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‘Not Forgotten’ short film released on the Andrew Brunson story

not forgotten brunson

Pastor Andrew Brunson spent more than two years wrongfully imprisoned in Turkey, separated from his family, after more than two decades of Christian ministry in the country. In interviews, he said his ...

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Millions of Christians worldwide will share their faith on ‘GO Day’

More than 50 million Christians worldwide are expected to share their faith on the 10th anniversary of GO Day on May 29. May is GO Month, and Christians have been sharing their faith ...

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Kansas City Council considers controversial plan to slash police funding

Despite soaring murder rates, the City Council in Kansas City, Mo., on Thursday announced a proposal that would significantly reduce funding for the city’s police to the minimum allowed by state law ...

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U.S. Secretary of State will belatedly visit Israel after Egyptians broker ceasefire


After an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas, the Biden administration will travel to the region this week. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is planning to meet Israeli and ...

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What the conflict between Israel and Hamas has taught us

Given the history of the region, it is a given that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will be complex and painful, even as a cease-fire with Hamas is announced. It is also a given ...

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ANALYSIS: Police reform and no-knock warrants


A survey finds 60 percent of Americans believe no-knock warrants are dangerous. Here’s what you should know about the issue. It has been one of the most dramatic seasons in the history ...

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Amazon adds Buddhist incantations to employee health program but says ‘not religious’

The online retail giant Amazon is revamping its employee health programs, adding what it calls “AmaZen.” While the effort is meant to encourage “mindfulness practices” as part of its revamped employee wellness ...

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Should we dismantle the family?

Last fall, the Black Lives Matter organization quietly deleted a section of its website in which it professed an intention to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” The statement was removed after ...

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Why a funny Christian satire website is under attack


In 2017, a fan named Seth Dillon bought the Christian satire site, The Babylon Bee. However, since becoming the owner, Dillon has become a primary target for censorship by the left. But ...

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Billy Graham chaplains encourage police as deaths rise

At the height of summer heat and social unrest in 2020, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association brought a message of hope and faith to minority communities hit hard by rioting and protests. ...

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Free virtual event this week addresses mental health of church workers

church health

The pandemic has placed a heavy burden on pastors and church leaders, who often neglect their own mental health and physical health while focusing on their congregations. During the past year, several ...

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Missouri becomes one of last states to tax online purchases

For over a decade, brick-and-mortar retailers have called foul on the fact that Amazon purchases were not subject to sales tax. Economists say that policy allowed Amazon, and other online retailers, to ...

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To stop rocket movement, Israel destroys 60 miles of Hamas tunnels

hamas tunnels

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed it destroyed more than 60 miles of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip.  The complex tunnel system, built by the Islamist military wing of Hamas, is ...

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Claire McCaskill: Republicans want ‘a rape victim put in prison’

maddow senate missouri

Claire McCaskill may no longer be Missouri’s U.S. Senator but it hasn’t stopped her from attacking Republicans. She typically tweets her obscenities, such as this week when she tweeted “Eff them!” to ...

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Mark McCloskey, known for confronting protesters, enters Missouri Senate race

mccloskey senate

Mark McCloskey, who made national headlines last summer when he and his wife defended their St. Louis home against protestors, announced on Tuesday that he is entering the U.S. Senate race in ...

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Hitler-praising CNN writer has been fired

CNN has fired a paid writer who praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler on Twitter. The writer, Adeel Raja, has 54 articles under his byline at CNN, according to one social media post. ...

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KC Chiefs lineman returns after year of serving in medical field

Dr. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, an offensive lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs, announced last weekend that he will return to the football field this fall. He made national headlines last season when he ...

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Supreme Court agrees to hear historic Mississippi challenge to Roe v Wade

mississippi court

Prolife groups are applauding an announcement that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case involving a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The justices, in a 17-word ...

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Olympics grant China ‘genocide waiver’ as boycott effort grows

china olympics genocide boycott

Boycott pressure is mounting on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to be canceled or moved over China’s genocide against minority populations. Fueling it is the revelation that the International Olympics Committee (IOC) ...

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Tim Tebow expected to sign with Jaguars

Tim Tebow is expected to return to professional football next season. The 33-year-old athlete is expected to sign a one-year contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars to play tight end, according to ESPN, ...

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Cake baker Jack Phillips shares price he paid for standing up

In a new Op-Ed published by Fox News, Colorado cake baker Jack Phillips shares the behind-the-scenes story and the cost he paid for standing up for his faith. Phillips was punished and ...

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Babylon Bee pokes fun at Missouri, Kansas over vaccine enticements

babylon bee

The satirical website Babylon Bee released a story on what states are giving away to encourage residents to get vaccinated. Included on list, which pokes fun at all 50 states, are “Free ...

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Supreme Court unanimously rules against Biden warrantless gun seizures

In a surprise unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected Biden administration arguments that police can conduct warrantless searches of homes to seize guns. The ruling in the case, Caniglia v. ...

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Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush supports Hamas in ‘fight’ against Israel

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush has come out on the House floor as publicly “in solidarity” with Hamas and the attacks on Israel. As of this week, more than 3,000 rockets have been ...

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Twitter suspends politician for saying men cannot get pregnant

In what many are saying is a blatant attack on the science of biology, Twitter has suspended a political leader in Spain for stating what he believed was obvious – men cannot ...

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