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National Right to Life endorses Trump 2020 campaign

The United States’ largest pro-life organization officially announced their endorsement of President Donald Trump for the 2020 presidential election. The National Right to Life Committee released a statement on Independence Day stating their ...

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Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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Mind control camps in China exposed by BBC

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie on mind control, a video has emerged in a disturbing documentary from the BBC revealing re-education camps. The film shows Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities ...

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Biden gets heat for Russia meddling ‘not on my watch’

Former Vice President and 2020 Democrat candidate Joe Biden is getting widespread criticisms over his claims that Russian meddling “didn’t” happen “on my watch” in a recent cable news interview. During the interview ...

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An afternoon of hate for Israel

Jeff, are you a masochist? Why would you choose to spend a precious Sunday afternoon at a program featuring Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel group, that was sponsored by the public library ...

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Sliced bread festival brings Republicans, Democrats together

sliced bread Chillicothe

It’s the best thing since sliced bread! Really! Seven thousand people are expected to turn out for this weekend’s “Sliced Bread Days” event in northwest Missouri’s Chillicothe. State Rep. Rusty Black, R-Chillicothe, ...

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Egypt legalizes 127 churches in positive move

A sweeping move by Egyptian authorities is being celebrated by religious rights activists. A government committee has approved 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity under the country’s ...

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Second, larger earthquake strikes California

A quake with a magnitude as large as 7.1 jolted much of California, cracked buildings, set fires, broke roads and caused several injuries, with 11 times more force than an apparent foreshock that rattled ...

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Census citizenship question by executive order possible


President Donald Trump said on July 5 he is considering issuing an executive order to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census. The order is one of “four or five” options on the ...

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Full remarks of President Trump at July 4th celebration

Metro Voice is providing the full text of President Donald Trump‘s remarks at the national Independence Day Celebration. We do this as a service to readers as we provide news in context ...

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DNA shows Philistines, and modern-day Palestinians, were really European

A dramatic and explosive DNA discovery in Israel has implications for the political struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. Three years ago, archaeologists digging in Israel revealed they had excavated a Philistine cemetery ...

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Trump speaks to huge crowds as media downplays

While the media reported there would be “tiny crowds” for President Donald Trump’s address to the nation, photos and the National Park Service provided otherwise. The president addressed a multitudinous crowd during ...

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Ancient Jerusalem road to Second Temple to be open underground


For the first time in 2,000 years, worshipers will be able to make their way to the steps leading to the Second Temple via a road which has been excavated underground. In ...

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Who were the first settlers of Jamestown?


Ever wonder who the first settlers were? They were a cross section of English society. On May 13, 1607 three English ships the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery with approximately 144 settlers ...

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America began in a covenant with God


Covenants are viewed as the most sacred and binding of deals – an oath that’s never to be broken. America’s earliest settlers made a covenant with God to serve and proclaim Him ...

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Sen. Hawley takes on Nike for dissing Betsy Ross flag

betsy ross

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, has some strong word for the international shoe giant Nike after its much-criticized decision to pull shoes from stores that bore the original 13 star American flag. NFL ...

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Officials prove ‘toilet bowl” statements of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are false

Current and past immigration officials have refuted as untruths the accusations made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), where she claims illegal immigrants are subjected to “inhumane” treatment and are told to drink out of ...

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America to see most patriotic July 4th parade ever

America will see an Independence Day parade and celebration unlike any in recent memory.  President Donald Trump is increasing efforts to acknowledge the military branches which are responsible for the freedoms the ...

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Is Facebook’s ‘civil rights’ audit harming free speech?

Facebook, perhaps the world’s most powerful media platform, has released the results of its “civil rights” audit which it insists fights hate speech. The company said it is rolling out the updated ...

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Kansas can help your child pay for college

The pursuit of higher education can be intimidating, not just for students, but for parents as well.  College is a massive monetary investment and many can become overwhelmed by the costs. Expenses ...

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Pope Francis praises President Trump for peace efforts

Putting past differences aside, Pope Francis has expressed his support for President Donald Trump. The comments came after Trump became the fist president to step foot in North Korea and announced diplomatic ...

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Australian police stop terror plot

An Islamic State terror plot has been stopped after Australian police on Tuesday arrested three men suspected of being involved in planning the attack on Sydney. Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Ian ...

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Praising Western Civilization gets teacher fired

Can praising the advancements given humanity by Western cultures get you fired? It can in California. A math teacher says she lost her job at a private K-12 school in Southern California ...

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Nike pulls Betsy Ross flag shoes after Colin Kaepernick says ‘offensive’

Nike has pulled a patriotic sneaker made to celebrate Independence Day because Colin Kaepernick reportedly complained that it features the famous Betsy Ross American flag which he says is “offensive.” According to ...

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Americans should worry that Britain ordered disabled woman to abort child

While the debate over abortion in our country rages around the issue of life vs. choice, many Americans may have missed the news that a British judge recently ruled a women under ...

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