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Should stores be open on Thanksgiving?

While some stores are making a point to shut down on Thanksgiving, many others are happy to be open and the trend seems to be growing for 2018. How should Christians respond? ...

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My name is Megan. This is my story of finding help and hope


Being nineteen, I thought, “it wouldn’t happen to me.” Well it did. I got pregnant and became a single mother as soon as we found out. Living in my mom’s basement, I ...

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125,000 kids looking for adoptive parents

A major adoption organization is calling attention to the ever increasing need for parents to step forward and bring some love to kids who need a family. President Trump has issued a ...

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Elected officials flip-flop on religious freedom

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is under fire from the very same Senators and Congressional Reps that previously voted for it it. The act, known as RFRA, was introduced in 1993 by ...

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Judge blocks US asylum ban

A federal judge has barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally. The move comes as a Central American caravan with thousands of people has ...

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Record number of tourists visiting Israel

The number of tourists visiting Israel surpassed last year’s record of 3.6 million on Friday, and the Israel Tourism Ministry is projecting entries will exceed four million by December 31. For the ...

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World Toilet Day highlights sanitation crisis


Millions of lives are at risk around the world for a lack of toilets according to campaigners marking World Toilet Day. The effort urges governments and businesses to invest more in sanitation. The ...

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Gordon Ramsay in town for restaurant makeover

He’s the gruff restaurateur that shows up at struggling or “past their prime” restaurants in a last ditch effort to save them. Gordon Ramsay’s show called “24 Hours to Hell and Back” which ...

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All CAP letters frighten college students


A British university’s professors have been told by the college’s administration not to use words in capital letters when setting assignments because it might frighten students into failure. Britains Express newspaper says ...

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Visit Lecompton to see Midwest’s largest Christmas trees and ornaments display

You can experience the holiday magic of Christmas when visiting Historic Lecompton, Kansas. Visitors can see an indoor display of over 150 Christmas trees decorated in antique, Victorian, vintage and theme decor – ...

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As ‘Season of Giving’ arrives, ministries ramp up


Weather forecasters are saying this will be brutal winter for the region. Record snow and low temperatures included. That means more families in need, more homeless looking for shelter and more opportunities ...

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Who’s popularity has plunged to just 25%?

Once touted as the John F. Kennedy of Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron has seemingly been cast out of “Camelot.” His popularity has dropped to just 25 percent, according to a major ...

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Salvation Army invites public to help on Thanksgiving

The Salvation Army of Kansas City will continue a longtime area holiday tradition with the return this month of its annual Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Volunteer opportunities for the Thanksgiving Day Dinner ...

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Missouri fears Medicaid expansion will bankrupt state

As neighboring states struggle with bankruptcy, some say brought on in part by Medicaid expansion, Missouri Republican lawmakers would rather fix the system than add another entitlement funded by taxpayers. Half of ...

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CBS News’ Major Garrett disagrees with CNN’s press conference incivility

On CBN’s Faith Nation last week, CBS White House Correspondent Major Garrett weighed in on the fight between CNN and the Trump Administration over the confiscation of reporter Jim Acosta’s White House press pass and the subsequent ...

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The strange death of Trump’s new drug tsar

Authorities investigating mysterious death of the nation’s first drug ‘tsar’– a high-level federal official tasked with lowering drug prices have determined he took his own life but questions remain. Daniel Best was ...

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National Christmas tree to stop here on its cross-country voyage

The official Christmas tree of the nation’s capitol is traveling across the country, and it’s making stops in Perry, KS, Kansas City, KS, and Independence, MO. The tree is making its way ...

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No bleach but you still need classes to feed homeless

soup homeless

The group of individuals known by what they do, provide Free Hot Soup and other food for the homeless, is not satisfied with the city’s revised policies this week. The Kansas City, ...

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Chinese judge shares horrific witness to executions, organ harvesting

In this narrative essay, Zhong Jinhua, a former judge and lawyer in Wenzhou, southeastern China, shares his harrowing experiences as a witness to mass executions, as well as organ harvesting from death ...

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Apple admits faulty iPhones, offers free repairs

Apple Inc said last week it had found serious issues affecting some of its iPhone X and 13-inch MacBook pro products and said the company would fix the faulty products free of ...

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Refugees in Kenya run for peace

KAJIADO, Kenya—In 2002, at age 9, James Nyang was to be taken as a child soldier so he could fight for his clan in South Sudan. It was his family’s turn to ...

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So what, or who, is a ‘Jayhawk’?


The term Jayhawk or Jayhawker has many connotations beyond being the mythical bird mascot of the University of Kansas. The term may have been adopted as far back as the Revolutionary War. ...

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Thanksgiving remembered as joy and loss


The year was 1971. Thanksgiving was different from any I remembered. Yes, my two brothers, their wives, my husband and I gathered with my mom at the big round dining room table. ...

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US vetoes UN’s annual condemnation of Israel

The United States for the first time voted against an annual U.N. resolution condemning Israeli control over the Golan Heights at the world body. The decision by the United States to change ...

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Area courts filled with kids getting new families today!

Hundreds of Missouri and Kansas children will find their “forever homes” today and over the weekend as courts are filled with families taking a new member into their homes. Saturday is National ...

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