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McCaskill lands lucrative gig as MSNBC ‘analyst’

During the campaign for Missouri Senator, Claire McCaskill modeled herself as a middle-of-the-road centrist, for which finding common ground was her only goal. She repeatedly told voters she was a moderate who ...

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Vast majority of millennials support abortion limits

A new poll finds that, in spite of a pro-abortion message pushed in pop culture, most millennials support restrictions for abortion. “Millennials have lived with the harsh realities of abortion all their ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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Ben Carson’s prescription for a better life

Dr. Ben Carson has a prescription for a better life. Carson is the 17th secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. After a successful career in medicine and his ...

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Mom supports drag queen 10-year-old son’s photo with nude man

drag queen

A mother is receiving harsh criticism for allowing her 10-year-old son to appear in Huck Magazine posing next to a naked drag queen.  The boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden,  as dressed in drag for the ...

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Will weekend bring another snowstorm?

After a snowstorm that local meteorologists seemingly missed, residents are asking “What’s the real deal with two systems sweeping by the region this week?” The Friday and Saturday storm that left a ...

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Pompeo Middle East policy sharp contrast to Obama’s

CAIRO, Egypt – The US military is starting its pullout from Syria, announcing Friday that the process to bring home roughly 2,000 troops is now underway. This comes just one day after ...

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Bleeding Kansas Series returns to Constitution Hall

Dramatic interpretations and talks about the violent territorial and civil war history of Kansas, 1854-1865, will highlight the 2019 annual Bleeding Kansas series, which begins January 27. The programs are held at ...

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Ozark will move cross after pressure from out-of-state group


Ozark, Missouri is bowing to pressure from a group that regularly sues local governments and will move a cross from a public park. Under pressure from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, ...

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Snow totals may reach 10-12 inches across area today

More snow is on the way today. The National Weather Service says portions of Kansas City received over seven inches of snow overnight with a widespread 4 to 8 inches falling across ...

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Businesses use poster to join fight against human trafficking

You most likely didn’t know it, but Friday was dedicated to saving people from human trafficking.  Though the day was observed as Human Trafficking Awareness Day, the entire month of January is ...

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CBS News deletes ‘fact check’ on rape after it proved Trump point

cos fact check

On Jan. 9, CBS News updated an article it published a few hours prior, deleting a “fact check” of one of President Donald Trump’s claims made during the speech he gave the ...

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Winter Storm Warning issued for Kansas City area


The spring weather the greater Kansas City area has been experiencing the last few weeks was bound to come to an end. A winter storm warning has been issued for the area ...

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National emergency may soon be declared by President

President Trump is expected to soon declare a national emergency over the humanitarian crisis at the nation’s border with Mexico. In 2018, 400,000 individuals illegally entered the country. A number, say experts, ...

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Missouri’s Hartzler introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood

senate congressional hartzler u.s. religious

Missouri Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler  introduced a bill in the House this week to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. The bill would “place a one-year moratorium on all federal funding ...

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Blue teeth reveal Medieval woman’s art career

blue teeth

About 1,000 years ago, a woman in Germany died and was buried in an unmarked grave in a church cemetery. No record of her life survived, and no historian had reason to ...

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Should euthanasia be given to those who are depressed?


The practice of euthanasia is growing around the world, even in the United States. But some are wondering if the practice has moved on to the “slippery slope” of reasons now being ...

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Why the world isn’t growing worse in 2019


A friend once shared his unease about the bloodshed in the Middle East. Drawing on disturbing news dispatches, he exclaimed, “Catastrophe is increasing all around us.” The world, he was convinced, was ...

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TV station fires editor after altered video of President’s address


While the media says it doesn’t exist, another example of “fake news” has resulted in a major Seattle TV station firing a news editor after the station aired an altered video of ...

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New discoveries mark 2018 as exciting year in Biblical archaeology

It was an exciting year for archaeological discoveries in Israel. The Holy Land has more digs taking place than any place on earth. One reason is the building boom taking place that ...

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The unedited border wall address by President Trump


As part of our continuing effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of President Trump’s address on the border wall and the immigration crisis.  For ...

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Unedited Democrat response to Trump Oval Office address

In our continuing effort to bring you news that is unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of the Democrat response to President Trump by Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman ...

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Church leader says smartphones could usher in anti-Christ

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says smartphones risk bringing humanity closer to the arrival of the anti-Christ. Patriarch Kirill said the church does not oppose technological progress but is concerned ...

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Christians under attack by Communist Vietnam


Vietnam’s communist government is continuing its assault on Christians as  more are arrested for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ. This according to the persecution watchdog group, International Christian Concern (ICC). ...

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Pregnancy centers provide honesty and compassion…and the abortion industry hates it

We have all heard the familiar adage: if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it. This is the tactic the abortion industry is using today to attempt ...

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