson of Jairus


“A man named Jairus came to him. He was a leader of the synagogue. He had only one daughter. She was twelve years old, and she was dying. So Jairus bowed down ...

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FCA’s Fields of Faith set for October 9 at nation’s high schools


Hundreds of thousands of high school athletes are taking a stand for Christ as the new school year kicks off. Nearly 250,000 students, coaches and community members are expected to come together ...

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Faith fuels success of Chiefs’ quarterback Patrick Mahomes

It’s hard to turn on the television, pick up a newspaper or even buy cereal these days without seeing the smiling face of Patrick Mahomes. The personable 23-year-old quarterback has been in ...

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Inside MyPillow inventor Mike Lindell’s transformation

lindell fbi

Millions of Americans know Mike Lindell from his popular commercials for MyPillow, but many people are likely unaware of the iconic pillow magnate’s incredible backstory of overcoming addiction, finding faith and using ...

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Finding God in 9/11: A survivor’s story


GROUND ZERO, NEW YORK CITY – Most of us remember where we were when terrorists rammed jets into the World Trade Center towers 18 years ago. More than 3,000 died on 9/11, ...

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Contrary to what you’ve heard, millennials are becoming MORE religious

I thought the subject of this article might grab your attention because it is not what we are generally hearing about millennials and Generation Z these days. For example, the Wall Street ...

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Singer loses half her tongue to cancer but that doesn’t stop her from praising God

When a Las Vegas singer had her doctors tell her that she had been diagnosed with tongue cancer, she wasn’t exactly sure how she could continue her career as a singer, actor ...

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Court rules atheists can be banned from legislative opening prayer


A federal appeals court has ruled that a Pennsylvania House of Representative’s policy banning atheists from offering the legislative “opening prayer” does not violate the Constitution. A number of atheists and agnostics ...

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Famous Yale scientist: theory of evolution is a ‘religion’

A renowned writer and famous Yale University computer science professor has denounced Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, arguing it has too many holes and is now too old to be a probable ...

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Presidential candidate’s New Age views on Jesus scrutinized

Faith is taking center stage in the 2020 Democrat presidential primaries as candidates attempt to gain the attention of religious voters. But more and more, the specific faith beliefs they’re espousing don’t ...

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When does character develop in children?


There are few things in life that a Christian parent hopes for more than to pass on to their children the same principles and character values they live by. Character doesn’t just ...

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Priscilla Shirer talks on leaders who fall from faith


Recent news shocked many believers as several well-known Christians abandoned their faith in Christ. While startling, it’s nothing we should not have expected, says Priscilla Shirer. During an interview with the website ...

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VP Pence says he was blindsided by response to wife’s new job

Vice President Mike Pence has shared that he and his wife felt blindsided by the furor that broke out earlier this year when his wife Karen took a job at a Christian ...

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Most protestant churchgoers say they think of God each day

American Protestant churchgoers say God is on their mind throughout their day in both intentional and impromptu moments. The 2019 Discipleship Pathway Assessment study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research identified seeking God as ...

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Evidence of Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem discovered


Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s ongoing archaeological excavation on Mount Zion in Jerusalem have announced a second significant discovery from the 2019 season – clear evidence of the ...

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Two-thirds of churchgoers say denying self is essential to serving Christ

What’s the most essential ingredient to making your faith fully transformational? A new poll finds a majority of churchgoers believe making sacrificial decisions to serve Christ is essential to their faith, and ...

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Prayer network lets you personally connect with African believers under persecution

A new effort connecting American church congregations with African believers in Christ and their churches is underway. Prayer News Network was launched by Douglas Burton and Magna Faith Krimi, both advisory board ...

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British police pay preacher over wrongful arrest

A Christian preacher named Oluwole Ilesanmi has just been awarded £2,500 (about $3,100) by Scotland Yard for his wrongful arrest in the UK in February when he was falsely accused of ‘Islamophobia.’ ...

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Faith in Jesus unites former Northern Ireland enemies

BELFAST, Northern Ireland – There is peace in Belfast, officially. But a wall still separates Republican Catholics and Unionist Protestants. And a gate between the two still closes every night to keep ...

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Hank Hanegraaff: God ‘supernaturally’ saved me from death


Amid a battle with cancer and a recent brush with death, Hank Hanegraaff, also known as the “Bible Answer Man,” is revealing how God “supernaturally” saved him. In a video post on July ...

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21 prison inmates give lives to Christ during Hillsong, Prison Fellowship event


In early July, Hillsong NYC and Prison Fellowship combined efforts to lead a “night of hope” at Riker’s Island prison, in which they evangelized to the inmates at the prison. The evening, ...

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